24,529 research outputs found

    The Core of the Participatory Budgeting Problem

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    In participatory budgeting, communities collectively decide on the allocation of public tax dollars for local public projects. In this work, we consider the question of fairly aggregating the preferences of community members to determine an allocation of funds to projects. This problem is different from standard fair resource allocation because of public goods: The allocated goods benefit all users simultaneously. Fairness is crucial in participatory decision making, since generating equitable outcomes is an important goal of these processes. We argue that the classic game theoretic notion of core captures fairness in the setting. To compute the core, we first develop a novel characterization of a public goods market equilibrium called the Lindahl equilibrium, which is always a core solution. We then provide the first (to our knowledge) polynomial time algorithm for computing such an equilibrium for a broad set of utility functions; our algorithm also generalizes (in a non-trivial way) the well-known concept of proportional fairness. We use our theoretical insights to perform experiments on real participatory budgeting voting data. We empirically show that the core can be efficiently computed for utility functions that naturally model our practical setting, and examine the relation of the core with the familiar welfare objective. Finally, we address concerns of incentives and mechanism design by developing a randomized approximately dominant-strategy truthful mechanism building on the exponential mechanism from differential privacy

    Decentralisation: does the New Zealand local government system measure up?

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    Decentralisation continues to be well received as a strategy for improving the governance of countries and delivering more responsive and efficient services. Cheerleaders include multilateral agencies like the World Bank and developed countries, like England, which seek to reverse years of centralisation. Evaluating the effectiveness of decentralised models raises the question of what it means to be ‘decentralised’, and how decentralisation itself is measured. This article describes the World Bank’s diagnostic framework for assessing decentralisation and applies the framework to the New Zealand local government system.&nbsp

    Youth Lead the Change: Participatory Budgeting

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    This evaluation report examines the Youth Lead the Change process in its third year, drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. The Boston University evaluation team reports their findings and summarizes the conclusions with recommendations to further develop this innovative effort to engage youth in city government.The year 2015-2016 marks the third year of Youth Lead the Change: Participatory Budgeting Boston, a program that enables young people from across the city to suggest ideas for capital projects that will bring long-term physical improvements to city-owned property. This evaluation report examines the Youth Lead the Change process in its third year, drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. The Boston University evaluation team reports their findings and summarizes the conclusions with recommendations to further develop this innovative effort to engage youth in city government.Boston University Initiative on Citie

    Youth Lead the Change: Participatory Budgeting

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    This evaluation report examines the Youth Lead the Change process in its third year, drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. The Boston University evaluation team reports their findings and summarizes the conclusions with recommendations to further develop this innovative effort to engage youth in city government.The year 2015-2016 marks the third year of Youth Lead the Change: Participatory Budgeting Boston, a program that enables young people from across the city to suggest ideas for capital projects that will bring long-term physical improvements to city-owned property. This evaluation report examines the Youth Lead the Change process in its third year, drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources. The Boston University evaluation team reports their findings and summarizes the conclusions with recommendations to further develop this innovative effort to engage youth in city government.Boston University Initiative on Citie

    Separate but Equal Democratization? Participation, Politics, and Urban Segregation in Latin America

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    Many commentators have noted the existence of a historical correlation between cities and democratization. This image of the city as an inherently civic space is linked to the notion that the spatial concentration intrinsic to urban contexts promotes a democracy of proximity. Seen from this perspective, it is perhaps not surprising that the most urbanized region of the global south, Latin America, is also a heartland of vibrant and much applauded democratic innovation. Of particular note are the myriad local level ‘radical democracy’ initiatives that have proliferated throughout the region’s cities during the past two decades. At the same time, however, it is a significant paradox that Latin American urban centres are also amongst the most segregated in the world, something that is widely considered to have a significantly fragmenting effect on public space, and is therefore undermining of democracy.democracy, urbanization, segregation, Latin America

    Globalisation, Policy Transfer, and Global Governance: an Assessment in Developing Countries

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    Dari perspektif ekonomi politik, globalisasi identik dengan liberalisasi, sedangkan dariperspektif kebijakan publik, globalisasi identik dengan policy transfer. Ekonomi politik menekankanbahwa globalisasi merupakan sistem yang menyediakan ruang bagi pembukaan interelasi daninteraksi ekonomi antar negara, baik dalam bentuk perdagangan bebas, mobilitas aktivitas produksi,dan pertukaran teknologi. Sementara itu, perspektif kebijakan publik mengartikankan globalisasisebagai ruang yang lebih luas untuk pertukaran pengetahuan yang berguna bagi pembangunan danpengembangan kebijakan dalam konteks yang disebut policy transfer. Meskipun kedua perspektifseolah-olah memberikan penekanan yang berbeda, pada dasarnya kedua penekanan itu sama-samamensyaratkan adanya entitas bernama global governance. Bahkan, terkadang entitas ini berperanmenentukan dalam keputusan di sebuah negara, mendorong perdebatan pro dan kontra.Pengalaman Indonesia di akhir 1990an, misalnya, menunjukkan kepada kita betapa lembaga globalgovernance berperan dominatif dalam reformasi ekonomi dan politik, memunculkan pertanyaantentang kedaulatan negara. Paper ini menganalisis keterkaitan globalisasi dan policy transfer sertamendiskusikan peran lembaga-lembaga global governance di dalamnya

    Toward Digital, Critical, Participatory Action Research: Lessons From The #BarrioEdProj

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    The Education in our Barrios project, or #BarrioEdProj, is a digital critical participatory action research (D+CPAR) project that examines the interconnected remaking of public education and a New York City Latino core community in an era of racial capitalism. This article is a meditation on the ongoing development of #BarrioEdProj as an example of strategically coupling digital media with the theories and practices of critical participatory action research (CPAR). The author describes the project and the theoretical and political commitments that frame this project as a form of public and participatory science. The author then discusses some of the lessons that have been learned as the research group implemented the project and decided to move to a digital archiving model when our digital media design was initially ineffective. The author argues that rather than dropping digital media, engaged scholars must continue to explore the potentially transformative work that can come from carefully devised D+CPAR
