9 research outputs found

    Shapley Meets Shapley

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    This paper concerns the analysis of the Shapley value in matching games. Matching games constitute a fundamental class of cooperative games which help understand and model auctions and assignments. In a matching game, the value of a coalition of vertices is the weight of the maximum size matching in the subgraph induced by the coalition. The Shapley value is one of the most important solution concepts in cooperative game theory. After establishing some general insights, we show that the Shapley value of matching games can be computed in polynomial time for some special cases: graphs with maximum degree two, and graphs that have a small modular decomposition into cliques or cocliques (complete k-partite graphs are a notable special case of this). The latter result extends to various other well-known classes of graph-based cooperative games. We continue by showing that computing the Shapley value of unweighted matching games is #P-complete in general. Finally, a fully polynomial-time randomized approximation scheme (FPRAS) is presented. This FPRAS can be considered the best positive result conceivable, in view of the #P-completeness result.Comment: 17 page

    Series-parallel posets and the Tutte polynomial

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    AbstractWe investigate the Tutte polynomial f(P; t, z) of a series-parallel partially ordered set P. We show that f(P) can be computed in polynomial-time when P is series-parallel and that series-parallel posets having isomorphic deletions and contractions are themselves isomorphic. A formula for f(P∗) in terms of f(P) is obtained and shows these two polynomials factor over Z[t, z] the same way. We examine several subclasses of the class of series-parallel posets, proving that f(P) ≠ f(Q) for non-isomorphic posets P and Q in the largest of these classes. We also give excluded subposet characterizations of the various subclasses

    Lattice path matroids: enumerative aspects and Tutte polynomials

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    Fix two lattice paths P and Q from (0,0) to (m,r) that use East and North steps with P never going above Q. We show that the lattice paths that go from (0,0) to (m,r) and that remain in the region bounded by P and Q can be identified with the bases of a particular type of transversal matroid, which we call a lattice path matroid. We consider a variety of enumerative aspects of these matroids and we study three important matroid invariants, namely the Tutte polynomial and, for special types of lattice path matroids, the characteristic polynomial and the beta invariant. In particular, we show that the Tutte polynomial is the generating function for two basic lattice path statistics and we show that certain sequences of lattice path matroids give rise to sequences of Tutte polynomials for which there are relatively simple generating functions. We show that Tutte polynomials of lattice path matroids can be computed in polynomial time. Also, we obtain a new result about lattice paths from an analysis of the beta invariant of certain lattice path matroids.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Matroids, Complexity and Computation

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    The node deletion problem on graphs is: given a graph and integer k, can we delete no more than k vertices to obtain a graph that satisfies some property π. Yannakakis showed that this problem is NP-complete for an infinite family of well- defined properties. The edge deletion problem and matroid deletion problem are similar problems where given a graph or matroid respectively, we are asked if we can delete no more than k edges/elements to obtain a graph/matroid that satisfies a property π. We show that these problems are NP-hard for similar well-defined infinite families of properties. In 1991 Vertigan showed that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of a representable matroid over any fixed field. However no publication has been produced. We consider this problem and show that it is #P-complete to count the number of bases of matroids representable over any infinite fixed field or finite fields of a fixed characteristic. There are many different ways of describing a matroid. Not all of these are polynomially equivalent. That is, given one description of a matroid, we cannot create another description for the same matroid in time polynomial in the size of the first description. Due to this, the complexity of matroid problems can vary greatly depending on the method of description used. Given one description a problem might be in P while another description gives an NP-complete problem. Based on these interactions between descriptions, we create and study the hierarchy of all matroid descriptions and generalize this to all descriptions of countable objects