404 research outputs found


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    The 50th anniversary of The Second Vatican Council opening is an important moment to research the Catolic followers reception of Church teaching in The Second Vatican Councils documents. Focus of this research is the Church reception for Pastoral Constitution of Gaudium et Spes. The pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes is the longest and the most complex document produced by the Second Vatican Council. This document articulates the relationship between the church and the world. The Church reception for Gaudium et Spes can be detected from three points: the Church effort to teach, the Church understanding to this substance document, and various Church movement that implement Gaudium et Spes items teaching at the centre world

    Spectator 1982-05-26

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    Butlletí bibliogràfic sobre Teologia fonamental: La Revelació

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    The totalitarian catholic identity of the Csángós in Moldavia

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    This article explores the social construction of the Catholic religious identity within the Csángó community from the Moldavia region. A challenging endeavour, the origins of the Csangos are shrouded in mystery due to their ambiguous history and their unacknowledged ethnic minority status. Emphasizing on the concept of memory and the imperative of continuity, the article reveals the unchallenged religious memory of this community. The authoritative tradition of the Catholic church is uncontested, the respondents being Catholics above all. What is more, the religious identity is pervading every sphere of their identification process, its clash with the ethnic dimension being analyzed in detail

    Implicarea Patriarhului Iustin Moisescu în Dialogul Ecumenic. O istorie dezvoltată pe fondul implicării directe a mai marilor Bisericii

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    "œEternity was born in the village" is a reality which is confirmed even by the Church"™s evolution. Specifically, even on the dialogue side, the Church has evolved throughout time, building and rebuilding destroyed relations in ancient times. Considering the homage year assigned to the village"™s life and the outstanding figures from the top of our Church, I chose to evoke real historical approaches made to reach warmer relations captured in our days. The patriarch Iustin Moisescu is one of the promoters for the relationship between the Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, as well as between the rest of the Church"™s. The dialogue part wasn"™t foreign for the first half of the past century, the patriarch Iustin being also involved in the discussions of the Church"™s Ecumenical Council, considered by most as a reference of ecumenical closeness. Taken as a reference, we can notice that based on this ecumenical activity there was elevated a continuous dialogue shown differently, throughout relational organisms like: The World Council of Churches, Mixt Committees of dialogue, various ecumenical Meetings, etc. This memo is seeking to notice the evolution of the ecumenical relationships between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic one, starting from the classic Romanian orthodox values. Regarding the course of the memo, starting from the ecumenical principles existent in the 19th century, throughout terminological remarks and descriptions regarding the relational authorities, we will observe the current state and the fruitful work of the Romanian orthodox promoters

    Translation of Statement on Oath Relating to a Birth Certificate for Zofia Wiśniewska

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    Official translation of a Catholic Church document (“Statement on Oath Relating to a Birth Certificate”) providing details on the birth and baptism of Zofia Wiśniewska and her marriage to Włodzimierz Drzewieniecki. Signed by Captain Z.S. Kulpiński, Headquarters, Polish 2nd Corps, October 5, 1946.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/drzcivdoc/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Odnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata u arhitekturi pravoslavnih crkava na razmeđi milenijuma

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    The paper will present the contemporary practice of church architecture in Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian and Greek orthodox churches, at the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century, and analyse the relationship of traditional and contemporary elements, with the aim of determining main trends and development tendencies. Free development of sacred architecture was interrupted by long reigns of authorities opposed to Orthodox Christianity. After the downfall of Communist regimes, conditions were created for the unobstructed construction of sacred buildings in all Orthodox countries, while the issue of traditional church architecture re-emerged as important. Further development of Orthodox church architecture may be affected by some issues raised in relation to the structure and form of liturgy, regarding the internal organisation of the temple. The freedom of architectural creation is strongly supported by the richness of forms created throughout history. Traditionalist approaches to the architectural shaping of churches are dominant even nowadays, tradition being understood and interpreted individually. At the same time, efforts to introduce contemporary architectural expression into church architecture have been increasing and gaining strength.U radu se prikazuje savremena praksa crkvenog graditeljstva Bugarske, Rumunske, Ruske i Grčke pravoslavne crkve, s kraja XX i početka XXI veka, i analizira odnos tradicionalnih i savremenih elemenata, s ciljem utvrđivanja osnovnih pravaca i tendencija razvoja. Slobodan razvoj sakralnog graditeljstva prekidan je dugim periodima vladavine pravoslavlju nenaklonjenih vlasti. Posle pada komunističkih režima stvaraju se uslovi za nesmetanu izgradnju sakralnih objekata u svim pravoslavnim zemljama; istovremeno, ponovo se aktuelizuje pitanje odnosa prema tradicionalnoj crkvenoj arhitekturi. Na dalji razvoj pravoslavnog crkvenog graditeljstva mogu imati uticaja neka od pitanja koja se postavljaju u vezi sa strukturom i formom liturgije, koja se tiču unutrašnje organizacije hrama. Slobodu arhitektonskog stvaralaštva snažno podupire bogatstvo oblika nastalih kroz istoriju. Tradicionalistički pristupi arhitektonskom oblikovanju crkava i danas su najprisutniji, a tradicija se shvata i interpretira proizvoljno. U isto vreme, pokušaji uvođenja savremenog arhitektonskog izraza u crkveno graditeljstvo su sve češći i snažniji

    In Clandestinity: illegal religious minorities in the archives of the Securitate

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    This research is part of the project Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: Hidden Galleries in the Secret Police Archives in Central and Eastern Europe. The project has received funding from the European Research 2020 research and innovation programme No. 677355.The present article discusses the terminology that the repressive state imposes on underground religious communities and the limits these terms impose on the current theoretical language researcher and communities develop for describing the religious life during the communist regime. Based on archival work with CNSAS files and on oral interviews in Greek Catholic and Old Calendarist Orthodox communities the article hypothesizes that three decades after the fall of communism we (researchers and communities alike) are still indebted to the vocabulary used by the Secret Police in the surveillance activity against the religious communities of the underground

    Inventing Ecumenism? Inter-Confessional Dialogue in Transylvania, Romania in the 1960s

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