7 research outputs found

    Dynamic File-Access Characteristics of a Production Parallel Scientific Workload

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    Multiprocessors have permitted astounding increases in computational performance, but many cannot meet the intense I/O requirements of some scientific applications. An important component of any solution to this I/O bottleneck is a parallel file system that can provide high-bandwidth access to tremendous amounts of data in parallel to hundreds or thousands of processors. Most successful systems are based on a solid understanding of the characteristics of the expected workload, but until now there have been no comprehensive workload characterizations of multiprocessor file systems. We began the CHARISMA project in an attempt to fill that gap. We instrumented the common node library on the iPSC/860 at NASA Ames to record all file-related activity over a two-week period. Our instrumentation is different from previous efforts in that it collects information about every read and write request and about the mix of jobs running in the machine (rather than from selected applications). The trace analysis in this paper leads to many recommendations for designers of multiprocessor file systems. First, the file system should support simultaneous access to many different files by many jobs. Second, it should expect to see many small requests, predominantly sequential and regular access patterns (although of a different form than in uniprocessors), little or no concurrent file-sharing between jobs, significant byte- and block-sharing between processes within jobs, and strong interprocess locality. Third, our trace-driven simulations showed that these characteristics led to great success in caching, both at the compute nodes and at the I/O nodes. Finally, we recommend supporting strided I/O requests in the file-system interface, to reduce overhead and allow more performance optimization by the file system

    Interprocess communication in highly distributed systems

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    Issued as Final technical report, Project no. G-36-632Final technical report has title: Interprocess communication in highly distributed system

    Galley: A New Parallel File System for Parallel Applications

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    Most current multiprocessor file systems are designed to use multiple disks in parallel, using the high aggregate bandwidth to meet the growing I/O requirements of parallel scientific applications. Most multiprocessor file systems provide applications with a conventional Unix-like interface, allowing the application to access those multiple disks transparently. This interface conceals the parallelism within the file system, increasing the ease of programmability, but making it difficult or impossible for sophisticated application and library programmers to use knowledge about their I/O to exploit that parallelism. In addition to providing an insufficient interface, most current multiprocessor file systems are optimized for a different workload than they are being asked to support. In this work we examine current multiprocessor file systems, as well as how those file systems are used by scientific applications. Contrary to the expectations of the designers of current parallel file systems, the workloads on those systems are dominated by requests to read and write small pieces of data. Furthermore, rather than being accessed sequentially and contiguously, as in uniprocessor and supercomputer workloads, files in multiprocessor file systems are accessed in regular, structured, but non-contiguous patterns. Based on our observations of multiprocessor workloads, we have designed Galley, a new parallel file system that is intended to efficiently support realistic scientific multiprocessor workloads. In this work, we introduce Galley and discuss its design and implementation. We describe Galley\u27s new three-dimensional file structure and discuss how that structure can be used by parallel applications to achieve higher performance. We introduce several new data-access interfaces, which allow applications to explicitly describe the regular access patterns we found to be common in parallel file system workloads. We show how these new interfaces allow parallel applications to achieve tremendous increases in I/O performance. Finally, we discuss how Galley\u27s new file structure and data-access interfaces can be useful in practice

    Prefetching and Caching Techniques in File Systems for Mimd Multiprocessors

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    The increasing speed of the most powerful computers, especially multiprocessors, makes it difficult to provide sufficient I/O bandwidth to keep them running at full speed for the largest problems. Trends show that the difference in the speed of disk hardware and the speed of processors is increasing, with I/O severely limiting the performance of otherwise fast machines. This widening access-time gap is known as the “I/O bottleneck crisis.” One solution to the crisis, suggested by many researchers, is to use many disks in parallel to increase the overall bandwidth. \par This dissertation studies some of the file system issues needed to get high performance from parallel disk systems, since parallel hardware alone cannot guarantee good performance. The target systems are large MIMD multiprocessors used for scientific applications, with large files spread over multiple disks attached in parallel. The focus is on automatic caching and prefetching techniques. We show that caching and prefetching can transparently provide the power of parallel disk hardware to both sequential and parallel applications using a conventional file system interface. We also propose a new file system interface (compatible with the conventional interface) that could make it easier to use parallel disks effectively. \par Our methodology is a mixture of implementation and simulation, using a software testbed that we built to run on a BBN GP1000 multiprocessor. The testbed simulates the disks and fully implements the caching and prefetching policies. Using a synthetic workload as input, we use the testbed in an extensive set of experiments. The results show that prefetching and caching improved the performance of parallel file systems, often dramatically

    Redundant disk arrays: Reliable, parallel secondary storage

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    During the past decade, advances in processor and memory technology have given rise to increases in computational performance that far outstrip increases in the performance of secondary storage technology. Coupled with emerging small-disk technology, disk arrays provide the cost, volume, and capacity of current disk subsystems, by leveraging parallelism, many times their performance. Unfortunately, arrays of small disks may have much higher failure rates than the single large disks they replace. Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID) use simple redundancy schemes to provide high data reliability. The data encoding, performance, and reliability of redundant disk arrays are investigated. Organizing redundant data into a disk array is treated as a coding problem. Among alternatives examined, codes as simple as parity are shown to effectively correct single, self-identifying disk failures

    The DEMOS file system

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