2,619 research outputs found

    The Dual Polynomial of Bipartite Perfect Matching

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    We obtain a description of the Boolean dual function of the Bipartite Perfect Matching decision problem, as a multilinear polynomial over the Reals. We show that in this polynomial, both the number of monomials and the magnitude of their coefficients are at most exponential in O(nlog⁥n)\mathcal{O}(n \log n). As an application, we obtain a new upper bound of O(n1.5log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(n^{1.5} \sqrt{\log n}) on the approximate degree of the bipartite perfect matching function, improving the previous best known bound of O(n1.75)\mathcal{O}(n^{1.75}). We deduce that, beyond a O(log⁥n)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{\log n}) factor, the polynomial method cannot be used to improve the lower bound on the bounded-error quantum query complexity of bipartite perfect matching

    Web Service Retrieval by Structured Models

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    Much of the information available on theWorldWideWeb cannot effectively be found by the help of search engines because the information is dynamically generated on a user’s request.This applies to online decision support services as well as Deep Web information. We present in this paper a retrieval system that uses a variant of structured modeling to describe such information services, and similarity of models for retrieval. The computational complexity of the similarity problem is discussed, and graph algorithms for retrieval on repositories of service descriptions are introduced. We show how bounds for combinatorial optimization problems can provide filter algorithms in a retrieval context. We report about an evaluation of the retrieval system in a classroom experiment and give computational results on a benchmark library.Economics ;

    Diverse Weighted Bipartite b-Matching

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    Bipartite matching, where agents on one side of a market are matched to agents or items on the other, is a classical problem in computer science and economics, with widespread application in healthcare, education, advertising, and general resource allocation. A practitioner's goal is typically to maximize a matching market's economic efficiency, possibly subject to some fairness requirements that promote equal access to resources. A natural balancing act exists between fairness and efficiency in matching markets, and has been the subject of much research. In this paper, we study a complementary goal---balancing diversity and efficiency---in a generalization of bipartite matching where agents on one side of the market can be matched to sets of agents on the other. Adapting a classical definition of the diversity of a set, we propose a quadratic programming-based approach to solving a supermodular minimization problem that balances diversity and total weight of the solution. We also provide a scalable greedy algorithm with theoretical performance bounds. We then define the price of diversity, a measure of the efficiency loss due to enforcing diversity, and give a worst-case theoretical bound. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our methods on three real-world datasets, and show that the price of diversity is not bad in practice

    Almost Optimal Stochastic Weighted Matching With Few Queries

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    We consider the {\em stochastic matching} problem. An edge-weighted general (i.e., not necessarily bipartite) graph G(V,E)G(V, E) is given in the input, where each edge in EE is {\em realized} independently with probability pp; the realization is initially unknown, however, we are able to {\em query} the edges to determine whether they are realized. The goal is to query only a small number of edges to find a {\em realized matching} that is sufficiently close to the maximum matching among all realized edges. This problem has received a considerable attention during the past decade due to its numerous real-world applications in kidney-exchange, matchmaking services, online labor markets, and advertisements. Our main result is an {\em adaptive} algorithm that for any arbitrarily small Ï”>0\epsilon > 0, finds a (1−ϔ)(1-\epsilon)-approximation in expectation, by querying only O(1)O(1) edges per vertex. We further show that our approach leads to a (1/2−ϔ)(1/2-\epsilon)-approximate {\em non-adaptive} algorithm that also queries only O(1)O(1) edges per vertex. Prior to our work, no nontrivial approximation was known for weighted graphs using a constant per-vertex budget. The state-of-the-art adaptive (resp. non-adaptive) algorithm of Maehara and Yamaguchi [SODA 2018] achieves a (1−ϔ)(1-\epsilon)-approximation (resp. (1/2−ϔ)(1/2-\epsilon)-approximation) by querying up to O(wlog⁥n)O(w\log{n}) edges per vertex where ww denotes the maximum integer edge-weight. Our result is a substantial improvement over this bound and has an appealing message: No matter what the structure of the input graph is, one can get arbitrarily close to the optimum solution by querying only a constant number of edges per vertex. To obtain our results, we introduce novel properties of a generalization of {\em augmenting paths} to weighted matchings that may be of independent interest

    Nearly Optimal Communication and Query Complexity of Bipartite Matching

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    We settle the complexities of the maximum-cardinality bipartite matching problem (BMM) up to poly-logarithmic factors in five models of computation: the two-party communication, AND query, OR query, XOR query, and quantum edge query models. Our results answer open problems that have been raised repeatedly since at least three decades ago [Hajnal, Maass, and Turan STOC'88; Ivanyos, Klauck, Lee, Santha, and de Wolf FSTTCS'12; Dobzinski, Nisan, and Oren STOC'14; Nisan SODA'21] and tighten the lower bounds shown by Beniamini and Nisan [STOC'21] and Zhang [ICALP'04]. We also settle the communication complexity of the generalizations of BMM, such as maximum-cost bipartite bb-matching and transshipment; and the query complexity of unique bipartite perfect matching (answering an open question by Beniamini [2022]). Our algorithms and lower bounds follow from simple applications of known techniques such as cutting planes methods and set disjointness.Comment: Accepted in FOCS 202
