684 research outputs found

    Investigation of mixed element hybrid grid-based CFD methods for rotorcraft flow analysis

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    Accurate first-principles flow prediction is essential to the design and development of rotorcraft, and while current numerical analysis tools can, in theory, model the complete flow field, in practice the accuracy of these tools is limited by various inherent numerical deficiencies. An approach that combines the first-principles physical modeling capability of CFD schemes with the vortex preservation capabilities of Lagrangian vortex methods has been developed recently that controls the numerical diffusion of the rotor wake in a grid-based solver by employing a vorticity-velocity, rather than primitive variable, formulation. Coupling strategies, including variable exchange protocols are evaluated using several unstructured, structured, and Cartesian-grid Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)/Euler CFD solvers. Results obtained with the hybrid grid-based solvers illustrate the capability of this hybrid method to resolve vortex-dominated flow fields with lower cell counts than pure RANS/Euler methods

    Some recent applications of Navier-Stokes codes to rotorcraft

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    Many operational limitations of helicopters and other rotary-wing aircraft are due to nonlinear aerodynamic phenomena incuding unsteady, three-dimensional transonic and separated flow near the surfaces and highly vortical flow in the wakes of rotating blades. Modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technology offers new tools to study and simulate these complex flows. However, existing Euler and Navier-Stokes codes have to be modified significantly for rotorcraft applications, and the enormous computational requirements presently limit their use in routine design applications. Nevertheless, the Euler/Navier-Stokes technology is progressing in anticipation of future supercomputers that will enable meaningful calculations to be made for complete rotorcraft configurations

    Deformable Overset Grid for Multibody Unsteady Flow Simulation

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    A deformable overset grid method is proposed to simulate the unsteady aerodynamic problems with multiple flexible moving bodies. This method uses an unstructured overset grid coupled with local mesh deformation to achieve both robustness and efficiency. The overset grid hierarchically organizes the subgrids into clusters and layers, allowing for overlapping/embedding of different type meshes, in which the mesh quality and resolution can be independently controlled. At each time step, mesh deformation is locally applied to the subgrids associated with deforming bodies by an improved Delaunay graph mapping method that uses a very coarse Delaunay mesh as the background graph. The graph is moved and deformed by the spring analogy method according to the specified motion, and then the computational meshes are relocated by a simple one-to-one mapping. An efficient implicit hole-cutting and intergrid boundary definition procedure is implemented fully automatically for both cell-centered and cell-vertex schemes based on the wall distance and an alternative digital tree data search algorithm. This method is successfully applied to several complex multibody unsteady aerodynamic simulations, and the results demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed method for complex unsteady flow problems, particularly for those involving simultaneous large relative motion and self-deformation

    High-fidelity Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization for Rotorcraft Applications

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    A multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis of rotorcraft simulations involving tightly coupled high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics and comprehensive analysis solvers is presented and evaluated. A sensitivity-enabled fluid dynamics solver and a nonlinear flexible multibody dynamics solver are coupled to predict aerodynamic loads and structural responses of helicopter rotor blades. A discretely consistent adjoint-based sensitivity analysis available in the fluid dynamics solver provides sensitivities arising from unsteady turbulent flows and unstructured dynamic overset meshes, while a complex-variable approach is used to compute structural sensitivities with respect to aerodynamic loads. The multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis is conducted through integrating the sensitivity components from each discipline of the coupled system. Accuracy of the coupled system is validated by conducting simulations for a benchmark rotorcraft model and comparing solutions with established analyses and experimental data. Sensitivities of lift computed by the multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis are verified by comparison with the sensitivities obtained by complex-variable simulations. Finally the multidisciplinary sensitivity analysis is applied to a constrained gradient-based design optimization for a HART-II rotorcraft configuration

    Rotor Airloads Prediction Using Unstructured Meshes and Loose CFD/CSD Coupling

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    The FUN3D unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solver for unstructured grids has been modified to allow prediction of trimmed rotorcraft airloads. The trim of the rotorcraft and the aeroelastic deformation of the rotor blades are accounted for via loose coupling with the CAMRAD II rotorcraft computational structural dynamics code. The set of codes is used to analyze the HART-II Baseline, Minimum Noise and Minimum Vibration test conditions. The loose coupling approach is found to be stable and convergent for the cases considered. Comparison of the resulting airloads and structural deformations with experimentally measured data is presented. The effect of grid resolution and temporal accuracy is examined. Rotorcraft airloads prediction presents a very substantial challenge for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Not only must the unsteady nature of the flow be accurately modeled, but since most rotorcraft blades are not structurally stiff, an accurate simulation must account for the blade structural dynamics. In addition, trim of the rotorcraft to desired thrust and moment targets depends on both aerodynamic loads and structural deformation, and vice versa. Further, interaction of the fuselage with the rotor flow field can be important, so that relative motion between the blades and the fuselage must be accommodated. Thus a complete simulation requires coupled aerodynamics, structures and trim, with the ability to model geometrically complex configurations. NASA has recently initiated a Subsonic Rotary Wing (SRW) Project under the overall Fundamental Aeronautics Program. Within the context of SRW are efforts aimed at furthering the state of the art of high-fidelity rotorcraft flow simulations, using both structured and unstructured meshes. Structured-mesh solvers have an advantage in computation speed, but even though remarkably complex configurations may be accommodated using the overset grid approach, generation of complex structured-mesh systems can require months to set up. As a result, many rotorcraft simulations using structured-grid CFD neglect the fuselage. On the other hand, unstructured-mesh solvers are easily able to handle complex geometries, but suffer from slower execution speed. However, advances in both computer hardware and CFD algorithms have made previously state-of-the-art computations routine for unstructured-mesh solvers, so that rotorcraft simulations using unstructured grids are now viable. The aim of the present work is to develop a first principles rotorcraft simulation tool based on an unstructured CFD solver

    Towards High-order Methods for Rotorcraft Applications

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    This work presents CFD results obtained with an efficient, high-order, finite-volume scheme. The formulation is based on the variable extrapolation MUSCL-scheme, and high-order spatial accuracy is achieved using correction terms obtained through successive differentiation. The scheme is modified to cope with physical and multiblock mesh interfaces, so stability, conservativeness, and high-order accuracy are guaranteed. Results with the proposed scheme for steady flows, showed better wake and higher resolution of vortical structures compared with the standard MUSCL, even when coarser meshes were employed. The method was also demonstrated for unsteady flows using overset and moving grids for the UH-60A rotor in forward flight and the ERICA tiltrotor in aeroplane mode. The present method adds CPU and memory overheads of 47% and 23%, respectively, in performing multi-dimensional problems for routine computations

    Cfd Analysis Of Helicopter Rotor-fuselage Flow Interaction In Hovering And Forward Flight Conditions

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (Ph.D.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Askı ve ileri uçuş durumunda zorlu rotor-gövde akış etkileşim problemini incelemek için zamana bağlı sıkıştırılabilir akış analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sistemi oluşturan herbir bileşenin akış yapısı üzerindeki etkilerini irdelemek için izole gövde ve izole rotor konfigürasyonları ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra, bileşenlerin birbirlerine olan etkilerini incelemek amacıyla sistemin tamamı analize tabi tutulmuştur. İzole gövde analizleri RANS tabanlı daimi hesaplamalara dayanmaktadır. Rotor palalarını içeren durumlar için ise URANS çözümleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Akışın türbülanslı doğasını modellemek için daha güvenilir sonuç ürettiği analizler ile tespit edilmiş olan Realizable k-ε türbülans modeli kullanılmıştır. Zamana bağlı rotor analizleri üç farklı ilerleme oranı için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hava yükleri nedeniyle palada gözlemlenen dinamik hareketler azimut açısı ile periyodik bir şekilde değişim gösterirken, aynı zamanda ilerleme oranına bağlı olarak da değişim göstermektedir. Palanın tanımlı hareketleri, mevcut kod yetenekleri ile temsil edilememektedir. Fakat, bu dinamik hareketler ticari HAD yazılımı içerisine kullanıcı tarafından yazılan bir kod vasıtasıyla simülasyon modeline dahil edilebilmektedir. Bilhassa ileri uçuş şartlarında daha belirgin olan çırpma ve yunuslama hareketlerini modellemek için birinci mertebe Fourier serilerinden yararlanılarak bir UDF kodu yazılmıştır. Hesaplama hacmi düzensiz yapıda olup karma elemanlardan oluşmaktadır. Dinamik çözüm ağı yaklaşımlarında sıklıkla görülen problemler çözüm ağı deformasyonu ve çözüm ağı oluşturma yöntemlerinin kullanıldığı dinamik ağlar ile aşılmıştır. Mevcut sayısal çalışmanın doğruluğu deneyler ve diğer sayısal çalışmaların sonuçları ile karşılaştırılarak ortaya konmuştur. Benzer başarılı sonuçlar, daha az sayıda çözüm ağı kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Bu nedenle, mevcut yöntem hesaplama süresinde azalma sağlamakta ve makul hesaplama kaynağı kullanımını mümkün kılmaktadır.Unsteady compressible flow analyses are carried out to investigate the challenging helicopter rotor–fuselage interaction problem in hover and forward flight conditions. First, the isolated fuselage and the isolated rotor configurations are analyzed to examine the individual effects of each component on the flow field. Then, the rotor-fuselage interaction problem is considered. The isolated fuselage analyses are based on the steady RANS computations. URANS simulations are carried out for the cases with rotor blades. The Realizable k-ε turbulence model is found to perform best for the predictions. The time-dependent rotor analyses are simulated at three different advance ratios. The blade dynamic motions excited by the air loads, which vary periodically in the azimuth direction and also differ based on the advance ratio, have been prescribed by a UDF code embedded into the solver, since these motions cannot be directly represented with the existing commercial code capabilities. Azimuthal variations of the flap and pitch motions of the blades are prescribed a priori as a first order Fourier series through User Defined Function feature of the code. The computational domain was modeled by unstructured hybrid mesh elements. Commonly seen dynamic mesh problems are alleviated by appropriately formed dynamic grids using the spring based smoothing and cell re-meshing methods. The accuracy of the present numerical predictions has been demonstrated by the comparison of obtained results with the experiments and other numerical results available in the open literature. The present single grid methodology has given similar successful results with much lower number of grid elements, thus resulting in much shorter computing times, using modest computational power.DoktoraPh.D

    Enhancement of aeroelastic rotor airload prediction methods

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    The accurate prediction of rotor air loads is a current topic of interest in the rotorcraft community. The complex nature of this loading makes this problem especially difficult. Some of the issues that must be considered include transonic effects on the advancing blade, dynamic stall effects on the retreating blade, and wake vortex interactions with the blades, fuselage, and other components. There are numerous codes to perform these predictions, both aerodynamic and structural, but until recently each code has refined either the structural or aerodynamic aspect of the analysis without serious consideration to the other, using only simplified modules to represent the physics. More recent research has concentrated on combining high fidelity CFD and CSD computations to be able to use the most accurate codes available to compute both the structural and the aerodynamic aspects. The objective of the research is to both evaluate and extend a range of prediction methods comparing both accuracy and computational expense. This range covers many methods where the highest accuracy method shown is a delta loads coupling between an unstructured CFD code and a comprehensive code, and the lowest accuracy, but highest efficiency, is found through a free wake and comprehensive code coupling using simplified 2D aerodynamics. From here methods to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the CFD code will be considered through implementation of steady-state grid adaptation, a time accurate low Mach number preconditioning method, and the use of fully articulated rigid blade motion. The exact formulation of the 2D aerodynamic model used in the CSD code will be evaluated, as will efficiency improvements to the free wake code. The advantages of the free-wake code will be tested against a dynamic inflow model. A comparison of all of these methods will show the advantages and consequences of each combination, including the types of physics that each method is able to, or not able to, capture through examination of how closely each method matches flight test data.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Smith, Marilyn; Committee Member: Bauchau, Olivier; Committee Member: Costello, Mark; Committee Member: Moulton, Marvin; Committee Member: Ruffin, Stephe

    Computational Simulations of a Mach 0.745 Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Design

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    A joint effort between the NASA Ames and Langley Research Centers was undertaken to analyze the Mach 0.745 variant of the Boeing Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) Design. Two different flow solvers, LAVA and USM3D, were used to predict the TTBW flight performance. Sensitivity studies related to mesh resolution and numerical schemes were conducted to define best practices for this type of geometry and flow regime. Validation efforts compared the numerical simulation results of various modeling methods against experimental data taken from the NASA Ames 11-foot Unitary Wind Tunnel experimental data. The fidelity of the computational representation of the wind tunnel experiment, such as utilizing a porous wall boundary condition to model the ventilated test section, was varied to examine how different tunnel effects influence CFD predictions. LAVA and USM3D results both show an approximate 0.5 angle of attack shift from experimental lift curve data. This drove an investigation that revealed that the trailing edge of the experimental model was rounded in comparison to the CAD model, due to manufacturing tolerances, which had not been accounted for in the initial simulations of the experiment. Simulating the TTBW with an approximation of this rounded trailing-edge reduces error by approximately 60%. An accurate representation of the tested TTBW geometry, ideally including any wing twists and deflections experienced during the test under various loading conditions, will be necessary for proper validation of the CFD