367,617 research outputs found

    Data integrity: an often-ignored aspect of safety systems: executive summary

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    Data is all-pervasive and is found in all aspects of modern computer systems, and yet many engineers seem reluctant to recognise the importance of data integrity. The conventional view of data, as simply an aspect of software, underestimates the role played by data errors in the behaviour of the system and their potential effect on the integrity of the overall system. In many cases hazard analysis is not applied to data in the same way that it is applied to other system components. Without data integrity requirements, data development and data provision may not attract the degree of rigour that would be required of other system components of a similar integrity. This omission also has implications for safety assessment where the data is often ignored or neglected. This position becomes self reenforcing, as without integrity requirements the importance of data integrity remains hidden. This research provides a wide-ranging overview of the use (and abuse) of data within safety systems, and proposes a range of strategies and techniques to improve the safety of such systems. A literature review and a survey of industrial practice confirmed the conventional view of data, and showed that there is little consistency in the methods used for data development. To tackle these problems this work proposes a novel paradigm, in which data is considered as a separate and distinct system component. This approach not only ensures that data is given the importance that it deserves, but also simplifies the task of providing guidance that is specific to data. Having developed this conceptual framework for data, the work then goes on to develop lifecycle models to assist with data development, and to propose a range of techniques appropriate for the various lifecycle phases. An important aspect of the development of any safety-related system is the production of a safety argument, and this research looks in some detail at the treatment of data, and data development, within this justification. The industrial survey reveals that in data-intensive systems data is often developed quite separately from other elements of the system. It also reveals that data is often produced by an extended data supply chain that may involve a number of disparate organisations. These characteristics of data distinguish it from other system components and greatly complicate the achievement and demonstration of safety. This research proposes methods of modelling complex data supply chains and proposes techniques for tackling the difficult task of safety justification for such systems

    Developing minimum clinical standards for physiotherapy in South African ICUs: A qualitative study

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    Rationale, aims, and objectives: Physiotherapists are integral members of the intensive care unit (ICU) team. Clinicians working in ICU are dependent on their own experience when making decisions regarding individual patient management thus resulting in variation in clinical practice. No formalized clinical practice guidelines or standards exist for the educational profile or scope of practice requirements for ICU physiotherapy. This study explored perceptions of physiotherapists on minimum clinical standards that ICU physiotherapists should adhere to for delivering safe, effective physiotherapy services to critically ill patients. Method: Experienced physiotherapists offering a service to South African ICUs were purposively sampled. Three focus group sessions were held in different parts of the country to ensure national participation. Each was audio recorded. The stimulus question posed was “What is the minimum standard of clinical practice needed by physiotherapists to ensure safe and independent practice in South African ICUs?” Three categories were explored, namely, knowledge, skill, and attributes. Themes and subthemes were developed using the codes identified. An inductive approach to data analysis was used to perform conventional content analysis. Results: Twenty-five physiotherapists participated in 1 of 3 focus group sessions. Mean years of ICU experience was 10.8 years (±7.0; range, 3-33). Three themes emerged from the data namely, integrated medical knowledge, multidisciplinary teamwork, and physiotherapy practice. Integrated medical knowledge related to anatomy and physiology, conditions that patients present with in ICU, the ICU environment, pathology and pathophysiology, and pharmacology. Multidisciplinary teamwork encompassed elements related to communication, continuous professional development, cultural sensitivity, documentation, ethics, professionalism, safety in ICU, and technology. Components related to physiotherapy practice included clinical reasoning, handling skills, interventions, and patient care. Conclusions: The information obtained will be used to inform the development of a list of standards to be presented to the wider national physiotherapy and ICU communities for further consensus-building activities

    A framework for measuring quality in the emergency department

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    There is increasing concern that medical care is of variable quality, with variable outcomes, safety, costs and experience for patients. Despite substantial efforts to improve patient safety, some studies suggest little evidence of reductions in adverse events. Furthermore, there is limited agreement about what outcomes are expected and whether increased expenditure results in a real improvement in outcome or experience. In emergency medicine, many countries have developed specific indicators to help drive improvements in patient care. Most of these are time based and there is a lack of consensus regarding which indicators are high priority and what an appropriate framework for measuring quality should look like

    Hard-to-Employ Parents: A Review of Their Characteristics and the Programs Designed to Serve Their Needs

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    Many low-income parents with personal challenges that make work difficult (sometimes called the "hard to employ") seek help from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, but many do not. The most effective TANF programs offer cash assistance along with services that alleviate barriers and help clients find jobs. Other federal-state programs offer help by providing either generic employment services or specialized services that address particular challenges. Hard-to-employ parents probably fare best when they enroll in TANF and receive a holistic set of supports. A redesigned system should marshal all program resources to provide an integrated system that addresses barriers and supports work simultaneously
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