12 research outputs found

    The Cameron-Liebler problem for sets

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    Cameron-Liebler line classes and Cameron-Liebler k-classes in PG(2k+1,q) are currently receiving a lot of attention. Links with the Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado results in finite projective spaces occurred. We introduce here in this article the similar problem on Cameron-Liebler classes of sets, and solve this problem completely, by making links to the classical Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado result on sets. We also present a characterisation theorem for the Cameron-Liebler classes of sets

    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n,q)

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    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces were introduced recently by Y. Filmus and F. Ihringer. We list several equivalent definitions for these Cameron-Liebler sets, by making a generalization of known results about Cameron-Liebler line sets in PG(n, q) and Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(2k + 1, q). We also present a classification result

    Implications of vanishing Krein parameters on Delsarte designs, with applications in finite geometry

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    In this paper we show that if θ\theta is a TT-design of an association scheme (Ω,R)(\Omega, \mathcal{R}), and the Krein parameters qi,jhq_{i,j}^h vanish for some h∉Th \not \in T and all i,j∉Ti, j \not \in T (i,j,h≠0i, j, h \neq 0), then θ\theta consists of precisely half of the vertices of (Ω,R)(\Omega, \mathcal{R}) or it is a T′T'-design, where ∣T′∣>∣T∣|T'|>|T|. We then apply this result to various problems in finite geometry. In particular, we show for the first time that nontrivial mm-ovoids of generalised octagons of order (s,s2)(s, s^2) do not exist. We give short proofs of similar results for (i) partial geometries with certain order conditions; (ii) thick generalised quadrangles of order (s,s2)(s,s^2); (iii) the dual polar spaces DQ(2d,q)\mathsf{DQ}(2d, q), DW(2d−1,q)\mathsf{DW}(2d-1,q) and DH(2d−1,q2)\mathsf{DH}(2d-1,q^2), for d≥3d \ge 3; (iv) the Penttila-Williford scheme. In the process of (iv), we also consider a natural generalisation of the Penttila-Williford scheme in Q−(2n−1,q)\mathsf{Q}^-(2n-1, q), n⩾3n\geqslant 3.Comment: This paper builds on part of the doctoral work of the second author under the supervision of the first. The second author acknowledges the support of an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship and Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP20010195

    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n,q)

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    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces were introduced recently by Y. Filmus and F. Ihringer. We list several equivalent definitions for these Cameron-Liebler sets, by making a generalization of known results about Cameron-Liebler line sets in PG(n, q) and Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(2k + 1, q). We also present a classification result

    Equivalent definitions for (degree one) Cameron-Liebler classes of generators in finite classical polar spaces

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    In this article, we study degree one Cameron-Liebler sets of generators in all finite classical polar spaces, which is a particular type of a Cameron-Liebler set of generators in this polar space, [9]. These degree one Cameron-Liebler sets are defined similar to the Boolean degree one functions, [15]. We summarize the equivalent definitions for these sets and give a classification result for the degree one Cameron-Liebler sets in the polar spaces W(5,q) and Q(6,q)

    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(n,q)

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    Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces were introduced recently in Filmus and Ihringer (J Combin Theory Ser A, 2019). We list several equivalent definitions for these Cameron-Liebler sets, by making a generalization of known results about Cameron-Liebler line sets in PG(n,q) and Cameron-Liebler sets of k-spaces in PG(2k+1,q). We also present some classification results

    Cameron-Liebler sets for maximal totally isotropic flats in classical affine spaces

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    Let ACG(2ν,Fq)ACG(2\nu,\mathbb{F}_q) be the 2ν2\nu-dimensional classical affine space with parameter ee over a qq-element finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q, and Oν{\cal O}_{\nu} be the set of all maximal totally isotropic flats in ACG(2ν,Fq)ACG(2\nu,\mathbb{F}_q). In this paper, we discuss Cameron-Liebler sets in Oν{\cal O}_{\nu}, obtain several equivalent definitions and present some classification results.Comment: 25 page

    Cameron-Liebler sets in permutation groups

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    Consider a group GG acting on a set Ω\Omega, the vector va,bv_{a,b} is a vector with the entries indexed by the elements of GG, and the gg-entry is 1 if gg maps aa to bb, and zero otherwise. A (G,Ω)(G,\Omega)-Cameron-Liebler set is a subset of GG, whose indicator function is a linear combination of elements in {va,b : a,b∈Ω}\{v_{a, b}\ :\ a, b \in \Omega\}. We investigate Cameron-Liebler sets in permutation groups, with a focus on constructions of Cameron-Liebler sets for 2-transitive groups.Comment: 25 page

    Boolean degree 1 functions on some classical association schemes

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    We investigate Boolean degree 1 functions for several classical association schemes, including Johnson graphs, Grassmann graphs, graphs from polar spaces, and bilinear forms graphs, as well as some other domains such as multislices (Young subgroups of the symmetric group). In some settings, Boolean degree 1 functions are also known as \textit{completely regular strength 0 codes of covering radius 1}, \textit{Cameron--Liebler line classes}, and \textit{tight sets}. We classify all Boolean degree 11 functions on the multislice. On the Grassmann scheme Jq(n,k)J_q(n, k) we show that all Boolean degree 11 functions are trivial for n≥5n \geq 5, k,n−k≥2k, n-k \geq 2 and q∈{2,3,4,5}q \in \{ 2, 3, 4, 5 \}, and that for general qq, the problem can be reduced to classifying all Boolean degree 11 functions on Jq(n,2)J_q(n, 2). We also consider polar spaces and the bilinear forms graphs, giving evidence that all Boolean degree 11 functions are trivial for appropriate choices of the parameters.Comment: 22 pages; accepted by JCTA; corrected Conjecture 6.