389 research outputs found

    A Signal Distribution Network for Sequential Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Systems

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    The authors describe a signal distribution network for sequential systems constructed using the Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) computing paradigm. This network promises to enable the construction of arbitrarily complex QCA sequential systems in which all wire crossings are performed using nearest neighbor interactions, which will improve the thermal behavior of QCA systems as well as their resistance to stray charge and fabrication imperfections. The new sequential signal distribution network is demonstrated by the complete design and simulation of a two-bit counter, a three-bit counter, and a pattern detection circuit

    IDPAL – A Partially-Adiabatic Energy-Efficient Logic Family: Theory and Applications to Secure Computing

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    Low-power circuits and issues associated with them have gained a significant amount of attention in recent years due to the boom in portable electronic devices. Historically, low-power operation relied heavily on technology scaling and reduced operating voltage, however this trend has been slowing down recently due to the increased power density on chips. This dissertation introduces a new very-low power partially-adiabatic logic family called Input-Decoupled Partially-Adiabatic Logic (IDPAL) with applications in low-power circuits. Experimental results show that IDPAL reduces energy usage by 79% compared to equivalent CMOS implementations and by 25% when compared to the best adiabatic implementation. Experiments ranging from a simple buffer/inverter up to a 32-bit multiplier are explored and result in consistent energy savings, showing that IDPAL could be a viable candidate for a low-power circuit implementation. This work also shows an application of IDPAL to secure low-power circuits against power analysis attacks. It is often assumed that encryption algorithms are perfectly secure against attacks, however, most times attacks using side channels on the hardware implementation of an encryption operation are not investigated. Power analysis attacks are a subset of side channel attacks and can be implemented by measuring the power used by a circuit during an encryption operation in order to obtain secret information from the circuit under attack. Most of the previously proposed solutions for power analysis attacks use a large amount of power and are unsuitable for a low-power application. The almost-equal energy consumption for any given input in an IDPAL circuit suggests that this logic family is a good candidate for securing low-power circuits again power analysis attacks. Experimental results ranging from small circuits to large multipliers are performed and the power-analysis attack resistance of IDPAL is investigated. Results show that IDPAL circuits are not only low-power but also the most secure against power analysis attacks when compared to other adiabatic low-power circuits. Finally, a hybrid adiabatic-CMOS microprocessor design is presented. The proposed microprocessor uses IDPAL for the implementation of circuits with high switching activity (e.g. ALU) and CMOS logic for other circuits (e.g. memory, controller). An adiabatic-CMOS interface for transforming adiabatic signals to square-wave signals is presented and issues associated with a hybrid implementation and their solutions are also discussed

    Digital logic circuit design using adiabatic approach

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    A major challenge for the circuit designers nowadays is to meet the demand for low power, especially those used in portable and wearable devices which have limited energy power supply. The reasons of designing low power consumption circuit are to reduce energy usage and minimize dissipation of heat. Adiabatic technique is an attractive approach to obtain power optimization where some of the charge in capacitance can be recycled instead of being dissipated as heat. In this thesis, a methodology for designing sequential adiabatic circuits employing a single-phase power clock was investigated. Initially, methods to simulate dynamic power were analysed by identifying a better and reliable method to simulate adiabatic dynamic power. In addition, a method to validate the output voltage swing was presented. The relationship between voltage swing and power dissipation was analysed. Then, several adiabatic sequential D flip flops (DFF) designs which make use of combinational adiabatic circuit design based on quasi-adiabatic were proposed and suitable types of alternating current power supply which influence dynamic power were analysed and selected. The functionality and performance of the proposed circuits were compared against other adiabatic and traditional Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) circuits and verified to function up to 1 GHz operating region. Besides the circuits, the layout of the proposed sequential adiabatic design was also produced. All simulations were carried out using 0.25 ^m CMOS technology parameters using Tanner Electronic Design Aided and HSPICE tools. The findings showed that the proposed combinational circuit had less transistor count, lower power dissipation with lower voltage swing as compared to reference adiabatic circuits. Furthermore, the proposed sequential DFF circuit showed 25% less power dissipation compared to traditional CMOS

    Low Power Dissipation in Johnson Counter using DFAL Technique

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    This paper presents a new method for minimizing power dissipation in 4-bit Johnson counter in which Diode-Free adiabatic Logic(DFAL) is used.Power dissipation of the diodes is eliminated by removing diodes from charging and discharging path.Performance of the proposed logic is analyzed and compared with that of CMOS based circuits. All the simulation are carried out in VIRTUOSO spectre simulator of CADENCE 90nm technology .The paper provides low power dissipation using DFAL logic,which has shown better improvement than conventional CMOS design

    DFAL: Diode-Free Adiabatic Logic Circuits

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