14 research outputs found

    How hard is it to verify flat affine counter systems with the finite monoid property ?

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    We study several decision problems for counter systems with guards defined by convex polyhedra and updates defined by affine transformations. In general, the reachability problem is undecidable for such systems. Decidability can be achieved by imposing two restrictions: (i) the control structure of the counter system is flat, meaning that nested loops are forbidden, and (ii) the set of matrix powers is finite, for any affine update matrix in the system. We provide tight complexity bounds for several decision problems of such systems, by proving that reachability and model checking for Past Linear Temporal Logic are complete for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy ÎŁ2P\Sigma^P_2, while model checking for First Order Logic is PSPACE-complete

    Monus Semantics in Vector Addition Systems with States

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    Vector addition systems with states (VASS) are a popular model for concurrent systems. However, many decision problems have prohibitively high complexity. Therefore, it is sometimes useful to consider overapproximating semantics in which these problems can be decided more efficiently. We study an overapproximation, called monus semantics, that slightly relaxes the semantics of decrements: A key property of a vector addition systems is that in order to decrement a counter, this counter must have a positive value. In contrast, our semantics allows decrements of zero-valued counters: If such a transition is executed, the counter just remains zero. It turns out that if only a subset of transitions is used with monus semantics (and the others with classical semantics), then reachability is undecidable. However, we show that if monus semantics is used throughout, reachability remains decidable. In particular, we show that reachability for VASS with monus semantics is as hard as that of classical VASS (i.e. Ackermann-hard), while the zero-reachability and coverability are easier (i.e. EXPSPACE-complete and NP-complete, respectively). We provide a comprehensive account of the complexity of the general reachability problem, reachability of zero configurations, and coverability under monus semantics. We study these problems in general VASS, two-dimensional VASS, and one-dimensional VASS, with unary and binary counter updates

    Reachability analysis of reversal-bounded automata on series–parallel graphs

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    Extensions to finite-state automata on strings, such as multi-head automata or multi-counter automata, have been successfully used to encode many infinite-state non-regular verification problems. In this paper, we consider a generalization of automata-theoretic infinite-state verification from strings to labelled series–parallel graphs. We define a model of non-deterministic, 2-way, concurrent automata working on series–parallel graphs and communicating through shared registers on the nodes of the graph. We consider the following verification problem: given a family of series–parallel graphs described by a context-free graph transformation system (GTS), and a concurrent automaton over series–parallel graphs, is some graph generated by the GTS accepted by the automaton? The general problem is undecidable already for (one-way) multi-head automata over strings. We show that a bounded version, where the automata make a fixed number of reversals along the graph and use a fixed number of shared registers is decidable, even though there is no bound on the sizes of series–parallel graphs generated by the GTS. Our decidability result is based on establishing that the number of context switches can be bounded and on an encoding of the computation of bounded concurrent automata that allows us to reduce the reachability problem to the emptiness problem for pushdown automata