6 research outputs found


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    The era of industrial revolution 4.0 has changed and affected our lives, including in education. One of the technologies that had a significant impact was the smartphone. Smartphones can be a learning media that helps students clarify concepts, create enthusiasm for learning, and provide new and interesting experiences. This research aims to design a learning application integrated with marker-less augmented reality for chemical bond materials. Chemical bonds are one of the abstract concepts in chemistry, making it challenging for students to understand. This study follows an educational design research approach using the Plomp development model. Based on preliminary research and prototype stages, the design of this learning application has successfully run well according to the plan through self-evaluation and has produced prototype II. Therefore, it is hoped that this learning media, in the form of an application, will support learning activities in schools.Era revolusi industri 4.0 telah banyak mengubah dan mempengaruhi berbagai aspek dikehidupan kita, termasuk dibidang pendidikan. Salah satu teknologi yang memiliki dampak terbesar saat ini adalah smartphone. Smartphone dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dalam bentuk aplikasi pembelajaran yang membantu peserta didik memperjelas konsep, menimbulkan semangat belajar, dan akan memberikan pengalaman baru serta menarik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan merancang aplikasi pembelajaran interaktif terintegrasi Markerless Augmented Reality pada materi ikatan kimia. Ikatan kimia merupakan salah satu materi kimia yang konsepnya bersifat abstrak sehingga sulit untuk dipahami peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Educational Design Resesarch menggunakan model pengembangan Plomp. Berdasarkan penelitian awal dan tahap prototipe, diperoleh hasil bahwasanya perancangan aplikasi pembelajaran ini telah berhasil berjalan sesuai dengan rancangan melalui Self-Evaluation dan menghasilkan prototipe II. Sehingga, media pembelajaran dalam bentuk aplikasi pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat mendukung kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah

    The Existing Of Supportive Technology Tools For Hand Motor-Impaired User: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Diabetes Users who encounter physical and motor impairment persist in struggle to archive the target of performance in the form of hand gesture improvement. Hand gestures are allowed people to give a sign as a communicate medium and to hold, grip and pinch the object. The low ability of hands makes the movement or gesture limited and difficult for them to do the routine activity. This review aim to evaluate the effect of whether the existing supportive technology can assist the hand motor-impairment user. A total of 31 papers were identified and only 10 papers were selected in this review. In this paper, the existing supportive technology tools in the field of motor rehabilitation which is focused on hand motor-impaired users are reviewed. The existing of supportive technology for hand motor-impaired user is not a new field as the paper reviewed from 2014 until 2019. There are few innovations or initiatives from the previous research and study that give a positive effect on the users were identified. Future research is needed to further appreciate and improved the desired role of people with hands motor-impaired in meaningful technology development

    Revisão sistemática sobre as vantagens e desafios no uso de realidade aumentada como ferramenta pedagógica no ensino médio

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    The teaching process is dynamic and from the beginning adapts to the reality of a certain time. Education has been heavily influenced by the growth of new technologies, including Augmented Reality (insertion of virtual elements in the real world), by its ability to illustrate very abstract concepts. To understand how this new technology has been used as a pedagogical tool in high school and the results obtained, this paper performs a systematic review of articles found in various scientific databases. Through the analysis of the obtained documents, this study shows an overview of the research that is being done on Augmented Reality applied to High School around the world, its techniques, and areas of interest, challenges and opportunities. Based on the results found, it is observed that the improved learning and motivation to learn stand out in the analyzed studies and corroborate the results found in initial research in this area.O processo de ensino é dinâmico e desde o princípio se adapta a realidade de uma determinada época. A educação vem sendo muito influenciada pelo crescimento de novas tecnologias, dentre as quais se destaca a Realidade Aumentada (inserção de elementos virtuais no mundo real), pela sua capacidade de ilustrar conceitos muito abstratos. Para compreender como esta nova tecnologia vem sendo empregada como ferramenta pedagógica no Ensino Médio e os resultados obtidos, este trabalho realiza uma revisão sistemática sobre artigos encontrados em diversas bases de dados científicas. Por meio da análise dos documentos obtidos, este estudo exibe um panorama das pesquisas que vem sendo realizadas sobre Realidade Aumentada, aplicadas ao Ensino Médio, em todo o mundo, suas técnicas, áreas de interesse, desafios e oportunidades. Com base nos resultados encontrados observa-se que a melhora na aprendizagem e a motivação em apreender se destacam nos trabalhos analisados e estes corroboram os resultados encontrados em pesquisas iniciais nesta área

    A percepção de professores de química do ensino superior sobre experimentos didáticos controlados remotamente: um estudo a partir da construção de uma titulação ácido-base

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    This study investigated the perceptions of higher education chemistry teachers about the use of ICT in chemistry teaching and qualitatively analyzed their perceptions on the didactic use of a remotely controlled experiment. The selection criteria for the participants were teachers who had taught General Experimental Chemistry at some point in their career and who belonged to the chemistry course faculty at a Federal University in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. With no distinction being made regarding the respective training or area of expertise. The construction of the Remote Controlled Didactic Experiment (ECDR) on Acid-Base Titration and all stages of idealization, modeling, and programming were carried out in a Remote Laboratory. After validating the experiment prototype, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the aim of understand the role of experimentation in chemistry, how the interviewees use ICT in their classes, their understanding of remote experiments, and their perceptions of the EDCR built. The data analysis revealed resistance from these teachers to the use of ICT in experimental contexts and a lack of knowledge about what remote experiments are and how they can be used in the context of chemistry teaching. When presented with an experiment developed with didactic objectives, the teachers' perception changed, leading them to consider using ICT in their experimental practices as an auxiliary tool for the chemistry teaching process.O trabalho investigou as percepções de professores de química do Ensino Superior sobre o uso de TDIC no Ensino de Química, e analisou qualitativamente as percepções destes docentes sobre o uso didático de um experimento controlado remotamente. Os critérios de seleção dos participantes foram docentes que lecionaram Química Geral Experimental em algum momento de sua carreira e pertencentes ao quadro de docentes do curso de Química em uma Universidade Federal do sul de Minas Gerais, não sendo feita quaisquer distinções com relação à respectiva formação ou área de atuação destes docentes. A construção do Experimento Didático Controlado Remotamente (EDCR) sobre Titulação Ácido-Base e todas as etapas de idealização, modelagem e programação foram realizadas em um Laboratório Remoto. Após a validação do protótipo do experimento, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com o objetivo de compreender qual o papel da experimentação na química, como os entrevistados utilizam as TDIC em suas aulas, qual a compreensão sobre experimento remoto e quais as percepções sobre o EDCR construído. A análise dos dados revelou resistência por parte destes docentes com relação ao uso das TDIC em contextos experimentais, e um desconhecimento sobre o que são experimentos remotos e como eles podem ser utilizados no contexto da química. Ao serem apresentados com um experimento desenvolvido com objetivos didáticos, a percepção dos professores foi alterada, fazendo com que passassem a considerar a utilizarem a TDIC em suas práticas experimentais como uma ferramenta auxiliar para o processo de ensino da químic

    Investigating students’ affective states toward laboratory and context-based chemistry

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    Observations of natural phenomena are made possible with the invention of scientific apparatus and instruments. The focus in science education, however, has primarily been on theories rather than what enables the development of such theories, and chemistry curricula reflect this tradition. Introducing students to the role of instruments in science, both in experimental and theoretical aspects, can improve students’ overall understanding of, and appreciation for scientific practices. In addition, students’ increased perception of how chemical concepts are developed and how scientific observations are made can advance their awareness of the nature of science, thereby improving scientific literacy. Integrating the idea that instruments hold a central role in scientific progression can be achieved in both laboratories and lectures, providing students with opportunities to connect concepts to history, scientific practices, and applications. This dissertation is comprised of a series of studies which explores the use of technology and context-based curricular approach to provide general chemistry students with more information about instruments and applications in chemistry. Based on constructivism and the theory of meaningful learning, the affective learning domain, such as attitudes and motivation, was assessed in both chemistry laboratory and lecture courses. An augmented reality tool designed to connect students to information about commonly used instruments in a general chemistry lab course, specifically a pH meter and conductivity meter, was developed, implemented, and its effects on student learning and attitudes were investigated. In addition, for a chemistry lecture course, a context-based curricular approach was taken to introduce students to chemical concepts related to real-life applications, as well as to the role of scientific instruments, and this effort was assessed

    Assessing the Efficacy of Virtual Experiments in the General Chemistry Laboratory

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    As more students enroll in chemistry courses, institutions are faced with increasing costs and limited laboratory space to keep up with the demand. One solution some institutions have turned to is the incorporation of virtual experiments into the curriculum, as this can lower costs and increase the availability of laboratory space. Some institutions have offered sections that complete all of their experiments in a virtual environment, others have offered sections that alternate between a traditional hands-on experiment and a virtual experiment, and some institutions have replaced only select experiments throughout the curriculum with a virtual experiment. To begin to be able to assess the affective outcomes in laboratory settings that include virtual experiments, six existing affective scales were modified for use in the laboratory setting. Sufficient evidence of the reliability and validity of the data from the existing scales was found. The functioning scales were then used to assess the affective outcomes of a Beer\u27s Law experiment, a calorimetry experiment, and a titration experiment in both a hands-on and virtual learning environment. To assess the cognitive outcomes in these experiments, rubrics based on common learning objectives were used to determine if students in both learning environments were able to meet instructors\u27 learning objectives for the experiment. The affective and cognitive outcomes were compared for each experiment to determine whether there was a difference between learning environments and also across the three experiments. The findings of this work are presented throughout this dissertation