761,762 research outputs found

    Deterministic coupling of a single silicon-vacancy color center to a photonic crystal cavity in diamond

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    Deterministic coupling of single solid-state emitters to nanocavities is the key for integrated quantum information devices. We here fabricate a photonic crystal cavity around a preselected single silicon-vacancy color center in diamond and demonstrate modification of the emitters internal population dynamics and radiative quantum efficiency. The controlled, room-temperature cavity coupling gives rise to a resonant Purcell enhancement of the zero-phonon transition by a factor of 19, coming along with a 2.5-fold reduction of the emitter's lifetime

    Robust Whole-Body Motion Control of Legged Robots

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    We introduce a robust control architecture for the whole-body motion control of torque controlled robots with arms and legs. The method is based on the robust control of contact forces in order to track a planned Center of Mass trajectory. Its appeal lies in the ability to guarantee robust stability and performance despite rigid body model mismatch, actuator dynamics, delays, contact surface stiffness, and unobserved ground profiles. Furthermore, we introduce a task space decomposition approach which removes the coupling effects between contact force controller and the other non-contact controllers. Finally, we verify our control performance on a quadruped robot and compare its performance to a standard inverse dynamics approach on hardware.Comment: 8 Page

    Control Synthesis for an Underactuated Cable Suspended System Using Dynamic Decoupling

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    This article studies the dynamics and control of a novel underactuated system, wherein a plate suspended by cables and with a freely moving mass on top, whose other ends are attached to three quadrotors, is sought to be horizontally stabilized at a certain height, with the ball positioned at the center of mass of the plate. The freely moving mass introduces a 2-degree of underactuation into the system. The design proceeds through a decoupling of the quadrotors and the plate dynamics. Through a partial feedback linearization approach, the attitude of the plate and the translational height of the plate is initially controlled, while maintaining a bounded velocity along the yy and xx directions. These inputs are then synthesized through the quadrotors with a backstepping and timescale separation argument based on Tikhonov's theorem

    Chaos in classical string dynamics in Îł^\hat{\gamma} deformed AdS5Ă—T1,1AdS_5 \times T^{1,1}

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    We consider a circular string in Îł^\hat{\gamma} deformed AdS5Ă—T1,1AdS_5 \times T^{1,1} which is localized in the center of AdS5AdS_5 and winds around the two circles of deformed T1,1T^{1,1}. We observe chaos in the phase space of the circular string implying non-integrability of string dynamics. The chaotic behaviour in phase space is controlled by energy as well as the deforming parameter Îł^\hat{\gamma}. We further show that the point like object exhibits non-chaotic behaviour. Finally we calculate the Lyapunov exponent for both extended and point like object in support of our first result.Comment: 15 page

    Globule-like conformation and enhanced diffusion of active polymers

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    We study the dynamics and conformation of polymers composed by active monomers. By means of Brownian dynamics simulations we show that when the direction of the self-propulsion of each monomer is aligned with the backbone, the polymer undergoes a coil-to-globule-like transition, highlighted by a marked change of the scaling exponent of the gyration radius. Concurrently, the diffusion coefficient of the center of mass of the polymer becomes essentially independent of the polymer size for sufficiently long polymers or large magnitudes of the self-propulsion. These effects are reduced when the self-propulsion of the monomers is not bound to be tangent to the backbone of the polymer. Our results, rationalized by a minimal stochastic model, open new routes for activity-controlled polymer and, possibly, for a new generation of polymer-based drug carriers.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Materials 7 page

    A minimal model for spontaneous cell polarization and edge activity in oscillating, rotating and migrating cells

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    How the cells break symmetry and organize their edge activity to move directionally is a fun- damental question in cell biology. Physical models of cell motility commonly rely on gradients of regulatory factors and/or feedback from the motion itself to describe polarization of edge activity. Theses approaches, however, fail to explain cell behavior prior to the onset of polarization. Our analysis using the model system of polarizing and moving fish epidermal keratocytes suggests a novel and simple principle of self-organization of cell activity in which local cell-edge dynamics depends on the distance from the cell center, but not on the orientation with respect to the front-back axis. We validate this principle with a stochastic model that faithfully reproduces a range of cell-migration behaviors. Our findings indicate that spontaneous polarization, persistent motion, and cell shape are emergent properties of the local cell-edge dynamics controlled by the distance from the cell center.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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