206,368 research outputs found

    Improving IS Functions Step by Step: the Use of Focus Area Maturity Models

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    With new technologies developing rapidly and becoming more common, organizations need to keep up their IS capabilities. Maturity models are designed as a means to support capability development. The existing literature is strongly dominated by studies of fixed-level maturity models, i.e. maturity models that distinguish a limited set of generic maturity levels, such as the well-known CMM. We argue that, while fixed-level maturity models may be well-suited to assessing the maturity of IS capabilities, another form of maturity model, the focus area maturity model, is better suited to supporting incremental improvement. In this paper we define the concept of focus area maturity model. We use a design-science research method, basing our work on both extensive industry experience and scientific investigation

    IT Governance Maturity: Developing a Maturity Model Using the Delphi Method

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    To advance in maturity, organizations should pay attention to both the hard and soft sides of IT governance (ITG). The hard side is related to processes and structure, the soft side to social aspects like behavior and organizational culture. This paper describes a study to develop an ITG maturity model (MM) that includes both. Our research method is based on literature study, the Delphi method and makes use of a Group Decision Support System. We chose to design a focus area MM. In this type of MM maturity is determined by a set of focus areas. The study reveals one MM as being appropriate for hard ITG. For soft ITG we found no single model appropriate. Soft governance needs more specific capabilities defined for each focus area individually. Based on knowledge from literature and experts we selected models for each focus area. Three alternatives for informal organization need further research

    Evaluasi Cobit Dan Perancangan IT Balanced Scorecard Untuk Perbaikan Penerapan System Development

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    . System development life cycle (SDLC) procedures has an important role in the process of system development in BRI Information Systems Technology (TSI) Division. This research aims to select the COBIT IT processes that are used as evaluation focus area of SDLC implementation, assess the maturity level of SDLC implementation, provide recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation, and design a framework IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) about improvement of SDLC implementation. The sampling method using purposive sampling and maturity models COBIT 4.1 as an assessment tool to measure the maturity level of SDLC implementation through a survey. Survey data were analyzed with a maturity level analysis and gap analysis. The results showed that the TSI Division is at maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Gap analysis generates recommendations for improvements based on detailed control objectives (DCO) COBIT that has not reached the expected maturity level (EML). Finally recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation presented in the form of framework IT BSC

    Evaluasi Cobit dan Perancangan IT Balanced Scorecard untuk Perbaikan Penerapan System Development

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    Abstrak. Prosedur system development life cycle (SDLC) mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses pengembangan sistem di Divisi Teknologi Sistem Informasi (TSI) Bank BRI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih proses IT COBIT yang digunakan sebagai fokus area evaluasi penerapan SDLC, menilai maturity level dari penerapan SDLC, memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan penerapan SDLC, dan merancang kerangka kerja IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) tentang perbaikan penerapan SDLC. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dan maturity model COBIT 4.1 sebagai alat assessment untuk mengukur maturity level dari penerapan SDLC melalui sebuah survei. Data hasil survei dianalisa dengan analisis maturity level dan analisis gap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Divisi TSI berada pada maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Analisis gap menghasilkan rekomendasi perbaikan berdasarkan detail control objective (DCO) COBIT yang tidak memenuhi expected maturity level (EML). Akhirnya rekomendasi perbaikan disajikan dalam bentuk kerangka kerja IT BSC.Kata kunci: system life cycle development, IT balanced scorecard, COBIT 4.1, detail control objective, maturity levelAbstract. System development life cycle (SDLC) procedures has an important role in the process of system development in BRI Information Systems Technology (TSI) Division. This research aims to select the COBIT IT processes that are used as evaluation focus area of SDLC implementation, assess the maturity level of SDLC implementation, provide recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation, and design a framework IT balanced scorecard (IT BSC) about improvement of SDLC implementation. The sampling method using purposive sampling and maturity models COBIT 4.1 as an assessment tool to measure the maturity level of SDLC implementation through a survey. Survey data were analyzed with a maturity level analysis and gap analysis. The results showed that the TSI Division is at maturity level 3 (Defined Process). Gap analysis generates recommendations for improvements based on detailed control objectives (DCO) COBIT that has not reached the expected maturity level (EML). Finally recommendations for improvement of SDLC implementation presented in the form of framework IT BSC.Keywords: system life cycle development, IT balanced scorecard, COBIT 4.1, detail control objective, maturity leve

    Towards a business-IT alignment maturity model for collaborative networked organizations

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    Aligning business and IT in networked organizations is a complex endeavor because in such settings, business-IT alignment is driven by economic processes instead of by centralized decision-making processes. In order to facilitate managing business-IT alignment in networked organizations, we need a maturity model that allows collaborating organizations to assess the current state of alignment and take appropriate action to improve it where needed. In this paper we propose the first version of such a model, which we derive from various alignment models and theories

    Digital maturity variables and their impact on the enterprise architecture layers

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    This study examines the variables of digital maturity of companies. The framework for enterprise architectures Archimate 3.0 is used to compare the variables. The variables are assigned to the six layers of architecture: Strategy, Business Environment, Applications, Technology, Physical and Implementation and Migration. On the basis of a literature overview, 15 “digital maturity models” with a total of 147 variables are analyzed. The databases Scopus, EBSCO – Business Source Premier and ProQuest are used for this purpose

    Developing an inter-enterprise alignment maturity model: research challenges and solutions

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    Business-IT alignment is pervasive today, as organizations strive to achieve competitive advantage. Like in other areas, e.g., software development, maintenance and IT services, there are maturity models to assess such alignment. Those models, however, do not specifically address the aspects needed for achieving alignment between business and IT in inter-enterprise settings. In this paper, we present the challenges we face in the development of an inter-enterprise alignment maturity model, as well as the current solutions to counter these problems

    Validating adequacy and suitability of business-IT alignment criteria in an inter-enterprise maturity model

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    Aligning requirements of a business with its information technology is currently a major issue in enterprise computing. Existing literature indicates important criteria to judge the level of alignment between business and IT within a single enterprise. However, identifying such criteria in an inter-enterprise setting – or re-thinking the existing ones – is hardly addressed at all. Business-IT alignment in such settings poses new challenges, as in inter-enterprise collaborations, alignment is driven by economic processes instead of centralized decision-making processes. In our research, we develop a maturity model for business-IT alignment in inter-enterprise settings that takes this difference into account. In this paper, we report on a multi-method approach we devised to confront the validation of the business-IT alignment criteria that we included in the maturity model. As independent feedback is critical for our validation, we used a focus group session and a case study as instruments to take the first step in validating the business-IT alignment criteria. We present how we applied our approach, what we learnt, and what the implications were for our model
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