4,034 research outputs found

    Complex VLSI Feature Comparison for Commercial Microelectronics Verification

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    Shortcomings in IC verification make for glaring vulnerabilities in the form of hardware backdoors, or extraneous operation modes that allow unauthorized, undetected access. The DARPA TRUST program addressed the need for verification of untrusted circuits using industry-standard and custom software. The process developed under TRUST and implemented at the AFRL Mixed Signal Design Center has not been tested using real-world circuits outside of the designated TRUST test cases. This research demonstrates the potential of applying software designed for TRUST test articles on microchips from questionable sources. A specific process is developed for both transistor-level library cell verification and gate-level circuit verification. The relative effectiveness and scalability of the process are assessed

    Unattended network operations technology assessment study. Technical support for defining advanced satellite systems concepts

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    The results are summarized of an unattended network operations technology assessment study for the Space Exploration Initiative (SEI). The scope of the work included: (1) identified possible enhancements due to the proposed Mars communications network; (2) identified network operations on Mars; (3) performed a technology assessment of possible supporting technologies based on current and future approaches to network operations; and (4) developed a plan for the testing and development of these technologies. The most important results obtained are as follows: (1) addition of a third Mars Relay Satellite (MRS) and MRS cross link capabilities will enhance the network's fault tolerance capabilities through improved connectivity; (2) network functions can be divided into the six basic ISO network functional groups; (3) distributed artificial intelligence technologies will augment more traditional network management technologies to form the technological infrastructure of a virtually unattended network; and (4) a great effort is required to bring the current network technology levels for manned space communications up to the level needed for an automated fault tolerance Mars communications network

    The OAST space power program

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    The NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology (OAST) space power program was established to provide the technology base to meet power system requirements for future space missions, including the Space Station, earth orbiting spacecraft, lunar and planetary bases, and solar system exploration. The program spans photovoltaic energy conversion, chemical energy conversion, thermal energy conversion, power management, thermal management, and focused initiatives on high-capacity power, surface power, and space nuclear power. The OAST space power program covers a broad range of important technologies that will enable or enhance future U.S. space missions. The program is well under way and is providing the kind of experimental and analytical information needed for spacecraft designers to make intelligent decisions about future power system options

    Exploration of Digital Circuits and Transistor-Level Testing in the DARPA TRUST Program

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    The need to verify correct circuit operation has grown in recent years due to adversaries ability to compromise DoD systems. The DARPA program addressed this issue and implemented the DARPA TRUST program to verify untrusted circuits using software. The DARPA TRUST program was initiated in 2006 and due to this the limitations and potential errors in the program have not yet been fully explored. This research identifies the potential errors in the program by conducting transistor-level testing on circuits. The DARPA TRUST program currently operates at the gate-level and conducting various experiments at the transistor- level brought to light potential problems with current DARPA TRUST testing. The way that transistor-level verification is conducted is through netlist matching. A schematic of a circuit is created and the netlist is extracted, after that a metal layout of a circuit is created and the netlist is extracted. Once the two netlists are extracted, a matching program is used and the result determines if the verification process is successful. Parasitic capacitance was extracted in the metal layout version of a circuit and netlists were compared with the schematic version. Results show that parasitic capacitance is overlooked in the DARPA TRUST program even though this could potentially cause a fabricated device to fail. Transmission lines were simulated by creating metal wiring between two inverters. These metal lines mimic the operation of a transmission line. These transmission lines were experimented on and it was determined that the DARPA TRUST program does not effectively check for potential errors in transmission line fabrication. The results of this research brought to light the vulnerabilities in the DARPA TRUST program and addressed the need for the program to conduct transistor-level testing

    Report of the sensor cooler technology panel

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    The Sensor Cooler Technology Panel identified three major areas in which technology development must be supported in order to meet the system performance requirements for the Astrotech 21 mission set science objectives. They are: long life vibration free refrigerators; mechanical refrigeration for 2 K to 5 K; and flight testing of emerging prototype refrigerators. A development strategy and schedule were recommended for each of the three areas

    Concepts for on-board satellite image registration. Volume 3: Impact of VLSI/VHSIC on satellite on-board signal processing

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    Anticipated major advances in integrated circuit technology in the near future are described as well as their impact on satellite onboard signal processing systems. Dramatic improvements in chip density, speed, power consumption, and system reliability are expected from very large scale integration. Improvements are expected from very large scale integration enable more intelligence to be placed on remote sensing platforms in space, meeting the goals of NASA's information adaptive system concept, a major component of the NASA End-to-End Data System program. A forecast of VLSI technological advances is presented, including a description of the Defense Department's very high speed integrated circuit program, a seven-year research and development effort

    Advanced space system concepts and their orbital support needs (1980 - 2000). Volume 2: Final report

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    The results are presented of a study which identifies over 100 new and highly capable space systems for the 1980-2000 time period: civilian systems which could bring benefits to large numbers of average citizens in everyday life, much enhance the kinds and levels of public services, increase the economic motivation for industrial investment in space, expand scientific horizons; and, in the military area, systems which could materially alter current concepts of tactical and strategic engagements. The requirements for space transportation, orbital support, and technology for these systems are derived, and those requirements likely to be shared between NASA and the DoD in the time period identified. The high leverage technologies for the time period are identified as very large microwave antennas and optics, high energy power subsystems, high precision and high power lasers, microelectronic circuit complexes and data processors, mosaic solid state sensing devices, and long-life cryogenic refrigerators

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Process Mapping a Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Materiel Shortages Reactive Management Strategy: A Case Study

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    In order to handle its obligations, the Brazilian Ministry of Defense (MoD) will need an information system capable of managing logistics information from all military services. A project to develop an integrated information system to fit the requirements of different, but connected, organizations has inherent challenges. Differences in the organizational structures, cultures and political aspects, are key issues to be observed before the development to assure the project\u27s success. The same is applicable when trying to adapt an already existing information system to fill the needs of another organization. In the new organization, it is mandatory to assess the feasibility of the software\u27s alternatives available. Alternatives can be to adapt an existing information system or to develop a completely new system. This research sought to develop a method for assessing the organizational, cultural, and political considerations affecting the insertion of the Integrated Logistics Information System (SILOMS), developed by the Brazilian Air Force, into the MoD. The research develops a method for assisting decision makers in assessing the risks involved in the implementation of an information system in the MoD
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