21 research outputs found

    The research and teaching corpus of spoken German – FOLK

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    "FOLK is the ""Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK)"" (eng.: research and teaching corpus of spoken German). The project has set itself the aim of building a corpus of German conversations which a) covers a broad range of interaction types in private, institutional and public settings, b) is sufficiently large and diverse and of sufficient quality to support different qualitative and quantitative research approaches, c) is transcribed, annotated and made accessible according to current technological standards, and d) is available to the scientific community on a sound legal basis and without unnecessary restrictions of usage. This paper gives an overview of the corpus design, the strategies for acquisition of a diverse range of interaction data, and the corpus construction workflow from recording via transcription an annotation to dissemination.

    Gesprächskorpora und Gesprächsdatenbanken am Beispiel von FOLK und DGD

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    Dieser Beitrag stellt das Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK) und die Datenbank für Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD) als Instrumente gesprächsanalytischer Arbeit vor. Nach einer allgemeinen Einführung in FOLK und DGD im zweiten Abschnitt werden im dritten Abschnitt die methodischen Beziehungen zwischen Korpuslinguistik und Gesprächsforschung und die Herausforde-rungen, die sich bei der Begegnung dieser beiden Herangehensweisen an authenti-sches Sprachmaterial stellen, kurz skizziert. Der vierte Abschnitt illustriert dann ausgehend vom Beispiel der Formel ich sag mal, wie eine korpus- und datenbankgesteuerte Analyse zur Untersuchung von Gesprächsphänomenen beitragen kann.This paper introduces the Research and Teaching Corpus of Spoken German (FOLK) and the Database for Spoken German (DGD) as tools for doing conver-sation analysis. After a general introduction to FOLK and the DGD in section 2, section 3 briefly discusses the methodological relationship between corpus linguistics and conversation analysis and the challenges that arise where these two approaches interact. Using formula ich sag mal ('let me say') as an example, sec-tion 4 then illustrates how a corpus and database driven analysis can contribute to the study of conversation phenomena

    User, who art thou? User profiling for oral corpus platforms

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    This contribution presents the background, design and results of a study of users of three oral corpus platforms in Germany. Roughly 5.000 registered users of the Database for Spoken German (DGD), the GeWiss corpus and the corpora of the Hamburg Centre for Language Corpora (HZSK) were asked to participate in a user survey. This quantitative approach was complemented by qualitative interviews with selected users. We briefly introduce the corpus resources involved in the study in section 2. Section 3 describes the methods employed in the user studies. Section 4 summarizes results of the studies focusing on selected key topics. Section 5 attempts a generalization of these results to larger contexts

    Reformulierungsindikatoren im gesprochenen Deutsch: Die Benutzung der Ressourcen DGD und FOLK für gesprächsanalytische Zwecke

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    Dieser Beitrag stellt nach einer kurzen allgemeinen Einführung die Datenbank für Gesprochenes Deutsch (DGD) und das Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK) als Instrumente speziell für gesprächsanalytisches Arbeiten vor. Anhand des Beispiels sprich als Diskursmarker für Reformulierungen werden Schritt für Schritt die Ressourcen und Tools für systematische korpus- und datenbankgesteuerte Recherchen illustriert: Nutzungsmöglichkeiten der Token-, Kontext-, Metadaten- und Positionssuche werden gezeigt, jeweils in Bezug auf und im wechselseitigen Verhältnis mit qualitativen Fallanalysen, auch mit Belegannotationen nach analyserelevanten (strukturellen und funktionalen) Kategorien. Schließlich wird das heißt als weiterer Reformulierungsindikator für eine vergleichende Analyse herangezogen. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine detailliertere Ausarbeitung einer kürzeren, eher technisch-didaktischen Online-Handreichung (Kaiser/ Schmidt 2016) zu diesem Thema dar, und hat einen stärker inhaltlich-analytischen Fokus.This article presents the Database for Spoken German (DGD) and the Research and Teaching Corpus Spoken German (FOLK) as tools mainly for conversation analytic studies. The resources and tools for systematic corpus- and database-controlled searches are illustrated step by step, using the example of sprich (say / that is) as a discourse marker for reformulations. Uses of token- , context-, metadata- and positional search are shown, with respect to and in a reciprocal relationship with qualitative case analysis, also using annotations according to analysis-relevant (structural and functional) categories. Finally it is shown a comparative analysis of das heißt (that is) as a further reformulation marker. This paper is an extension and elaboration of a shorter, rather technical and didactic guideline (Kaiser/Schmidt 2016) on the same topic, and has a more content-analytical focus

    Gesprächskorpora. Aktuelle Herausforderungen für einen besonderen Korpustyp

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    Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit Gesprächskorpora als einem besonderen Typus von Korpora gesprochener Sprache auseinander. Es werden zunächst wesentliche Eigenschaften solcher Korpora herausgearbeitet und einige der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen Gesprächskorpora vorgestellt. Der zweite Teil des Beitrags setzt sich dann mit dem Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus Gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK) auseinander. FOLK hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein wissenschaftsöffentliches Korpus von Interaktionsdaten aufzubauen, das methodisch und technisch dem aktuellen Forschungsstand entspricht. Die Herausforderungen, die sich beim Aufbau von FOLK in methodischer und korpustechnologischer Hinsicht stellen, werden in abschließenden Abschnitt diskutiert

    Reconstruction of Separable Particle Verbs in a Corpus of Spoken German

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    We present a method for detecting and reconstructing separated particle verbs in a corpus of spoken German by following an approach suggested for written language. Our study shows that the method can be applied successfully to spoken language, compares different ways of dealing with structures that are specific to spoken language corpora, analyses some remaining problems, and discusses ways of optimising precision or recall for the method. The outlook sketches some possibilities for further work in related areas


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    The study examines the concept of patterned language usage in scientific texts and, based on a data-led corpus analysis, describes scientific style at a formal and pragmatic level. With theoretical grounding in multiple linguistic sub-disciplines, the book makes a major contribution to text-type research, the discussion of standards, and to the study of writing

    Variationslinguistische Analyse mit minimalem händischen Annotationsaufwand

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    Data of German speech minorities in the Archive for Spoken German: an overview

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    Speech islands are historically and developmentally unique and will inevitably disappear within the next decades. We urgently need to preserve their remains and exploit what is left in order to make research on language-in-contact and historical as well as current comparative language research possible. The Archive for Spoken German (AGD) at the Institute for German Language collects, fosters and archives data from completed research projects and makes them available to the wider research community. Besides large variation corpora and corpora of conversational speech, the archive already contains a range of collections of data on German speech minorities. The latter will be outlined in this chapter. Some speech island data is already made available through the personal service of the AGD, or the database of spoken German (DGD), e.g. data on Australian German, Unserdeutsch, or German in North America. Some corpora are still being prepared for publication, but still important to document for potentially interested research projects. We therefore also explain the current problems and efforts related to the curation of speech island data, from the digitization of recordings and the collection of metadata, to the integration of transcriptions, annotations and other ways of accessing and sharing data

    Developing computational infrastructure for the CorCenCC corpus - the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh

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    CorCenCC (Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes - National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh) is the first comprehensive corpus of Welsh designed to be reflective of language use across communication types, genres, speakers, language varieties (regional and social) and contexts. This article focuses on the computational infrastructure that we have designed to support data collection for CorCenCC, and the subsequent uses of the corpus which include lexicography, pedagogical research and corpus analysis. A grass-roots approach to design has been adopted, that has adapted and extended previous corpus-building and introduced new features as required for this specific context and language. The key pillars of the infrastructure include a framework that supports metadata collection, an innovative mobile application designed to collect spoken data (utilising a crowdsourcing approach), a backend database that stores curated data and a web-based interface that allows users to query the data online. A usability study was conducted to evaluate the user facing tools and to suggest directions for future improvements. Though the infrastructure was developed for Welsh language collection, its design can be re-used to support corpus development in other minority or major language contexts, broadening the potential utility and impact of this work