765,582 research outputs found

    Do-It-Yourself Messiah

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    Program from the December 2, 2001 performance of Do-It-Yourself Messiah at Governors State University\u27s Center for Performing Arts.https://opus.govst.edu/cpa_memorabilia/1206/thumbnail.jp

    Game Banquet

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    At 6:30 in the evening on March 20, 1979 while most Iowa State students were at home eating dorm or make-do meals and growing weary-eyed from staring at reading assignments, the Ames Foresters and their friends were enjoying an exotic feast of North American wild game, and laughing and learning from the night7s entertainment. If you are one who missed this annual event, you should never forgive yourself, for it was a night well worth remembering

    The impact of cyberattacks on small states

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    The “Impact” series has often emphasized the importance of size and volume to survive in software and IT. But what if the size of your country is small and you face the same cyberthreats as much larger countries in the world? That is the case with small states that face the same cyberattacks while often having less means to defend themselves. You cannot grow a small state into a large state just to be able to defend yourself better against cyberattacks. What you can do is explained in this column.—Les Hatton and Michiel van Genuchte

    The Columns, 1975 July

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    Cover Story, Denim\u27s Her Design: Old \u27Anna\u27 New by Susan Crawford A 1970 Memphis State graduate, Anna Zapp has found her own Rocky Mountain high in designing shirts, skirts and jackets for such famous names as John and Annie Denver and Robert and Lola Redford. Also featured, University College: A Kind of do-it-yourself Program This fall, Memphis State University students will have an opportunity to cross departmental lines and design their own coursework by enrolling in a new degree planning program called the University College. President Billy M. Jones and Dr. Jerry Boone discuss the program in this issue of The Columns.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-alumni1/1056/thumbnail.jp

    From Kamchatka to Georgia: The Blue Blouse Movement and Early Soviet Spatial Practice

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    The Blue Blouse movement (1923-1933) organized thousands of workers into do-it-yourself variety theatre troupes performing “living newspapers” that consisted of topical sketches, songs, and dances at workers’ clubs across the Soviet Union. At its peak the group claimed more than 7,000 troupes and 100,000 members. At the same time that the movement was active, the Soviet state and its citizens were engaged in the massive project of building a new society reflecting the aims of the Revolution. As Vladimir Paperny has argued, part of this new society was a new spatial organization, one that stressed the horizontal over the vertical, the uniform of the hierarchical, and the collective over the individual. Relying on David Harvey’s revision of Henri Lefebvre’s spatial theories, this dissertation explores the role of the Blue Blouse movement in the production and reproduction of this new Soviet space, examining the spread of the movement across the material space of the Soviet Union; the production of a discursive space on the pages of Blue Blouse, the movement’s magazine; and the collective imagining of space on the stage during Blue Blouse performances. A detailed discussion of the Blue Blouse movement in Kharkiv, then capital of the Ukrainian SSR, examines the role that place, language, and nationality played in the new Soviet space. The concluding section deals with the displacement of the Blue Blouse from the center of the do-it-yourself theatre movement as its magazine was closed, its lead organizer arrested, and its work discredited. By aggressively promoting geographic and ethnic diversity in its bid to stretch “from Kamchatka to Georgia,” the Blue Blouse enabled participation in a shared spectacle, which imagined a citizenry appropriate to this new state

    Why planned attended homebirth should be more widely supported in Australia

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    This article argues that the continuing reluctance on the part of professional and bureaucratic bodies in Australia to provide for and support planned attended homebirth for low-risk women is unfounded according to the research evidence. It also suggests that such lack of support might be encouraging some planned but intentionally unattended homebirths to occur in Australia, particularly as in recent years there appears to have been an increase in popularity in freebirth (or do-it-yourself homebirth). The article calls for RANZCOG and Australian state health departments to support planned attended homebirth for low-risk women in the face of what is now a considerable amount of evidence showing its safety, when compared with unplanned homebirth and hospital birth. The article raises a number of challenging issues for obstetricians, midwives and managers or planners of maternity services

    Interlocking Corporations

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    Once more a striking phrase has suddenly become a part of our everyday speech and with it a cause, though it is as yet a more or less indefinite cause, has found a measure of prosperity. It is an effective phrase, one in which an advertising agent or a seeker of political catch words must take a pure delight. Interlocking directorates. You do not have to hear it often to find yourself thinking of the boards of directors of many of the big corporations in the land as mortised and fitted to work in perfect unison-an interlocking, interchangeable, intercorporate marvel of the joiner\u27s art. Nor does the imagination far outstrip the facts. In every city of any size how many interlocking corporations are there? How many are there in the big cities; some of state-wide importance, some of national or even international influence

    At What Ages Should the Judges Be Retired?

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    Now, the reason why, in spite of the fact that I have so many friends in this audience that this might affect, the reason why I believe that our legislature could well and should provide for the retirement of judges at seventy or upon the expiration of the term of service during which they reached the age of seventy is because of the fact that the voluntary retirement law does not work either with the federal judiciary or with our state courts. The reason that it doesn\u27t work is the precise reason why I believe the retirement should be compulsory, and that is after you reach a certain age you do not have the same judgment of matters and particularly of yourself that you have at an earlier age

    Concepts in quantum state tomography and classical implementation with intense light: a tutorial

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    A tomographic measurement is a ubiquitous tool for estimating the properties of quantum states, and its application is known as quantum state tomography (QST). The process involves manipulating single photons in a sequence of projective measurements, often to construct a density matrix from which other information can be inferred, and is as laborious as it is complex. Here we unravel the steps of a QST and outline how it may be demonstrated in a fast and simple manner with intense (classical) light. We use scalar beams in a time reversal approach to simulate the outcome of a QST and exploit non-separability in classical vector beams as a means to treat the latter as a “classically entangled” state for illustrating QSTs directly. We provide a complete do-it-yourself resource for the practical implementation of this approach, complete with tutorial video, which we hope will facilitate the introduction of this core quantum tool into teaching and research laboratories alike. Our work highlights the value of using intense classical light as a means to study quantum systems and in the process provides a tutorial on the fundamentals of QSTs
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