482 research outputs found

    Permutation classes

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    This is a survey on permutation classes for the upcoming book Handbook of Enumerative Combinatorics

    Generalized Coloring of Permutations

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    A permutation pi is a merge of a permutation sigma and a permutation tau, if we can color the elements of pi red and blue so that the red elements have the same relative order as sigma and the blue ones as tau. We consider, for fixed hereditary permutation classes C and D, the complexity of determining whether a given permutation pi is a merge of an element of C with an element of D. We develop general algorithmic approaches for identifying polynomially tractable cases of merge recognition. Our tools include a version of nondeterministic logspace streaming recognizability of permutations, which we introduce, and a concept of bounded width decomposition, inspired by the work of Ahal and Rabinovich. As a consequence of the general results, we can provide nontrivial examples of tractable permutation merges involving commonly studied permutation classes, such as the class of layered permutations, the class of separable permutations, or the class of permutations avoiding a decreasing sequence of a given length. On the negative side, we obtain a general hardness result which implies, for example, that it is NP-complete to recognize the permutations that can be merged from two subpermutations avoiding the pattern 2413

    Griddings of Permutations and Hardness of Pattern Matching

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    We study the complexity of the decision problem known as Permutation Pattern Matching, or PPM. The input of PPM consists of a pair of permutations ? (the "text") and ? (the "pattern"), and the goal is to decide whether ? contains ? as a subpermutation. On general inputs, PPM is known to be NP-complete by a result of Bose, Buss and Lubiw. In this paper, we focus on restricted instances of PPM where the text is assumed to avoid a fixed (small) pattern ?; this restriction is known as Av(?)-PPM. It has been previously shown that Av(?)-PPM is polynomial for any ? of size at most 3, while it is NP-hard for any ? containing a monotone subsequence of length four. In this paper, we present a new hardness reduction which allows us to show, in a uniform way, that Av(?)-PPM is hard for every ? of size at least 6, for every ? of size 5 except the symmetry class of 41352, as well as for every ? symmetric to one of the three permutations 4321, 4312 and 4231. Moreover, assuming the exponential time hypothesis, none of these hard cases of Av(?)-PPM can be solved in time 2^o(n/log n). Previously, such conditional lower bound was not known even for the unconstrained PPM problem. On the tractability side, we combine the CSP approach of Guillemot and Marx with the structural results of Huczynska and Vatter to show that for any monotone-griddable permutation class ?, PPM is polynomial when the text is restricted to a permutation from ?

    Combinatorial generation via permutation languages

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    In this work we present a general and versatile algorithmic framework for exhaustively generating a large variety of different combinatorial objects, based on encoding them as permutations. This approach provides a unified view on many known results and allows us to prove many new ones. In particular, we obtain the following four classical Gray codes as special cases: the Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm to generate all permutations of an nn-element set by adjacent transpositions; the binary reflected Gray code to generate all nn-bit strings by flipping a single bit in each step; the Gray code for generating all nn-vertex binary trees by rotations due to Lucas, van Baronaigien, and Ruskey; the Gray code for generating all partitions of an nn-element ground set by element exchanges due to Kaye. We present two distinct applications for our new framework: The first main application is the generation of pattern-avoiding permutations, yielding new Gray codes for different families of permutations that are characterized by the avoidance of certain classical patterns, (bi)vincular patterns, barred patterns, Bruhat-restricted patterns, mesh patterns, monotone and geometric grid classes, and many others. We thus also obtain new Gray code algorithms for the combinatorial objects that are in bijection to these permutations, in particular for five different types of geometric rectangulations, also known as floorplans, which are divisions of a square into nn rectangles subject to certain restrictions. The second main application of our framework are lattice congruences of the weak order on the symmetric group~SnS_n. Recently, Pilaud and Santos realized all those lattice congruences as (n−1)(n-1)-dimensional polytopes, called quotientopes, which generalize hypercubes, associahedra, permutahedra etc. Our algorithm generates the equivalence classes of each of those lattice congruences, by producing a Hamilton path on the skeleton of the corresponding quotientope, yielding a constructive proof that each of these highly symmetric graphs is Hamiltonian. We thus also obtain a provable notion of optimality for the Gray codes obtained from our framework: They translate into walks along the edges of a polytope

    Finding and Counting Permutations via CSPs

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    Permutation patterns and pattern avoidance have been intensively studied in combinatorics and computer science, going back at least to the seminal work of Knuth on stack-sorting (1968). Perhaps the most natural algorithmic question in this area is deciding whether a given permutation of length n contains a given pattern of length k. In this work we give two new algorithms for this well-studied problem, one whose running time is n^{k/4 + o(k)}, and a polynomial-space algorithm whose running time is the better of O(1.6181^n) and O(n^{k/2 + 1}). These results improve the earlier best bounds of n^{0.47k + o(k)} and O(1.79^n) due to Ahal and Rabinovich (2000) resp. Bruner and Lackner (2012) and are the fastest algorithms for the problem when k in Omega(log{n}). We show that both our new algorithms and the previous exponential-time algorithms in the literature can be viewed through the unifying lens of constraint-satisfaction. Our algorithms can also count, within the same running time, the number of occurrences of a pattern. We show that this result is close to optimal: solving the counting problem in time f(k) * n^{o(k/log{k})} would contradict the exponential-time hypothesis (ETH). For some special classes of patterns we obtain improved running times. We further prove that 3-increasing and 3-decreasing permutations can, in some sense, embed arbitrary permutations of almost linear length, which indicates that an algorithm with sub-exponential running time is unlikely, even for patterns from these restricted classes

    Finding and Counting Permutations via {CSPs}

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