18 research outputs found

    Method of Error Floor Mitigation in Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    A digital communication decoding method for low-density parity-check coded messages. The decoding method decodes the low-density parity-check coded messages within a bipartite graph having check nodes and variable nodes. Messages from check nodes are partially hard limited, so that every message which would otherwise have a magnitude at or above a certain level is re-assigned to a maximum magnitude

    Measurement Techniques for Transmit Source Clock Jitter for Weak Serial RF Links

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    Techniques for filtering clock jitter measurements are developed, in the context of controlling data modulation jitter on an RF carrier to accommodate low signal-to-noise ratio thresholds of high-performance error correction codes. Measurement artifacts from sampling are considered, and a tutorial on interpretation of direct readings is included

    Hardwarearchitektur für einen universellen LDPC Decoder

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine universelle Decoderarchitektur für einen Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) Code Decoder vorgestellt. Anders als bei den in der Literatur häufig beschriebenen Architekturen für strukturierte Codes ist die hier vorgestellte Architektur frei programmierbar, so dass jeder beliebige LDPC Code durch eine Änderung der Initialisierung des Speichers für die Prüfmatrix mit derselben Hardware decodiert werden kann. Die größte Herausforderung beim Entwurf von teilparallelen LDPC Decoder Architekturen liegt im konfliktfreien Datenaustausch zwischen mehreren parallelen Speichern und Berechnungseinheiten, wozu ein Mapping und Scheduling Algorithmus benötigt wird. Der hier vorgestellte Algorithmus stützt sich auf Graphentheorie und findet für jeden beliebigen LDPC Code eine für die Architektur optimale Lösung. Damit sind keine Wartezyklen notwendig und die Parallelität der Architektur wird zu jedem Zeitpunkt voll ausgenutzt

    Should Pruning be a Pre-Processor of any Linear System?

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    There are many real-world problems whose mathematical models turn out to be linear systems Ax = b , where A is an m by x n matrix. Each equation of the linear system is an information. An information, in a physical problem, such as 4 mangoes, 6 bananas, and 5 oranges cost $10, is mathematically modeled as 4x(sub 1) + 6x(sub 2) + 5x (sub 3) = 10, where x(sub 1), x(sub 2), x(sub 3) are each cost of one mango, that of one banana, and that of one orange, respectively. All the information put together in a specified context, constitutes the physical problem and need not be all distinct. Some of these could be redundant, which cannot be readily identified by inspection. The resulting mathematical model will thus have equations corresponding to this redundant information and hence are linearly dependent and thus superfluous. Consequently, these equations once identified should be better pruned in the process of solving the system. The benefits are (i) less computation and hence less error and consequently a better quality of solution and (ii) reduced storage requirements. In literature, the pruning concept is not in vogue so far although it is most desirable. In a numerical linear system, the system could be slightly inconsistent or inconsistent of varying degree. If the system is too inconsistent, then we should fall back on to the physical problem (PP), check the correctness of the PP derived from the material universe, modify it, if necessary, and then check the corresponding mathematical model (MM) and correct it. In nature/material universe, inconsistency is completely nonexistent. If the MM becomes inconsistent, it could be due to error introduced by the concerned measuring device and/or due to assumptions made on the PP to obtain an MM which is relatively easily solvable or simply due to human error. No measuring device can usually measure a quantity with an accuracy greater that 0.005% or, equivalently with a relative error less than 0.005%. Hence measurement error is unavoidable in a numerical linear system when the quantities are continuous (or even discrete with extremely large number). Assumptions, though not desirable, are usually made when we find the problem sufficiently difficult to be solved within the available means/tools/resources and hence distort the PP and the corresponding MM. The error thus introduced in the system could (not always necessarily though) make the system somewhat inconsistent. If the inconsistency (contradiction) is too much then one should definitely not proceed to solve the system in terms of getting a least-squares solution or a minimum norm solution or the minimum-norm least-squares solution. All these solutions will be invariably of no real-world use. If, on the other hand, inconsistency is reasonably low, i.e. the system is near-consistent or, equivalently, has near-linearly-dependent rows, then the foregoing solutions are useful. Pruning in such a near-consistent system should be performed based on the desired accuracy and on the definition of near-linear dependence. In this article, we discuss pruning over various kinds of linear systems and strongly suggest its use as a pre-processor or as a part of an algorithm. Ideally pruning should (i) be a part of the solution process (algorithm) of the system, (ii) reduce both computational error and complexity of the process, and (iii) take into account the numerical zero defined in the context. These are precisely what we achieve through our proposed O(mn2) algorithm presented in Matlab, that uses a subprogram of solving a single linear equation and that has embedded in it the pruning

    Closed-Loop Analysis of Soft Decisions for Serial Links

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    Modern receivers are providing soft decision symbol synchronization as radio links are challenged to push more data and more overhead through noisier channels, and software-defined radios use error-correction techniques that approach Shannon s theoretical limit of performance. The authors describe the benefit of closed-loop measurements for a receiver when paired with a counterpart transmitter and representative channel conditions. We also describe a real-time Soft Decision Analyzer (SDA) implementation for closed-loop measurements on single- or dual- (orthogonal) channel serial data communication links. The analyzer has been used to identify, quantify, and prioritize contributors to implementation loss in real-time during the development of software defined radios

    Should Pruning be a Pre-Processor of any Linear System?

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    There are many real-world problems whose mathematical models turn out to be linear systems Ax = b, where A is an m x n matrix. Each equation of the linear system is an information. An information, in a physical problem, such as 4 mangoes, 6 bananas, and 5 oranges cost $10, is mathematically modeled as an equation 4x(sub 1) + 6x(sub 2) + 5x(sub 3) = 10 , where x(sub 1), x(sub 2), x(sub 3) are each cost of one mango, that of one banana, and that of one orange, respectively. All the information put together in a specified context, constitutes the physical problem and need not be all distinct. Some of these could be redundant, which cannot be readily identified by inspection. The resulting mathematical model will thus have equations corresponding to this redundant information and hence are linearly dependent and thus superfluous. Consequently, these equations once identified should be better pruned in the process of solving the system. The benefits are (i) less computation and hence less error and consequently a better quality of solution and (ii) reduced storage requirements. In literature, the pruning concept is not in vogue so far although it is most desirable. It is assumed that at least one information, i.e. one equation is known to be correct and which will be our first equation. In a numerical linear system, the system could be slightly inconsistent or inconsistent of varying degree. If the system is too inconsistent, then we should fall back on to the physical problem (PP), check the correctness of the PP derived from the material universe, modify it, if necessary, and then check the corresponding mathematical model (MM) and correct it. In nature/material universe, inconsistency is completely nonexistent. If the MM becomes inconsistent, it could be due to error introduced by the concerned measuring device and/or due to assumptions made on the PP to obtain an MM which is relatively easily solvable or simply due to human error. No measuring device can usually measure a quantity with an accuracy greater that 0.005% or, equivalently with a relative error less than 0.005%. Hence measurement error is unavoidable in a numerical linear system when the quantities are continuous (or even discrete with extremely large number). Assumptions, though not desirable, are usually made when we find the problem sufficiently difficult to be solved within the available means/tools/resources and hence distort the PP and the corresponding MM. The . error thus introduced in the system could (not always necessarily though) make the system somewhat inconsistent. If the inconsistency (contradiction) is too much then one should definitely not proceed to solve the system in terms of getting a least-squares solution or the minimum-norm least-squares solution. All these solutions will be invariably of no real-world use. If, on the other hand, inconsistency is reasonably low, i.e. the system is near-consistent or, equivalently, has near-linearly-dependent rows, then the foregoing solutions are useful. Pruning in such a near-consistent system should be performed based on the desired accuracy and on the definition of near-linear dependence. In this article, we discuss pruning over various kinds of linear systems and strongly suggest its use as a pre-processor or as a part of an algorithm. Ideally pruning should (i) be a part of the solution process (algorithm) of the system, (ii) reduce both computational error and complexity of the process, and (iii) take into account the numerical zero defined in the context. These are precisely what we achieve through our proposed O(mn2) algorithm presented in Matlab, that uses a subprogram of solving a single linear equation and that has embedded in it the pruning

    A Pan-Function Model for the Utilization of Bandwidth Improvement and PAPR Reduction

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    Aiming at the digital quadrature modulation system, a mathematical Pan-function model of the optimized baseband symbol signals with a symbol length of 4T was established in accordance with the minimum out-band energy radiation criterion. The intersymbol interference (ISI), symbol-correlated characteristics, and attenuation factor were introduced to establish the mathematical Pan-function model. The Pan-function was added to the constraints of boundary conditions, energy of a single baseband symbol signal, and constant-envelope conditions. Baseband symbol signals with the optimum efficient spectrum were obtained by introducing Fourier series and minimizing the Pan-function. The characteristics of the spectrum and peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the obtained signals were analyzed and compared with the minimum shift keying (MSK) and quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK) signals. The obtained signals have the characteristics of a higher spectral roll-off rate, less out-band radiation, and quasi-constant envelope. We simulated the performance of the obtained signals, and the simulation results demonstrate that the method is feasible

    Low Complexity Rate Compatible Puncturing Patterns Design for LDPC Codes

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    In contemporary digital communications design, two major challenges should be addressed: adaptability and flexibility. The system should be capable of flexible and efficient use of all available spectrums and should be adaptable to provide efficient support for the diverse set of service characteristics. These needs imply the necessity of limit-achieving and flexible channel coding techniques, to improve system reliability. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes fit such requirements well, since they are capacity-achieving. Moreover, through puncturing, allowing the adaption of the coding rate to different channel conditions with a single encoder/decoder pair, adaptability and flexibility can be obtained at a low computational cost.In this paper, the design of rate-compatible puncturing patterns for LDPCs is addressed. We use a previously defined formal analysis of a class of punctured LDPC codes through their equivalent parity check matrices. We address a new design criterion for the puncturing patterns using a simplified analysis of the decoding belief propagation algorithm, i.e., considering a Gaussian approximation for message densities under density evolution, and a simple algorithmic method, recently defined by the Authors, to estimate the threshold for regular and irregular LDPC codes on memoryless binary-input continuous-output Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channels

    Irregular vector turbo codes with low complexity

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    The term Block Turbo Code typically refers to the iterative decoding of a serially concatenated two-dimensional systematic block code. This paper introduces a Vector Turbo Code that is irregular but with code rates comparable to those of a Block Turbo Code (BTC) when the Bahl Cocke Jelinek Raviv algorithm is used. In BTC’s, the horizontal (or vertical) blocks are encoded first and the vertical (or horizontal) blocks second. The irregular Vector Turbo Code (iVTC) uses information bits that participate in varying numbers of trellis sections, which are organized into blocks that are encoded horizontally (or vertical) without vertical (or horizontal) encoding. The decoding requires only one soft-input soft-output decoder. In general, a reduction in complexity, in comparison to a BTC was achieved for the same very low probability of bit error (10−5). Performance in the AWGN channel shows that iVTC is capable of achieving a significant coding gain of 1.28dB for a 64QAM modulation scheme, at a bit error rate of 10−5over its corresponding BTC. Simulation results also show that some of these codes perform within 0.49dB of capacity for binary transmission over an AWGN channel