15,583 research outputs found

    Multiscale Markov Decision Problems: Compression, Solution, and Transfer Learning

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    Many problems in sequential decision making and stochastic control often have natural multiscale structure: sub-tasks are assembled together to accomplish complex goals. Systematically inferring and leveraging hierarchical structure, particularly beyond a single level of abstraction, has remained a longstanding challenge. We describe a fast multiscale procedure for repeatedly compressing, or homogenizing, Markov decision processes (MDPs), wherein a hierarchy of sub-problems at different scales is automatically determined. Coarsened MDPs are themselves independent, deterministic MDPs, and may be solved using existing algorithms. The multiscale representation delivered by this procedure decouples sub-tasks from each other and can lead to substantial improvements in convergence rates both locally within sub-problems and globally across sub-problems, yielding significant computational savings. A second fundamental aspect of this work is that these multiscale decompositions yield new transfer opportunities across different problems, where solutions of sub-tasks at different levels of the hierarchy may be amenable to transfer to new problems. Localized transfer of policies and potential operators at arbitrary scales is emphasized. Finally, we demonstrate compression and transfer in a collection of illustrative domains, including examples involving discrete and continuous statespaces.Comment: 86 pages, 15 figure

    Optimal path planning for surveillance with temporal-logic constraints

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    In this paper we present a method for automatically generating optimal robot paths satisfying high-level mission specifications. The motion of the robot in the environment is modeled as a weighted transition system. The mission is specified by an arbitrary linear temporal-logic (LTL) formula over propositions satisfied at the regions of a partitioned environment. The mission specification contains an optimizing proposition, which must be repeatedly satisfied. The cost function that we seek to minimize is the maximum time between satisfying instances of the optimizing proposition. For every environment model, and for every formula, our method computes a robot path that minimizes the cost function. The problem is motivated by applications in robotic monitoring and data-gathering. In this setting, the optimizing proposition is satisfied at all locations where data can be uploaded, and the LTL formula specifies a complex data-collection mission. Our method utilizes Büchi automata to produce an automaton (which can be thought of as a graph) whose runs satisfy the temporal-logic specification. We then present a graph algorithm that computes a run corresponding to the optimal robot path. We present an implementation for a robot performing data collection in a road-network platform.This material is based upon work supported in part by ONR-MURI (award N00014-09-1-1051), ARO (award W911NF-09-1-0088), and Masaryk University (grant numbers LH11065 and GD102/09/H042), and other funding sources (AFOSR YIP FA9550-09-1-0209, NSF CNS-1035588, NSF CNS-0834260). (N00014-09-1-1051 - ONR-MURI; W911NF-09-1-0088 - ARO; LH11065 - Masaryk University; GD102/09/H042 - Masaryk University; FA9550-09-1-0209 - AFOSR YIP; CNS-1035588 - NSF; CNS-0834260 - NSF

    An Even Faster and More Unifying Algorithm for Comparing Trees via Unbalanced Bipartite Matchings

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    A widely used method for determining the similarity of two labeled trees is to compute a maximum agreement subtree of the two trees. Previous work on this similarity measure is only concerned with the comparison of labeled trees of two special kinds, namely, uniformly labeled trees (i.e., trees with all their nodes labeled by the same symbol) and evolutionary trees (i.e., leaf-labeled trees with distinct symbols for distinct leaves). This paper presents an algorithm for comparing trees that are labeled in an arbitrary manner. In addition to this generality, this algorithm is faster than the previous algorithms. Another contribution of this paper is on maximum weight bipartite matchings. We show how to speed up the best known matching algorithms when the input graphs are node-unbalanced or weight-unbalanced. Based on these enhancements, we obtain an efficient algorithm for a new matching problem called the hierarchical bipartite matching problem, which is at the core of our maximum agreement subtree algorithm.Comment: To appear in Journal of Algorithm

    Efficient Parameterized Algorithms for Computing All-Pairs Shortest Paths

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    Computing all-pairs shortest paths is a fundamental and much-studied problem with many applications. Unfortunately, despite intense study, there are still no significantly faster algorithms for it than the O(n3)\mathcal{O}(n^3) time algorithm due to Floyd and Warshall (1962). Somewhat faster algorithms exist for the vertex-weighted version if fast matrix multiplication may be used. Yuster (SODA 2009) gave an algorithm running in time O(n2.842)\mathcal{O}(n^{2.842}), but no combinatorial, truly subcubic algorithm is known. Motivated by the recent framework of efficient parameterized algorithms (or "FPT in P"), we investigate the influence of the graph parameters clique-width (cwcw) and modular-width (mwmw) on the running times of algorithms for solving All-Pairs Shortest Paths. We obtain efficient (and combinatorial) parameterized algorithms on non-negative vertex-weighted graphs of times O(cw2n2)\mathcal{O}(cw^2n^2), resp. O(mw2n+n2)\mathcal{O}(mw^2n + n^2). If fast matrix multiplication is allowed then the latter can be improved to O(mw1.842n+n2)\mathcal{O}(mw^{1.842}n + n^2) using the algorithm of Yuster as a black box. The algorithm relative to modular-width is adaptive, meaning that the running time matches the best unparameterized algorithm for parameter value mwmw equal to nn, and they outperform them already for mw∈O(n1−ε)mw \in \mathcal{O}(n^{1 - \varepsilon}) for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0

    Finding Streams in Knowledge Graphs to Support Fact Checking

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    The volume and velocity of information that gets generated online limits current journalistic practices to fact-check claims at the same rate. Computational approaches for fact checking may be the key to help mitigate the risks of massive misinformation spread. Such approaches can be designed to not only be scalable and effective at assessing veracity of dubious claims, but also to boost a human fact checker's productivity by surfacing relevant facts and patterns to aid their analysis. To this end, we present a novel, unsupervised network-flow based approach to determine the truthfulness of a statement of fact expressed in the form of a (subject, predicate, object) triple. We view a knowledge graph of background information about real-world entities as a flow network, and knowledge as a fluid, abstract commodity. We show that computational fact checking of such a triple then amounts to finding a "knowledge stream" that emanates from the subject node and flows toward the object node through paths connecting them. Evaluation on a range of real-world and hand-crafted datasets of facts related to entertainment, business, sports, geography and more reveals that this network-flow model can be very effective in discerning true statements from false ones, outperforming existing algorithms on many test cases. Moreover, the model is expressive in its ability to automatically discover several useful path patterns and surface relevant facts that may help a human fact checker corroborate or refute a claim.Comment: Extended version of the paper in proceedings of ICDM 201

    One-class classifiers based on entropic spanning graphs

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    One-class classifiers offer valuable tools to assess the presence of outliers in data. In this paper, we propose a design methodology for one-class classifiers based on entropic spanning graphs. Our approach takes into account the possibility to process also non-numeric data by means of an embedding procedure. The spanning graph is learned on the embedded input data and the outcoming partition of vertices defines the classifier. The final partition is derived by exploiting a criterion based on mutual information minimization. Here, we compute the mutual information by using a convenient formulation provided in terms of the α\alpha-Jensen difference. Once training is completed, in order to associate a confidence level with the classifier decision, a graph-based fuzzy model is constructed. The fuzzification process is based only on topological information of the vertices of the entropic spanning graph. As such, the proposed one-class classifier is suitable also for data characterized by complex geometric structures. We provide experiments on well-known benchmarks containing both feature vectors and labeled graphs. In addition, we apply the method to the protein solubility recognition problem by considering several representations for the input samples. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed method with respect to other state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Extended and revised version of the paper "One-Class Classification Through Mutual Information Minimization" presented at the 2016 IEEE IJCNN, Vancouver, Canad
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