5 research outputs found


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    This research aims to develop a lesson plan (RPP) using the flipped classroom learning model to teach English material for class VIII/Semester 1 concerning the expressions of asking for and giving opinions for the Islamic junior high school level referring to the 2013 curriculum policy and supporting the 21st-century learning skills. The researcher adapted the research and development (R&D) design carried out by Gooch (2012). Researchers have adapted and simplified the research and development (R&D) stages into four stages, including: (1) Research analysis and needs analysis/proof of concept; (2) Product planning and design; (3) Development of the preliminary form of a product; (4) Expert validation. The participants of this research consisted of an English teacher and five students. Researchers collected the data using literature review, interviews, and documentation. Sources of data for this research were collected from (1) Several literature references, (2) Results of interviews with the needs of students and English teachers, and (2) the Syllabus and the eighth-grade English lesson plan made by the English teacher. The findings in this research indicate that the flipped classroom lesson plan product, which refers to the 2013 curriculum policy, has many components and indicators, including 13 components containing 39 indicators of the 2013 curriculum learning plan and seven components containing 31 indicators of the flipped classroom model. The relevance of the flipped classroom lesson plan between the indicators and their application in the results of research products from experts is 89.42% with categories relevant to the conclusion from experts that the product is suitable for use with adjustments based on input

    Flipped Classroom in the training of cultural science practitioner: a systematic review

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    El Flipped Classroom (FC) es un modelo educativo que invierte las tareas de casa y aula para brindar más espacio al aprendizaje activo en las sesiones sincrónicas mediante la combinación de estrategias flexibles y herramientas digitales. El estudio presenta una revisión sistemática de investigaciones empíricas sobre FC en la formación de profesionales de ciencias fácticas (culturales). La revisión se fundamenta en los indicadores de calidad que sostiene PRISMA con una muestra de 55 artículos de investigación seleccionados con criterios de inclusión y exclusión de las bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science sobre el FC en estudiantes universitarios del campo de las ciencias fácticas entre los años 2016-2020. Los estudios analizados muestran significancia del FC en los estudiantes, así como una actitud, motivación y satisfacción positiva. El modelo se ajusta a otras estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje mediante la participación tecnológica y pedagógica. Las limitaciones refieren al tamaño de muestra, duración de la intervención y falta de validación de instrumentos de medición y programas de aplicación. En conclusión, el FC genera un efecto positivo de las propuestas a nivel académico y motivacional para la formación de profesionales en las ciencias fácticas. Se propone cuatro futuras líneas de investigación para este modelo.The Flipped Classroom (FC) is an educational model that reverses home and classroom tasks to provide more space for active learning in synchronous sessions by combining flexible strategies and digital tools. The study presents a systematic review of empirical research on FC in the education of factual (cultural) science professionals. The review is based on the quality indicators supported by PRISMA with a sample of 55 research articles selected with inclusion and exclusion criteria from the Scopus and Web of Science databases on FC in university students in the field of factual sciences between 2016-2020. The studies analysed show significance of FC in students, as well as positive attitude, motivation and satisfaction. The model fits with other teaching-learning strategies through technological and pedagogical participation. Limitations refer to the sample size, duration of the intervention and lack of validation of measurement instruments and application programmes. In conclusion, the FC generates a positive effect of the proposals at the academic and motivational level for the training of professionals in the factual sciences. Four future lines of research are proposed for this model.Facultad de Informátic

    Arts & Entrepreneurship in Language Studies

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    The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

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    The promotion and application of computer technology in the education field has been driving the continuous innovation and development of traditional teaching methods. As a new type of blended learning model, flipping classroom can be well combined with computer technology to effectively improve the quality of education and teaching in colleges and universities. he Moodle provides a good network support platform for the implementation of flipping classroom. This pa-per aims to develop a new flipped classroom teaching model. Supported by Moodle and adhering to the philosophy of self-learning, this teaching model ar-ranges learning tasks according to the different characteristics and needs of learn-ers. Through interactions, it can develop students’ self-learning abilities and im-prove their learning efficiency; through online tracking, it can understand stu-dents’ learning dynamics in time and guide them in preview of knowledge points before class to allow them to think clearly. The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of the flipped classroom teaching method based on Moodle so as to find out what to improve in this model and make it widely applied in college teaching to cultivate more applied talents

    The Design and Application of Flip Classroom Teaching Based on Computer Technology

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