18 research outputs found

    The Densest k-Subhypergraph Problem

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    The Densest kk-Subgraph (DkkS) problem, and its corresponding minimization problem Smallest pp-Edge Subgraph (SppES), have come to play a central role in approximation algorithms. This is due both to their practical importance, and their usefulness as a tool for solving and establishing approximation bounds for other problems. These two problems are not well understood, and it is widely believed that they do not an admit a subpolynomial approximation ratio (although the best known hardness results do not rule this out). In this paper we generalize both DkkS and SppES from graphs to hypergraphs. We consider the Densest kk-Subhypergraph problem (given a hypergraph (V,E)(V, E), find a subset WVW\subseteq V of kk vertices so as to maximize the number of hyperedges contained in WW) and define the Minimum pp-Union problem (given a hypergraph, choose pp of the hyperedges so as to minimize the number of vertices in their union). We focus in particular on the case where all hyperedges have size 3, as this is the simplest non-graph setting. For this case we provide an O(n4(43)/13+ϵ)O(n0.697831+ϵ)O(n^{4(4-\sqrt{3})/13 + \epsilon}) \leq O(n^{0.697831+\epsilon})-approximation (for arbitrary constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0) for Densest kk-Subhypergraph and an O~(n2/5)\tilde O(n^{2/5})-approximation for Minimum pp-Union. We also give an O(m)O(\sqrt{m})-approximation for Minimum pp-Union in general hypergraphs. Finally, we examine the interesting special case of interval hypergraphs (instances where the vertices are a subset of the natural numbers and the hyperedges are intervals of the line) and prove that both problems admit an exact polynomial time solution on these instances.Comment: 21 page

    The Densest kk-Subhypergraph Problem

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    The Maximum Exposure Problem

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    Given a set of points P and axis-aligned rectangles R in the plane, a point p in P is called exposed if it lies outside all rectangles in R. In the max-exposure problem, given an integer parameter k, we want to delete k rectangles from R so as to maximize the number of exposed points. We show that the problem is NP-hard and assuming plausible complexity conjectures is also hard to approximate even when rectangles in R are translates of two fixed rectangles. However, if R only consists of translates of a single rectangle, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme. For general rectangle range space, we present a simple O(k) bicriteria approximation algorithm; that is by deleting O(k^2) rectangles, we can expose at least Omega(1/k) of the optimal number of points

    Exact Partitioning of High-order Planted Models with a Tensor Nuclear Norm Constraint

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    We study the problem of efficient exact partitioning of the hypergraphs generated by high-order planted models. A high-order planted model assumes some underlying cluster structures, and simulates high-order interactions by placing hyperedges among nodes. Example models include the disjoint hypercliques, the densest subhypergraphs, and the hypergraph stochastic block models. We show that exact partitioning of high-order planted models (a NP-hard problem in general) is achievable through solving a computationally efficient convex optimization problem with a tensor nuclear norm constraint. Our analysis provides the conditions for our approach to succeed on recovering the true underlying cluster structures, with high probability