192 research outputs found

    Simplifying the construction of domain-specific automatic programming systems: The NASA automated software development workstation project

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    An overview is presented of the Automated Software Development Workstation Project, an effort to explore knowledge-based approaches to increasing software productivity. The project focuses on applying the concept of domain specific automatic programming systems (D-SAPSs) to application domains at NASA's Johnson Space Center. A version of a D-SAPS developed in Phase 1 of the project for the domain of space station momentum management is described. How problems encountered during its implementation led researchers to concentrate on simplifying the process of building and extending such systems is discussed. Researchers propose to do this by attacking three observed bottlenecks in the D-SAPS development process through the increased automation of the acquisition of programming knowledge and the use of an object oriented development methodology at all stages of the program design. How these ideas are being implemented in the Bauhaus, a prototype workstation for D-SAPS development is discussed

    The SEC-system : reuse support for scheduling system development

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    Recently, in a joint cooperation of Stichting VNA, SAL Apotheken, the Faculty of Management and Organization, and the University Centre for Pharmacy, University of Groningen in the Netherlands, a Ph.D-study started regarding Apot(he)ek, Organization and Management (APOM). The APOM-project deals with the structuring and steering of pharmacy organization. The manageability of the internal pharmacy organization, and the manageability of the direct environment of pharmacy organization is the subject matter. The theoretical background of the APOM-project is described. A literature study was made to find mixes of objectives. Three mixes of objectives in pharmacy organization are postulated; the product mix, the process mix, and the customer mix. The typology will be used as a basic starting point for the empirical study in the next phase of the APOM-project.

    Building domain specific languages upon the dbject constraint language (DCl)

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    The paper aim is to demonstrate how to extend oel, both with new data struetures and operations, in order to use it as a domain specific specification language. This data structures and operations are domain specific, and identified as a result of a domain analysis process. In conjunction with appropriate transformation techniques it will be possible togenerate code directly from system specifications.Eje: Ingeniería del software. Computación gráfica y visualizaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Domain-specific languages

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    Domain-Specific Languages are used in software engineering in order to enhance quality, flexibility, and timely delivery of software systems, by taking advantage of specific properties of a particular application domain. This survey covers terminology, risks and benefits, examples, design methodologies, and implementation techniques of domain-specific languages as used for the construction and maintenance of software systems. Moreover, it covers an annotated selection of 75 key publications in the area of domain-specific languages

    A case-based reasoning (CBR) approach to software reusability, 1994

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    Software reuse is an attractive approach to improving software development productivity. In this thesis, a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) software reusability environment is developed, driven by object-oriented modelling techniques. This research discusses various aspects of the classification and retrieval mechanisms necessary to facilitate the reuse of software components. The facet classification scheme breaks down information into different categories, and this makes it possible to consider information about several different aspects or properties of the components. Facet represents the information most important with respect to reuse. Component specifications will be translated into a specification representing the facets in the classification scheme. The retrieval of software components is based on signature matching between the signatures of goal specifications and those of reusable components. The retrieval mechanism is supported by the CBR system ESTEEM