674,489 research outputs found

    Penerapan Konsep Kampus Ramah Lingkungan (Green Campus) Dalam Tinjauan Deep Ecology Di Kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Abstract The concept of eco-friendly campus (Green Campus) which implemented with the construction of the Green Building principled campus is one of the concepts of environmental protection that are relevant to be applied at various campuses in Indonesia and represents the flow of deep ecology. The aim of this study were: 1) to analyze the principles of eco-friendly campus concept implemented on the campus of Muhammadiyah Universityof Surakarta, 2) Describe the application of the concept of eco-friendly campus (green campus) within the framework of deep ecology at the Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. Based on this research, the concept of eco-friendly campus (green campus) implemented on the campus of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta is in conformity with the principles of eco-friendly campus (green campus), but has not been thoroughly integrated. The application of the concept of eco-friendly campus (green campus) atMuhammadiyah University of Surakarta has not been run in accordance with the idea of deep ecology, but have the potential to be developed further with awareness of the campus (user) of UMS, and making clear regulations by the organizer (owner) in UMS campus. Keyword: Green Campus; Deep Ecology; Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta


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    Abstract, The purpose of this study is to find out how the disclosure and meaning of green accounting based on deep ecology and to see how the reality of sustainability is reflected in the sustainability report of PT Vale Indonesia in 2021. This research type is a qualitative research using semiotic analysis of company’s sustainability report to look at the disclosure of green accounting based on deep ecology in supporting the company’s sustainability. The data is obtained from the sustainability report of PT Vale Indonesia in 2021. The data used as the object of analysis in the semiotic study is the text contained in the sustainability report. The results of this study indicate that PT Vale has reported its environmental performance in the form of a sustainability report, but the data provided has not fully covered real cost reporting. Regarding the concept of deep ecology, PT Vale makes it happen throught 3 stages, namely strategic planning, implementation and program evaluation. The application of deep ecology based on green accounting in realizing the company’s sustainability is marked by 3 sustainability indicators that have been achieved by the company, namely operational sustainability, environmental sustainability, and sustainability of existence. Abstrak, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengungkapan dan pemaknaan green accounting berbasis deep ecology serta untuk melihat bagaimana realitas sustainability (keberlanjutan) yang terefleksi dalam sustainability report PT Vale Indonesia Tahun 2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika untuk mengungkap makna pada sustainability report perusahaan dengan melihat pengungkapan green accounting berbasis deep ecology dalam menunjang keberlanjutan perusahaan. Data diperoleh dari sustainability report PT Vale Indonesia Tahun 2021. Data yang dijadikan objek analisis dalam kajian semiotik adalah teks yang terdapat pada sustainability report. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PT Vale sudah melaporkan kinerja lingkungannya dalam bentuk sustainability report akan tetapi data yang diberikan belum sepenuhnya melingkupi pelaporan biaya secara ril. Terkait konsep deep ecology, PT Vale mewujudkannya melalui 3 tahap yaitu perencanaan strategis, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi program. Penerapan green accounting berbasis deep ecology dalam mewujudkan keberlanjutan perusahaan ditandai dengan 3 indikator keberlanjutan yang berhasil diraih oleh perusahaan yaitu keberlanjutan operasional, keberlanjutan lingkungan, dan keberlanjutan eksistensi.Abstract, The purpose of this study is to find out how the disclosure and meaning of green accounting based on deep ecology and to see how the reality of sustainability is reflected in the sustainability report of PT Vale Indonesia in 2021. This research type is a qualitative research using semiotic analysis of company’s sustainability report to look at the disclosure of green accounting based on deep ecology in supporting the company’s sustainability. The data is obtained from the sustainability report of PT Vale Indonesia in 2021. The data used as the object of analysis in the semiotic study is the text contained in the sustainability report. The results of this study indicate that PT Vale has reported its environmental performance in the form of a sustainability report, but the data provided has not fully covered real cost reporting. Regarding the concept of deep ecology, PT Vale makes it happen throught 3 stages, namely strategic planning, implementation and program evaluation. The application of deep ecology based on green accounting in realizing the company’s sustainability is marked by 3 sustainability indicators that have been achieved by the company, namely operational sustainability, environmental sustainability, and sustainability of existence. Abstrak, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengungkapan dan pemaknaan green accounting berbasis deep ecology serta untuk melihat bagaimana realitas sustainability (keberlanjutan) yang terefleksi dalam sustainability report PT Vale Indonesia Tahun 2021. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika untuk mengungkap makna pada sustainability report perusahaan dengan melihat pengungkapan green accounting berbasis deep ecology dalam menunjang keberlanjutan perusahaan. Data diperoleh dari sustainability report PT Vale Indonesia Tahun 2021. Data yang dijadikan objek analisis dalam kajian semiotik adalah teks yang terdapat pada sustainability report. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PT Vale sudah melaporkan kinerja lingkungannya dalam bentuk sustainability report akan tetapi data yang diberikan belum sepenuhnya melingkupi pelaporan biaya secara ril. Terkait konsep deep ecology, PT Vale mewujudkannya melalui 3 tahap yaitu perencanaan strategis, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi program. Penerapan green accounting berbasis deep ecology dalam mewujudkan keberlanjutan perusahaan ditandai dengan 3 indikator keberlanjutan yang berhasil diraih oleh perusahaan yaitu keberlanjutan operasional, keberlanjutan lingkungan, dan keberlanjutan eksistensi

    Pursue Some Path : Green Space as a Self-care Method

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    This action research begins with an exploration of “Green Space,” a theory that claims nature has a deep and meaningful impact on the psyche. Green Space has been shown to help reduce anxiety and increase attention, creativity, and memory. The Transactional Theory Framework is examined in tandem with Green Space theory. The transactional theory is a means to evaluate the processes of coping with stress and stressful events. I applied the concept of Green Space as a primary self-care method and then collected and analyzed data. I looked at how Green Space combats stress and burnout. Additionally, I explored in what ways Green Space impacts my work as an American Sign Language/ English interpreter. I did this by viewing and/or participating in a Green Space event, collecting data via daily journaling, as well as writing pre and post journal entries, and creating work sample

    The EU-Project "TROPOS"

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    The global population is growing and the demand for food and energy is steadily increasing. Coastal space all over the world becomes increasingly limited and near-shore resources are often already heavily exploited. The use of offshore regions may provide new opportunities, but also involves major challenges such as the development of designs and technologies suitable for offshore condition. The floating TROPOS ‘Green & Blue’ modular multi-use platform concept introduced in this chapter is especially designed for offshore conditions and provides solutions for the problems and obstacles involved in “moving offshore”. The Green & Blue platform concept integrates fish and algae aquaculture with a wind farm. The floating multi-use approach allows for platform operation in deep waters and the promotion of synergies such as joint logistics, shared infrastructure and services, thereby making the use of offshore resources viable and profitable

    Creating green culturally responsive intelligent buildings: Socio-cultural and environmental influences

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    Today, the concept of green and sustainably built environments is considered one of the main targets of various governmental sectors and policy-makers in the creation of a better environment for the population. However, a critical task consists in debating the significance of sustainability and a green built environment before the initiation of any green project. Accordingly, this article suggests the fundamental role of sustainability in better built environments as well as indicating an omission within green and sustainable design development arising because of a lack of consideration of the traditional, cultural and regional values of users. Focus is made on smart housing as an intelligent building design development that is highly interrelated with sustainable issues, highlighting the lack of a deep consideration of the cultural values of users for ensuring socio-cultural sustainability. The article also draws attention to the profound vernacular features of vernacular settlements, which are substantially in harmony with the regional and cultural values of a region. The context is limited to the Malay experience, identifying the vernacular features of the functional spaces of a Malay vernacular settlement for utilization in a smart housing design within Malaysia with a view to making them culturally responsive. At the same time, this article proposes the concept of green culturally responsive intelligent building design development based on the integration of vernacular architectural features into intelligent buildings in order to enhance the quality of life

    Application of green GDP concept to the calculating method of economic benefits of the Yangshan deep-water port

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    With the construction of the first phrase of the Yangshan Deep-water Port, it has successfully brought Shanghai and its surrounding areas billions of dollars benefit income. It is quite obvious that every transportation project is aimed to get the most economic benefit income, but it is also can not denied that certainly negative influences to humans’ health, natural resources and ecologic environment is being brought when the transport project is being built and putting into operating. So it is obvious that any economic benefits making by the Yangshan Deep-water Port should not at the sacrifice of environment and ecology. But refer to the present method of calculating the economic benefits of the Yangshan Deep-water Port, it has mostly focus on the economic evaluation aspects, so we put forward the question of how to apply green gross domestic product (GDP) index which bases on ecologic and environmental aspects into the method of calculating the benefits of the Yangshan Deep-water Port to meet the requirement of sustainable development. In the dissertation, it has divided into following parts. The first chapter is the introduction. This chapter has included the problem formulation, the methodology and purposes of the study and the overall structure of the dissertation. In chapter two, it is the literature review, which has introduced the present methods to calculate economic benefits of a certain transport project. And in chapter three, it will present the background of Yangshan Deep-water Port and “with and without test” which is the present method to calculate the economic benefits of the Yangshan Deep-water Port. The forth chapter is referring to application of green GDP concept into the calculating method of economic benefits of Yangshan Port. There would be three aspects will be influenced from the construction and operating stages of the Yangshan deep-water Port, such as the human being health, natural resources and ecologic environment. And in the last chapter, it discusses the difficulties to apply green GDP concepts into the whole evaluation method. So after a period of time’s researching the relating theories and backgrounds of this problem, and with the help and guidance of Professor Hou Ronghua, I have tried my best to make analysis of the present method of calculating economic benefits of Yangshan Deep-water Port, and provided solutions and recommendations of how to modify the method under the concepts of green GDP

    Automated deep learning in ophthalmology: AI that can build AI

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review is to describe the current status of automated deep learning in healthcare and to explore and detail the development of these models using commercially available platforms. We highlight key studies demonstrating the effectiveness of this technique and discuss current challenges and future directions of automated deep learning. RECENT FINDINGS: There are several commercially available automated deep learning platforms. Although specific features differ between platforms, they utilise the common approach of supervised learning. Ophthalmology is an exemplar speciality in the area, with a number of recent proof-of-concept studies exploring classification of retinal fundus photographs, optical coherence tomography images and indocyanine green angiography images. Automated deep learning has also demonstrated impressive results in other specialities such as dermatology, radiology and histopathology. SUMMARY: Automated deep learning allows users without coding expertise to develop deep learning algorithms. It is rapidly establishing itself as a valuable tool for those with limited technical experience. Despite residual challenges, it offers considerable potential in the future of patient management, clinical research and medical education. VIDEO ABSTRACT: http://links.lww.com/COOP/A44

    Unlocking the Green Economy in African Countries:An Integrated Framework of FinTech as an Enabler of the Transition to Sustainability

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    The emergence of new transformational technology, known as the fourth industrial revolution, has crucially opened a new window to green economic growth. The transition to low carbon, green economy, and green sustainability has gained momentum simultaneously in developed and developing countries. The greening policy echoes the pending climate change and its entrenching disruptions. Financial technology, or FinTech seems to be a promising direction in unlocking the green dilemma; to be concrete, FinTech and the green economy are separately documented in the literature. Against this background, the current study investigates the intersection between green economic growth and FinTech by conducting a systematic-cum-bibliometric analysis of published papers in the Scopus database with the goal of first examining the role and opportunities of implementing green FinTech as a stimulus for transition towards green economic growth in African countries and, second, identifying knowledge gaps and future policy and research directions by developing an integrated framework to help African countries in the transition to green economic growth and green FinTech. The results illustrate an increasing trend in research attention towards the green FinTech concept and its relationship with green economic growth, climate change, and greening rules and standards. A deep inspection of the mined papers indicates that future research trajectories are oriented into five different mainstreams: technology and instruments in digital finance; regulation, policies, and green FinTech; climate risk mitigation through FinTech; FinTech and environmental quality; green finance and climate change mitigation. Based on these research directions, an integrated framework was conceptualised that aims to deliver green economic growth using FinTech as a vehicle of transition for African countries

    Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Map Houses Suitable for Electric Vehicle Home Charging

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    With Electric Vehicles (EV) emerging as the dominant form of green transport in the UK, it is critical that we better understand existing infrastructures in place to support the uptake of these vehicles. In this multi-disciplinary paper, we demonstrate a novel end-to-end workflow using deep learning to perform automated surveys of urban areas to identify residential properties suitable for EV charging. A unique dataset comprised of open source Google Street View images was used to train and compare three deep neural networks and represents the first attempt to classify residential driveways from streetscape imagery. We demonstrate the full system workflow on two urban areas and achieve accuracies of 87.2% and 89.3% respectively. This proof of concept demonstrates a promising new application of deep learning in the field of remote sensing, geospatial analysis, and urban planning, as well as a major step towards fully autonomous artificially intelligent surveying techniques of the built environment