14 research outputs found

    Extended Call-by-Push-Value: Reasoning About Effectful Programs and Evaluation Order

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    Traditionally, reasoning about programs under varying evaluation regimes (call-by-value, call-by-name etc.) was done at the meta-level, treating them as term rewriting systems. Levy’s call-by-push-value (CBPV) calculus provides a more powerful approach for reasoning, by treating CBPV terms as a common intermediate language which captures both call-by-value and call-by-name, and by allowing equational reasoning about changes to evaluation order between or within programs. We extend CBPV to additionally deal with call-by-need, which is non-trivial because of shared reductions. This allows the equational reasoning to also support call-by-need. As an example, we then prove that call-by-need and call-by-name are equivalent if nontermination is the only side-effect in the source language. We then show how to incorporate an effect system. This enables us to exploit static knowledge of the potential effects of a given expression to augment equational reasoning; thus a program fragment might be invariant under change of evaluation regime only because of knowledge of its effects

    Useful Open Call-By-Need

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    This paper studies useful sharing, which is a sophisticated optimization for ?-calculi, in the context of call-by-need evaluation in presence of open terms. Useful sharing turns out to be harder in call-by-need than in call-by-name or call-by-value, because call-by-need evaluates inside environments, making it harder to specify when a substitution step is useful. We isolate the key involved concepts and prove the correctness and the completeness of useful sharing in this setting

    Distilling Abstract Machines (Long Version)

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    It is well-known that many environment-based abstract machines can be seen as strategies in lambda calculi with explicit substitutions (ES). Recently, graphical syntaxes and linear logic led to the linear substitution calculus (LSC), a new approach to ES that is halfway between big-step calculi and traditional calculi with ES. This paper studies the relationship between the LSC and environment-based abstract machines. While traditional calculi with ES simulate abstract machines, the LSC rather distills them: some transitions are simulated while others vanish, as they map to a notion of structural congruence. The distillation process unveils that abstract machines in fact implement weak linear head reduction, a notion of evaluation having a central role in the theory of linear logic. We show that such a pattern applies uniformly in call-by-name, call-by-value, and call-by-need, catching many machines in the literature. We start by distilling the KAM, the CEK, and the ZINC, and then provide simplified versions of the SECD, the lazy KAM, and Sestoft's machine. Along the way we also introduce some new machines with global environments. Moreover, we show that distillation preserves the time complexity of the executions, i.e. the LSC is a complexity-preserving abstraction of abstract machines.Comment: 63 page

    : De la réduction linéaire de tête à l'évaluation paresseuse

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    National audienceÀ partir de la réduction linéaire de tête, nous dérivons de manière systématique un calcul en appel par nécessité. L'introduction d'un calcul pour la réduction linéaire de tête, basée sur une analyse fine de la notion de radicaux premiers de Danos et Regnier, nous permet de construire pas à pas un lambda-calcul en appel par nécessité que l'on compare aux calculs présents dans la littérature

    Node Replication: Theory And Practice

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    We define and study a term calculus implementing higher-order node replication. It is used to specify two different (weak) evaluation strategies: call-by-name and fully lazy call-by-need, that are shown to be observationally equivalent by using type theoretical technical tools.Comment: 64 pages, submitted to LMC

    A strong call-by-need calculus

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    We present a call-by-need λ\lambda-calculus that enables strong reduction (that is, reduction inside the body of abstractions) and guarantees that arguments are only evaluated if needed and at most once. This calculus uses explicit substitutions and subsumes the existing strong-call-by-need strategy, but allows for more reduction sequences, and often shorter ones, while preserving the neededness. The calculus is shown to be normalizing in a strong sense: Whenever a λ\lambda-term t admits a normal form n in the λ\lambda-calculus, then any reduction sequence from t in the calculus eventually reaches a representative of the normal form n. We also exhibit a restriction of this calculus that has the diamond property and that only performs reduction sequences of minimal length, which makes it systematically better than the existing strategy. We have used the Abella proof assistant to formalize part of this calculus, and discuss how this experiment affected its design. In particular, it led us to derive a new description of call-by-need reduction based on inductive rules

    Node Replication: Theory And Practice

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    We define and study a term calculus implementing higher-order node replication. It is used to specify two different (weak) evaluation strategies: call-by-name and fully lazy call-by-need, that are shown to be observationally equivalent by using type theoretical technical tools