5 research outputs found

    Labeled Traveling Salesman Problems: Complexity and approximation

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    We consider labeled Traveling Salesman Problems, defined upon a complete graph of n vertices with colored edges. The objective is to find a tour of maximum or minimum number of colors. We derive results regarding hardness of approximation and analyze approximation algorithms, for both versions of the problem. For the maximization version we give a 1/21/2-approximation algorithm based on local improvements and show that the problem is APX-hard. For the minimization version, we show that it is not approximable within n1ϵn^{1-\epsilon} for any fixed ϵ>0\epsilon>0. When every color appears in the graph at most rr times and rr is an increasing function of nn, the problem is shown not to be approximable within factor O(r1ϵ)O(r^{1-\epsilon}). For fixed constant rr we analyze a polynomial-time (r+Hr)/2(r +H_r)/2 approximation algorithm, where HrH_r is the rr-th harmonic number, and prove APX-hardness for r=2r = 2. For all of the analyzed algorithms we exhibit tightness of their analysis by provision of appropriate worst-case instances

    Combinatorial optimization in networks with Shared Risk Link Groups

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    International audienceThe notion of Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLG) captures survivability issues when a set of links of a network may fail simultaneously. The theory of survivable network design relies on basic combinatorial objects that are rather easy to compute in the classical graph models: shortest paths, minimum cuts, or pairs of disjoint paths. In the SRLG context, the optimization criterion for these objects is no longer the number of edges they use, but the number of SRLGs involved. Unfortunately, computing these combinatorial objects is NP-hard and hard to approximate with this objective in general. Nevertheless some objects can be computed in polynomial time when the SRLGs satisfy certain structural properties of locality which correspond to practical ones, namely the star property (all links affected by a given SRLG are incident to a unique node) and the span 1 property (the links affected by a given SRLG form a connected component of the network). The star property is defined in a multi-colored model where a link can be affected by several SRLGs while the span property is defined only in a mono-colored model where a link can be affected by at most one SRLG. In this paper, we extend these notions to characterize new cases in which these optimization problems can be solved in polynomial time. We also investigate the computational impact of the transformation from the multi-colored model to the mono-colored one. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposed algorithms and principles

    The Maximum Labeled Path Problem

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study the approximability of the Maximum Labeled Path problem: given a vertex-labeled directed acyclic graph D, find a path in D that collects a maximum number of distinct labels. For any epsilon > 0, we provide a polynomial time approximation algorithm that computes a solution of value at least OPT^{1−epsilon) and a self-reduction showing that any constant ratio approximation algorithm for this problem can be converted into a PTAS. This last result, combined with the APX-hardness of the problem, shows that the problem cannot be approximated within any constant ratio unless P = NP

    The Complexity of Bottleneck Labeled Graph Problems

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    We present hardness results, approximation heuristics, and exact algorithms for bottleneck labeled optimization problems arising in the context of graph theory. This long-established model partitions the set of edges into classes, each of which is identified by a unique color. The generic objective is to construct a subgraph of prescribed structure (such as that of being an s-t path, a spanning tree, or a perfect matching) while trying to avoid over-picking or under-picking edges from any given color