620,475 research outputs found

    The Approximate k-List Problem

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    We study a generalization of the k-list problem, also known as the Generalized Birthday problem. In the k-list problem, one starts with k lists of binary vectors and has to find a set of vectors – one from each list – that sum to the all-zero target vector. In our generalized Approximate k-list problem, one has to find a set of vectors that sum to a vector of small Hamming weight ω. Thus, we relax the condition on the target vector and allow for some error positions. This in turn helps us to significantly reduce the size of the starting lists, which determines the memory consumption, and the running time as a function of ω. For ω = 0, our algorithm achieves the original k-list run-time/memory consumption, whereas for ω = n/2 it has polynomial complexity. As in the k-list case, our Approximate k-list algorithm is defined for all k = 2m,m > 1. Surprisingly, we also find an Approximate 3-list algorithm that improves in the runtime exponent compared to its 2-list counterpart for all 0 < ω < n/2. To the best of our knowledge this is the first such improvement of some variant of the notoriously hard 3-list problem. As an application of our algorithm we compute small weight multiples of a given polynomial with more flexible degree than with Wagner’s algorithm from Crypto 2002 and with smaller time/memory consumption than with Minder and Sinclair’s algorithm from SODA 2009

    The streaming kk-mismatch problem

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    We consider the streaming complexity of a fundamental task in approximate pattern matching: the kk-mismatch problem. It asks to compute Hamming distances between a pattern of length nn and all length-nn substrings of a text for which the Hamming distance does not exceed a given threshold kk. In our problem formulation, we report not only the Hamming distance but also, on demand, the full \emph{mismatch information}, that is the list of mismatched pairs of symbols and their indices. The twin challenges of streaming pattern matching derive from the need both to achieve small working space and also to guarantee that every arriving input symbol is processed quickly. We present a streaming algorithm for the kk-mismatch problem which uses O(klog⁥nlog⁥nk)O(k\log{n}\log\frac{n}{k}) bits of space and spends \ourcomplexity time on each symbol of the input stream, which consists of the pattern followed by the text. The running time almost matches the classic offline solution and the space usage is within a logarithmic factor of optimal. Our new algorithm therefore effectively resolves and also extends an open problem first posed in FOCS'09. En route to this solution, we also give a deterministic O(k(log⁥nk+log⁥∣Σ∣))O( k (\log \frac{n}{k} + \log |\Sigma|) )-bit encoding of all the alignments with Hamming distance at most kk of a length-nn pattern within a text of length O(n)O(n). This secondary result provides an optimal solution to a natural communication complexity problem which may be of independent interest.Comment: 27 page

    Improved Algorithms for the Approximate k-List Problem in Euclidean Norm

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    We present an algorithm for the approximate kk-List problem for the Euclidean distance that improves upon the Bai-Laarhoven-Stehle (BLS) algorithm from ANTS\u2716. The improvement stems from the observation that almost all the solutions to the approximate kk-List problem form a particular configuration in nn-dimensional space. Due to special properties of configurations, it is much easier to verify whether a kk-tuple forms a configuration rather than checking whether it gives a solution to the kk-List problem. Thus, phrasing the kk-List problem as a problem of finding such configurations immediately gives a better algorithm. Furthermore, the search for configurations can be sped up using techniques from Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Stated in terms of configuration-search, our LSH-like algorithm offers a broader picture on previous LSH algorithms. For the Shortest Vector Problem, our configuration-search algorithm results in an exponential improvement for memory-efficient sieving algorithms. For k=3k=3, it allows us to bring down the complexity of the BLS sieve algorithm on an nn-dimensional lattice from 20.4812n+o(n)2^{0.4812n+o(n)} to 20.3962n+o(n)2^{0.3962n + o(n)} with the same space-requirement 20.1887n+o(n)2^{0.1887n + o(n)}. Note that our algorithm beats the Gauss Sieve algorithm with time resp. space requirements of 20.415n+o(n)2^{0.415n+o(n)} resp. 20.208n+o(n)2^{0.208n + o(n)}, while being easy to implement. Using LSH techniques, we can further reduce the time complexity down to 20.3717n+o(n)2^{0.3717n + o(n)} while retaining a memory complexity of 20.1887n+o(n)2^{0.1887n+o(n)}

    Listing k-cliques in Sparse Real-World Graphs

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    International audienceMotivated by recent studies in the data mining community which require to efficiently list all k-cliques, we revisit the iconic algorithm of Chiba and Nishizeki and develop the most efficient parallel algorithm for such a problem. Our theoretical analysis provides the best asymptotic upper bound on the running time of our algorithm for the case when the input graph is sparse. Our experimental evaluation on large real-world graphs shows that our parallel algorithm is faster than state-of-the-art algorithms, while boasting an excellent degree of parallelism. In particular, we are able to list all k-cliques (for any k) in graphs containing up to tens of millions of edges as well as all 10-cliques in graphs containing billions of edges, within a few minutes and a few hours respectively. Finally, we show how our algorithm can be employed as an effective subroutine for finding the k-clique core decomposition and an approximate k-clique densest subgraphs in very large real-world graphs

    Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate kk-List Problem and their Application to Lattice Sieving

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    The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the mathematical foundations of lattice based cryptography. Lattice sieve algorithms are amongst the foremost methods of solving SVP. The asymptotically fastest known classical and quantum sieves solve SVP in a dd-dimensional lattice in 2cd+o(d)2^{cd + o(d)} time steps with 2c2˘7d+o(d)2^{c\u27d + o(d)} memory for constants c,c2˘7c, c\u27. In this work, we give various quantum sieving algorithms that trade computational steps for memory. We first give a quantum analogue of the classical kk-Sieve algorithm [Herold--Kirshanova--Laarhoven, PKC\u2718] in the Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) model, achieving an algorithm that heuristically solves SVP in 20.2989d+o(d)2^{0.2989d + o(d)} time steps using 20.1395d+o(d)2^{0.1395d + o(d)} memory. This should be compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm [Laarhoven, Ph.D Thesis, 2015] which, in the same model, solves SVP in 20.2653d+o(d)2^{0.2653d + o(d)} time steps and memory. In the QRAM model these algorithms can be implemented using poly(d)poly(d) width quantum circuits. Secondly, we frame the kk-Sieve as the problem of kk-clique listing in a graph and apply quantum kk-clique finding techniques to the kk-Sieve. Finally, we explore the large quantum memory regime by adapting parallel quantum search [Beals et al., Proc. Roy. Soc. A\u2713] to the 22-Sieve and giving an analysis in the quantum circuit model. We show how to heuristically solve SVP in 20.1037d+o(d)2^{0.1037d + o(d)} time steps using 20.2075d+o(d)2^{0.2075d + o(d)} quantum memory

    Quantum Algorithms for the Approximate <i>k</i>-List Problem and their Application to Lattice Sieving

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    The Shortest Vector Problem (SVP) is one of the mathematical foundations of lattice based cryptography. Lattice sieve algorithms are amongst the foremost methods of solving SVP. The asymptotically fastest known classical and quantum sieves solve SVP in a dd-dimensional lattice in 2^{\const d + \smallo(d)} time steps with 2^{\const' d + \smallo(d)} memory for constants c,câ€Čc, c'. In this work, we give various quantum sieving algorithms that trade computational steps for memory.We first give a quantum analogue of the classical kk-Sieve algorithm [Herold--Kirshanova--Laarhoven, PKC'18] in the Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) model, achieving an algorithm that heuristically solves SVP in 20.2989d+o(d)2^{0.2989d + o(d)} time steps using 20.1395d+o(d)2^{0.1395d + o(d)} memory. This should be compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm [Laarhoven, Ph.D Thesis, 2015] which, in the same model, solves SVP in 20.2653d+o(d)2^{0.2653d + o(d)} time steps and memory. In the QRAM model these algorithms can be implemented using \poly(d) width quantum circuits.Secondly, we frame the kk-Sieve as the problem of kk-clique listing in a graph and apply quantum kk-clique finding techniques to the kk-Sieve. Finally, we explore the large quantum memory regime by adapting parallel quantum search [Beals et al., Proc. Roy. Soc. A'13] to the 22-Sieve and giving an analysis in the quantum circuit model. We show how to heuristically solve SVP in 20.1037d+o(d)2^{0.1037d + o(d)} time steps using 20.2075d+o(d)2^{0.2075d + o(d)} quantum memory

    Flexible Coloring

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    Motivated by reliability considerations in data deduplication for storage systems, we introduce the problem of flexible coloring. Given a hypergraph H and the number of allowable colors k, a flexible coloring of H is an assignment of one or more colors to each vertex such that, for each hyperedge, it is possible to choose a color from each vertex’s color list so that this hyperedge is strongly colored (i.e., each vertex has a different color). Different colors for the same vertex can be chosen for different incident hyperedges (hence the term flexible). The goal is to minimize color consumption, namely, the total number of colors assigned, counting multiplicities. Flexible coloring is NP-hard and trivially s − (s−1)k n approximable, where s is the size of the largest hyperedge, and n is the number of vertices. Using a recent result by Bansal and Khot, we show that if k is constant, then it is UGC-hard to approximate to within a factor of s − Δ, for arbitrarily small constant Δ&gt; 0. s − (s−1)k k â€Č Lastly, we present an algorithm with an approximation ratio, where k â€Č is number of colors used by a strong coloring algorithm for H. Keywords: graph coloring, hardness of approximatio

    Applications of Coding Theory to Massive Multiple Access and Big Data Problems

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    The broad theme of this dissertation is design of schemes that admit iterative algorithms with low computational complexity to some new problems arising in massive multiple access and big data. Although bipartite Tanner graphs and low-complexity iterative algorithms such as peeling and message passing decoders are very popular in the channel coding literature they are not as widely used in the respective areas of study and this dissertation serves as an important step in that direction to bridge that gap. The contributions of this dissertation can be categorized into the following three parts. In the first part of this dissertation, a timely and interesting multiple access problem for a massive number of uncoordinated devices is considered wherein the base station is interested only in recovering the list of messages without regard to the identity of the respective sources. A coding scheme with polynomial encoding and decoding complexities is proposed for this problem, the two main features of which are (i) design of a close-to-optimal coding scheme for the T-user Gaussian multiple access channel and (ii) successive interference cancellation decoder. The proposed coding scheme not only improves on the performance of the previously best known coding scheme by ≈ 13 dB but is only ≈ 6 dB away from the random Gaussian coding information rate. In the second part construction-D lattices are constructed where the underlying linear codes are nested binary spatially-coupled low-density parity-check codes (SCLDPC) codes with uniform left and right degrees. It is shown that the proposed lattices achieve the Poltyrev limit under multistage belief propagation decoding. Leveraging this result lattice codes constructed from these lattices are applied to the three user symmetric interference channel. For channel gains within 0.39 dB from the very strong interference regime, the proposed lattice coding scheme with the iterative belief propagation decoder, for target error rates of ≈ 10^-5, is only 2:6 dB away the Shannon limit. The third part focuses on support recovery in compressed sensing and the nonadaptive group testing (GT) problems. Prior to this work, sensing schemes based on left-regular sparse bipartite graphs and iterative recovery algorithms based on peeling decoder were proposed for the above problems. These schemes require O(K logN) and Ω(K logK logN) measurements respectively to recover the sparse signal with high probability (w.h.p), where N, K denote the dimension and sparsity of the signal respectively (K (double backward arrow) N). Also the number of measurements required to recover at least (1 - €) fraction of defective items w.h.p (approximate GT) is shown to be cv€_K logN/K. In this dissertation, instead of the left-regular bipartite graphs, left-and- right regular bipartite graph based sensing schemes are analyzed. It is shown that this design strategy enables to achieve superior and sharper results. For the support recovery problem, the number of measurements is reduced to the optimal lower bound of Ω (K log N/K). Similarly for the approximate GT, proposed scheme only requires c€_K log N/ K measurements. For the probabilistic GT, proposed scheme requires (K logK log vN/ K) measurements which is only log K factor away from the best known lower bound of Ω (K log N/ K). Apart from the asymptotic regime, the proposed schemes also demonstrate significant improvement in the required number of measurements for finite values of K, N
