1,295 research outputs found

    Development of life prediction capabilities for liquid propellant rocket engines. Post-fire diagnostic system for the SSME system architecture study

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    This system architecture task (1) analyzed the current process used to make an assessment of engine and component health after each test or flight firing of an SSME, (2) developed an approach and a specific set of objectives and requirements for automated diagnostics during post fire health assessment, and (3) listed and described the software applications required to implement this system. The diagnostic system described is a distributed system with a database management system to store diagnostic information and test data, a CAE package for visual data analysis and preparation of plots of hot-fire data, a set of procedural applications for routine anomaly detection, and an expert system for the advanced anomaly detection and evaluation

    Resident database interfaces to the DAVID system, a heterogeneous distributed database management system

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    A methodology for building interfaces of resident database management systems to a heterogeneous distributed database management system under development at NASA, the DAVID system, was developed. The feasibility of that methodology was demonstrated by construction of the software necessary to perform the interface task. The interface terminology developed in the course of this research is presented. The work performed and the results are summarized

    The development of a post-test diagnostic system for rocket engines

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    An effort was undertaken by NASA to develop an automated post-test, post-flight diagnostic system for rocket engines. The automated system is designed to be generic and to automate the rocket engine data review process. A modular, distributed architecture with a generic software core was chosen to meet the design requirements. The diagnostic system is initially being applied to the Space Shuttle Main Engine data review process. The system modules currently under development are the session/message manager, and portions of the applications section, the component analysis section, and the intelligent knowledge server. An overview is presented of a rocket engine data review process, the design requirements and guidelines, the architecture and modules, and the projected benefits of the automated diagnostic system

    A machine entity for a coordinate measurement machine : the generic workcell project

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    The Center for Manufacturing Systems (CMS) department at New Jersey Institute of Technology and Siemens Corporate Research located in Princeton have agreed to jointly implement a research project in generic workcell control architectures. This paper discusses the module, called a Machine Entity, developed by the author that interfaces the Brown & Sharpe Coordinate Measurement Machine located on the CMS factory floor with the cell control software. The module has been designed in such a manner to simplify the development of future Machine Entities, thereby reducing the time required to integrate the CMS factory floor

    Development of a comprehensive software engineering environment

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    The generation of a set of tools for software lifecycle is a recurring theme in the software engineering literature. The development of such tools and their integration into a software development environment is a difficult task because of the magnitude (number of variables) and the complexity (combinatorics) of the software lifecycle process. An initial development of a global approach was initiated in 1982 as the Software Development Workbench (SDW). Continuing efforts focus on tool development, tool integration, human interfacing, data dictionaries, and testing algorithms. Current efforts are emphasizing natural language interfaces, expert system software development associates and distributed environments with Ada as the target language. The current implementation of the SDW is on a VAX-11/780. Other software development tools are being networked through engineering workstations

    Consideration of interdependencies in the relational database system, and, A proposal and evaluation of an expert system for the relational database structure

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    This thesis addresses the issue of interdependencies in Distributed and non-Distributed Relational Database Management Systems and proposes a design and development of an Expert System to manage and enhance the current available Database Structures; In the first part, we study, compare and evaluate the interdependencies found in the operating environment relevant to the Distributed Relational structure. Hardware and software configurations are grouped and compared in an attempt to understand the interdependencies of the system so that an optimal configuration may be obtained; In the second part, we designed and developed an Expert System configuration with ease of use and functionality as foremost concerns. The system reuses the transient tables used to service queries to achieve a performance improvement without explicit user knowledge. Basic fragmentation principles are also used to aid in performance by implicitly restructuring the tables within a database to balance access time. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.)

    From X100 to Vectorwise: opportunities, challenges and things most researchers do not think about

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    textabstractIn 2008 a group of researchers behind the X100 database kernel created Vectorwise: a spin-o which together with the Actian corporation (previously Ingres) worked on bringing this technology to the market. Today, Vectorwise is a popular product and one of the examples of conversion of a research prototype into successful commercial software. We describe here some of the interesting aspects of the work performed by the Vectorwise development team in the process, and discuss the op- portunities and challenges resulting from the decision of integrating a prototype-quality kernel with Ingres, an established commercial product. We also discuss how requirements coming from real-life scenarios sometimes clashed with design choices and simplications often found in research projects, and how Vectorwise team addressed some of of them
