95 research outputs found

    Financial System Risk and Flight to Quality

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    We present a model of flight to quality episodes that emphasizes financial system risk and the Knightian uncertainty surrounding these episodes. In the model, agents are uncertain about the probability distribution of shocks in markets different from theirs, treating such uncertainty as Knightian. Aversion to this uncertainty generates demand for safe financial claims. It also leads agents to require financial intermediaries to lock-up capital to cover their own markets' shocks in a manner that is robust to uncertainty over other markets. These actions are wasteful in the aggregate and can trigger a financial accelerator. A lender of last resort can unlock private capital markets to stabilize the economy during these episodes by committing to intervene should conditions worsen.

    Efficient multitasking of Choleski matrix factorization on CRAY supercomputers

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    A Choleski method is described and used to solve linear systems of equations that arise in large scale structural analysis. The method uses a novel variable-band storage scheme and is structured to exploit fast local memory caches while minimizing data access delays between main memory and vector registers. Several parallel implementations of this method are described for the CRAY-2 and CRAY Y-MP computers demonstrating the use of microtasking and autotasking directives. A portable parallel language, FORCE, is used for comparison with the microtasked and autotasked implementations. Results are presented comparing the matrix factorization times for three representative structural analysis problems from runs made in both dedicated and multi-user modes on both computers. CPU and wall clock timings are given for the parallel implementations and are compared to single processor timings of the same algorithm

    Legislative Focus: Senate Action to Protect Innocent Inmates on Death Row

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    Legislative Watch

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    We present an algorithmic method for the quantitative, performance-aware synthesis of concurrent programs. The input consists of a nondeterministic partial program and of a parametric performance model. The nondeterminism allows the programmer to omit which (if any) synchronization construct is used at a particular program location. The performance model, specified as a weighted automaton, can capture system architectures by assigning different costs to actions such as locking, context switching, and memory and cache accesses. The quantitative synthesis problem is to automatically resolve the nondeterminism of the partial program so that both correctness is guaranteed and performance is optimal. As is standard for shared memory concurrency, correctness is formalized "specification free", in particular as race freedom or deadlock freedom. For worst-case (average-case) performance, we show that the problem can be reduced to 2-player graph games (with probabilistic transitions) with quantitative objectives. While we show, using game-theoretic methods, that the synthesis problem is Nexp-complete, we present an algorithmic method and an implementation that works efficiently for concurrent programs and performance models of practical interest. We have implemented a prototype tool and used it to synthesize finite-state concurrent programs that exhibit different programming patterns, for several performance models representing different architectures

    Carbon credit for sustainable developement

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    The Greenhouse Gases which include Carbon dioxide, Methane and also other oxides on account of incomplete combustion substantially disturb the balance of the heat in the earth’s atmosphere leading to warming of the atmospheric temperature which is called as Global Warming and considered a major threat to life on earth. In today’s world situation, it is very much necessary to find out the solution for the global impact of pollution for the survival of life. The rules & regulations which are meant for the control of pollution are seen to be somewhat ineffective. One of the reasons behind the failure of such systems is that there are no attractive proposals in front of industries. The solution requires obviously the attraction in terms of economy. With this, the Kyoto Protocol, 1997, supported by United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gave a wonder full solution which may prove to be the golden midway between the reduction in pollution & the economy. Sustainable and clean renewable energy systems such as hybrid solar/wind electric generators can be used to eliminate or reduce carbon dioxide emissions by replacing old diesel, oil, gas or coal fired electric generators which emit greenhouse gases that produce global warming. Carbon sequestration credits or offsets are calculated by the amount of carbon emissions that would have been emitted if a diesel or other traditional polluting electric generator was used to produce the same amount of electricity. Companies and electric utilities in countries can buy these emission reduction carbon credits to replace the emissions from their coal burning electric power plants to meet regulatory requirements

    Flight to Quality and Collective Risk Management

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    We present a model of flight to quality episodes that emphasizes systemic risk and the Knightian uncertainty surrounding these episodes. Agents make risk management decisions with incomplete knowledge. They understand their own shocks, but are uncertain of how correlated their shocks are with systemwide shocks. Aversion to this uncertainty leads them to question whether their private risk management decisions are robust to aggregate events, generating conservatism and excessive demand for safety. We show that agents’ actions lock-up the capital of the financial system in a manner that is wasteful in the aggregate and can trigger and amplify a financial accelerator. The scenario that the collective of conservative agents are guarding against is impossible, and known to be so even given agents’ incomplete knowledge. A lender of last resort, even if less knowledgeable than private agents about individual shocks, does not suffer from this collective bias and finds that pledging intervention in extreme events is valuable. The benefit of such intervention exceeds its direct value because it unlocks private capital markets.

    Digest of Papers on Probation

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