6 research outputs found

    Developing Interactive Android-Based E-Learning Media as a Virtual Laboratory for the Students of Office Administration Education

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    The industrial revolution 4.0 leads to an increase in job competition. It should eventually be prepared with personal competence, especially for students in the Department of Office Administration Education. The study aims to develop an interactive e-learning media as a virtual laboratory on a meeting organization course. This study aimed to examine the eligibility of the media and to know the response of the students. This study applied a research and development (R & D) model which developed by Borg and Gall. This virtual laboratory is designed with some attractive features such as (1) meeting schedule, (2) start the meeting, (3) meeting minutes, (4) content sharing, (5) chat, (6) meeting materials, (7) record the meeting, (8) and contact. The current research product is E-Learning media, an interactive virtual laboratory worth applying in the learning activities developed by the researchers. It is made based on the validation of the experts and the positive response of the students


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Model Pembelajaran digital teori penerjemahan di dengan berbasis platform Android. Model Pembelajaran ini dikhususkan untuk mengasah kemampuan penerjemahan pada mahasiswa semester 1, Program Studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Inggris, Universitas Darma Persada. Selain itu, Model Pembelajaran ini dapat mempermudah dosen dalam menyampaikan materi pembelajaran. Model Pembelajaran teori penerjemahan ini dikemas dalam bentuk aplikasi pada ponsel pintar berbasis platform android. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan mahasiswa dalam mengakses materi baik di dalam secara luring maupun di luar kelas secara daring. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 1 yang menempuh mata kuliah Theory of Translation, dosen mata kuliah Theory of Translation, ahli materi, dan ahli media. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan meliputi lembar observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Prosedur penelitian menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan dari Borg dan Gall yang dipadukan dengan Jolly dan Bolitho sehingga terangkum dalam tiga tahap penelitian utama, yaitu 1) tahap perencanaan, 2) tahap pengembangan, dan 3) tahap validasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skor rata-rata yang dihasilkan oleh ahli media adalah 3,8 dengan total 95% dan skor rata-rata sebesar 3,5 dengan total penilaian 89% oleh ahli materi yang dapat dikategorikan sangat layak. Kemudian, penilaian oleh dosen pengampu mata kuliah Theory of Translation memperoleh skor rata-rata 3,7 dengan total nilai 90,5% yang masuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Selanjutnya, hasil uji coba skala kecil yang dilakukan kepada 15 mahasiswa dengan skor rata-rata secara keseluruhan sebesar 3,9 dengan total persenan 97,5% terhitung dalam kategori layak. Dengan demikian, model Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak untuk digunakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, produk model pembelajaran digital yang dinamai “GlossatorIn” ini dapat memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa dan dosen pengampu mata kuliah teori terjemahan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran teori penerjemahan. Secara efisien, produk yang dikembangkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis terjemahan maupun analisa terjemahan mahasiswa secara mandiri maupun berkelompok. Kata kunci: model pembelajaran, teori penerjemahan, keterampilan penerjemahan, platform android. This study was aimed to develop digital teaching materials for the Theory of Translation based on the Android platform. This teaching material was devoted to honing the translation skills of first-semester students, English Language and Cultural Program, Universitas Darma Persada. In addition, these teaching materials can make it easier for lecturers to deliver learning materials. This Theory of Translation teaching material was packaged in the form of an application on a smartphone-based on the Android platform. It was purposed to make it easier for students to access material both inside and outside the classroom. Sources of data in this study were first semester students who took Theory of Translation courses, lecturers of Theory of Translation courses, material experts, and media experts. The research instruments used included observation sheets, interviews, and questionnaires. The research method used was research and development (R&D) methods. The research procedure used a research and development model from Borg and Gall combined with Jolly and Bolitho so that it was summarized in three main research stages, namely 1) planning stage, 2) development stage, and 3) validation stage. The results showed that the average score produced by media experts was 3.8 with a total of 95% and an average score of 3.5 with a total assessment of 89% by material experts which could be categorized as very feasible. Then, the assessment by the lecturer in Theory of Translation course obtained an average score of 3.7 with a total score of 90.5% which was included in the very decent category. Furthermore, the results of a small-scale trial conducted on 15 students with an overall average score of 3.9 with a total percentage of 97.5% were included in the appropriate category. Thus, the learning model developed is declared feasible to use. Based on the results of the research, the product of the digital learning model named "GlossatorIn" can meet the needs of students and lecturers who support translation theory courses in carrying out translation theory learning. Efficiently, the developed product can improve students' translation writing skills and translation analysis independently or in groups. Keywords: learning model, Theory of Translation, translation skills, android platform

    Deixis Variations of Place in Balinese Language

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    Balinese Languages geographically had varieties and social stratification. This study was intended to examine one aspect of social stratification varieties of Balinese Language i.e. deixis that refers to pragmatic studies. As well as, in order to describe deixis forms of place, deixis of place categories, variations and its use in the Balinese Language. The theory that was used in this research was dialectology and pragmatics theories, especially, it was deixis. The data were cited by observation method; note taking, therefore, it was analyzed to be presented within the informal method of deductive and inductive procedure. The results of the study were to show that deixis forms of the place of Balinese Language found a basic form, its form was derived by affixation and phrase forms of Balinese Language were able to be categorized including; verb, adjective, demonstrative pronoun, an adverb of place. Social stratification on deixis varieties of the place was obtained twenty towards its own varieties. Those are asi, aso, ami, ama, mider, and andap/kapara, they had their own function with reference to the pronoun

    The Development of an Android-Based Anggah-Ungguhing Balinese Language Dictionary

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    Indonesia is an archipelago country with a variety of local languages; one of which is Balinese (mother tongue), used by the Balinese people in daily life and in certain ritual ceremonies. In Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Department of Balinese Language Education, students have been given Anggah-Ungguhing in speaking subjects where they are taught to understand the use of Balinese language based on social strata.  But in the process of learning the Anggah-Ungguhing, there are some problems, including: 1) There is no media that supports learning of Anggah-Ungguhing vocabulary. 2) The motivation of students when learning Anggah-Ungguhing by using books is low. Based upon the analysis on the problems and previous researches, this study aims to: 1) Development of mobile dictionary to support the learning process Angggah - Ungguhing anywhere and anytime. 2) Measuring the level of student’s motivation are using mobile dictionary while learning vocabulary Anggah - Ungguhing. The method used in this research is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall based model. Based on the results of tests that have been done, mobile dictionaries can be declared successfully developed based on user needs. In this research has distributed about 60 questionnaires to measure the level of student’s motivation who use mobile dictionaries on learning Anggah - Ungguhing Balinese language. The result of the student’s motivation measurement shows that the motivation of the students that the learns Anggah - Ungguhing Balinese languange using mobile dictionary is in the positive category

    The Development of an Android-Based Anggah-Ungguhing Balinese Language Dictionary

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    Indonesia is an archipelago country with a variety of local languages; one of which is Balinese (mother tongue), used by the Balinese people in daily life and in certain ritual ceremonies. In Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Department of Balinese Language Education, students have been given Anggah-Ungguhing in speaking subjects where they are taught to understand the use of Balinese language based on social strata.  But in the process of learning the Anggah-Ungguhing, there are some problems, including: 1) There is no media that supports learning of Anggah-Ungguhing vocabulary. 2) The motivation of students when learning Anggah-Ungguhing by using books is low. Based upon the analysis on the problems and previous researches, this study aims to: 1) Development of mobile dictionary to support the learning process Angggah - Ungguhing anywhere and anytime. 2) Measuring the level of student’s motivation are using mobile dictionary while learning vocabulary Anggah - Ungguhing. The method used in this research is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with Waterfall based model. Based on the results of tests that have been done, mobile dictionaries can be declared successfully developed based on user needs. In this research has distributed about 60 questionnaires to measure the level of student’s motivation who use mobile dictionaries on learning Anggah - Ungguhing Balinese language. The result of the student’s motivation measurement shows that the motivation of the students that the learns Anggah - Ungguhing Balinese languange using mobile dictionary is in the positive category