824 research outputs found

    Inferring an Indeterminate String from a Prefix Graph

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    An \itbf{indeterminate string} (or, more simply, just a \itbf{string}) \s{x} = \s{x}[1..n] on an alphabet Σ\Sigma is a sequence of nonempty subsets of Σ\Sigma. We say that \s{x}[i_1] and \s{x}[i_2] \itbf{match} (written \s{x}[i_1] \match \s{x}[i_2]) if and only if \s{x}[i_1] \cap \s{x}[i_2] \ne \emptyset. A \itbf{feasible array} is an array \s{y} = \s{y}[1..n] of integers such that \s{y}[1] = n and for every i∈2..ni \in 2..n, \s{y}[i] \in 0..n\- i\+ 1. A \itbf{prefix table} of a string \s{x} is an array \s{\pi} = \s{\pi}[1..n] of integers such that, for every i∈1..ni \in 1..n, \s{\pi}[i] = j if and only if \s{x}[i..i\+ j\- 1] is the longest substring at position ii of \s{x} that matches a prefix of \s{x}. It is known from \cite{CRSW13} that every feasible array is a prefix table of some indetermintate string. A \itbf{prefix graph} \mathcal{P} = \mathcal{P}_{\s{y}} is a labelled simple graph whose structure is determined by a feasible array \s{y}. In this paper we show, given a feasible array \s{y}, how to use \mathcal{P}_{\s{y}} to construct a lexicographically least indeterminate string on a minimum alphabet whose prefix table \s{\pi} = \s{y}.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Cyclic Critical Groups of Graphs

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    In this note, we describe a construction that leads to families of graphs whose critical groups are cyclic. For some of these families we are able to give a formula for the number of spanning trees of the graph, which then determines the group exactly

    Automated Discharging Arguments for Density Problems in Grids

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    Discharging arguments demonstrate a connection between local structure and global averages. This makes it an effective tool for proving lower bounds on the density of special sets in infinite grids. However, the minimum density of an identifying code in the hexagonal grid remains open, with an upper bound of 37≈0.428571\frac{3}{7} \approx 0.428571 and a lower bound of 512≈0.416666\frac{5}{12}\approx 0.416666. We present a new, experimental framework for producing discharging arguments using an algorithm. This algorithm replaces the lengthy case analysis of human-written discharging arguments with a linear program that produces the best possible lower bound using the specified set of discharging rules. We use this framework to present a lower bound of 2355≈0.418181\frac{23}{55} \approx 0.418181 on the density of an identifying code in the hexagonal grid, and also find several sharp lower bounds for variations on identifying codes in the hexagonal, square, and triangular grids.Comment: This is an extended abstract, with 10 pages, 2 appendices, 5 tables, and 2 figure

    Growth rates of geometric grid classes of permutations

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    Geometric grid classes of permutations have proven to be key in investigations of classical permutation pattern classes. By considering the representation of gridded permutations as words in a trace monoid, we prove that every geometric grid class has a growth rate which is given by the square of the largest root of the matching polynomial of a related graph. As a consequence, we characterise the set of growth rates of geometric grid classes in terms of the spectral radii of trees, explore the influence of "cycle parity" on the growth rate, compare the growth rates of geometric grid classes against those of the corresponding monotone grid classes, and present new results concerning the effect of edge subdivision on the largest root of the matching polynomial

    Asymptotic distribution of fixed points of pattern-avoiding involutions

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    For a variety of pattern-avoiding classes, we describe the limiting distribution for the number of fixed points for involutions chosen uniformly at random from that class. In particular we consider monotone patterns of arbitrary length as well as all patterns of length 3. For monotone patterns we utilize the connection with standard Young tableaux with at most kk rows and involutions avoiding a monotone pattern of length kk. For every pattern of length 3 we give the bivariate generating function with respect to fixed points for the involutions that avoid that pattern, and where applicable apply tools from analytic combinatorics to extract information about the limiting distribution from the generating function. Many well-known distributions appear.Comment: 16 page

    Some local--global phenomena in locally finite graphs

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    In this paper we present some results for a connected infinite graph GG with finite degrees where the properties of balls of small radii guarantee the existence of some Hamiltonian and connectivity properties of GG. (For a vertex ww of a graph GG the ball of radius rr centered at ww is the subgraph of GG induced by the set Mr(w)M_r(w) of vertices whose distance from ww does not exceed rr). In particular, we prove that if every ball of radius 2 in GG is 2-connected and GG satisfies the condition dG(u)+dG(v)≥∣M2(w)∣−1d_G(u)+d_G(v)\geq |M_2(w)|-1 for each path uwvuwv in GG, where uu and vv are non-adjacent vertices, then GG has a Hamiltonian curve, introduced by K\"undgen, Li and Thomassen (2017). Furthermore, we prove that if every ball of radius 1 in GG satisfies Ore's condition (1960) then all balls of any radius in GG are Hamiltonian.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures; journal accepted versio
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