95 research outputs found

    Object-Oriented Implementation of the NAS Parallel Benchmarks using Charm++

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    This report describes experiences with implementing the NAS Computational Fluid Dynamics benchmarks using a parallel object-oriented language, Charm++. Our main objective in implementing the NAS CFD kernel benchmarks was to develop a code that could be used to easily experiment with different domain decomposition strategies and dynamic load balancing. We also wished to leverage the object-orientation provided by the Charm++ parallel object-oriented language, to develop reusable abstractions that would simplify the process of developing parallel applications. We first describe the Charm++ parallel programming model and the parallel object array abstraction, then go into detail about each of the Scalar Pentadiagonal (SP) and Lower/Upper Triangular (LU) benchmarks, along with performance results. Finally we conclude with an evaluation of the methodology used

    A design method for supporting the development and integration of ARTful global schedulers into multiple programming models

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2019.Plataformas de execução em ambientes de alto desempenho estão tornando-se cada vez mais diversas com o desenvolvimento de novas arquiteturas e ferramentas para se beneficiar do paralelismo inerente das aplicações. Estas novas opções de ferramentas oferecem possibilidades de melhoria no desempenho de aplicações científicas e de engenharia. A crescente gama de plataformas torna mais complexa a distribuição das tarefas da aplicação no ambiente, passo que deve ser gerido pelos sistemas de execução e seus balanceadores de carga, de modo a não prejudicar a portabilidade da aplicação. No entanto, o desenvolvimento e implantação de novos escalonadores de tarefas em sistemas amplamente utilizados na indústria como OpenMP e MPI sofrem com a falta de suporte de frameworks. Este trabalho propõe uma biblioteca, MOGSLib, para auxiliar o desenvolvimento e implantação de escalonadores globais em diferentes sistemas de execução de alto desempenho. MOGSLib aplica abstrações reutilizáveis, independentes e testáveis na forma de classes template em C++ para representar as políticas de escalonamento, sua relação com o sistema de execução e a taxonomia da solução de escalonamento. Nós avaliamos o sobrecusto de nossas estratégias portáveis em comparação com suas versões nativas nos sistemas de execução em dois ambientes distintos, os sistemas Charm++ e OpenMP. Em nosso experimentos, conseguimos dar suporte à definição de estratégias de escalonamento do usuário e sua implantação como escalonadores de laço na LibGOMP e balanceadores de carga no Charm++ através da seleção de implementação das abstrações que os compõem. Nós verificamos que nossas versões dos escalonadores oferecem tempos de execução de aplicação equivalentes aos balanceadores nativos para a classe de escalonadores centralizados e cientes de carga aplicados em kernels de dinâmica molecular. Por fim, a flexibilidade de incorporar funcionalidades e políticas de escalonamento do usuário em sistemas de execução com modificações limitadas nos códigos de sistemas de execução mostra que é possível construir balanceadores de carga flexíveis com pouco sobrecusto até para ambientes de alto desempenho.Abstract: Execution platforms for high performance computing are becoming diverse as a result of new architectures and tools to benefit from the parallel behavior of applications. These new options showcase performance enhancing opportunities for scientific and engineering applications. The execution platform diversity and the mapping of an application's tasks must be implicitly handled by runtime systems and their global schedulers as to enable the application performance and implementation portability. However, the development and integration of novel global schedulers into industry standards systems like OpenMP and MPI lack framework support. This work proposes a library, MOGSLib, to support the development and integration of global schedulers into different high performance runtime systems. MOGSLib employs reusable, independent and testable abstractions represented as C++ template structures to express scheduling policies, their relationship to runtime systems and the scheduling solution taxonomy. This approach allows a bottom-up development process based on the incremental composition of abstractions through template specializations. We evaluate the overhead of employing our portable policies in comparison to their system-native counterparts in two environments, the Charm++ and OpenMP systems. Throughout our experiments we achieved development support for user-defined scheduling policies that can be implanted both as loop schedulers in LibGOMP and load balancers in Charm++ through the selection of abstraction implementations. We leveraged the overhead by employing workload-aware policies on molecular dynamics kernels which resulted in equivalent application makespan for both native and the MOGSLib scheduler versions. Ultimately, the flexibility to incorporate user-defined structures and scheduling policies into runtime systems with limited alterations into runtime system code bases hint that the definition of flexible global schedulers is available with neglible overheads even for high performance environments

    Parallel Programming with Migratable Objects: Charm++ in Practice

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    The advent of petascale computing has introduced new challenges (e.g. Heterogeneity, system failure) for programming scalable parallel applications. Increased complexity and dynamism in science and engineering applications of today have further exacerbated the situation. Addressing these challenges requires more emphasis on concepts that were previously of secondary importance, including migratability, adaptivity, and runtime system introspection. In this paper, we leverage our experience with these concepts to demonstrate their applicability and efficacy for real world applications. Using the CHARM++ parallel programming framework, we present details on how these concepts can lead to development of applications that scale irrespective of the rough landscape of supercomputing technology. Empirical evaluation presented in this paper spans many miniapplications and real applications executed on modern supercomputers including Blue Gene/Q, Cray XE6, and Stampede