30 research outputs found

    Agile Engineering: Managing Change to Unleash Innovation

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    The article discusses the field of Organization Development has undergoing an exciting transformation. Topics include as well-established corporations begin to integrate with each other for mergers, acquisitions; what tools and processes has developed and honed to accelerate innovation; and article introduces an adaptation of the traditional software V-model explained step-by-step in the context of organizational learning and innovation

    The Pursuit of Acquisition Intrapreneurs

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    This report represents research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI) program. The research focused on identifying Acquisition Intrapreneurs, viewed and defined for the purpose of this research as, individuals within the acquisition profession who take direct responsibility for turning ideas into products through assertive risk taking. The basis for this research stems from the agile acquisition push for “breeding innovators” to achieve a leaner and more responsive approach to the design, build, test and fielding of warfighting systems

    Métricas en proyectos ágiles. Caso práctico: Jira cloud

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    El mundo del desarrollo de software ha experimentado una transformación significativa con la adopción de metodologías ágiles. Estas metodologías han revolucionado la manera en que los equipos enfrentan la planificación, el monitoreo y la entrega de proyectos, y han resaltado la necesidad de implementar métricas efectivas para evaluar el desempeño del equipo, la calidad del producto y la satisfacción del cliente. En este contexto, esta investigación se sumerge en el ámbito de las métricas en proyectos ágiles, explorando su importancia y aplicación en el entorno de desarrollo de software actual. Al explorar el caso práctico de Jira Cloud, se espera realizar una evaluación que permita comprender mejor cómo las métricas pueden ser aprovechadas para el éxito en la gestión de proyectos ágiles, contribuyendo así a la excelencia en la entrega de proyectos de software en la era ágil. Además, se brindará un nuevo enfoque en la elección de las métricas, desarrollando una herramienta que ayude a la elegir la que más se adecue en cada caso al proyecto. Se buscará de esta manera que con unas sencillas preguntas se pueda orientar a los equipos a, de manera efectiva, para recopilar y analizar estas métricas, mejorando así la eficiencia y precisión en la evaluación del rendimiento del equipo.The world of software development has undergone a significant transformation with the adoption of agile methodologies. These methodologies have revolutionized the way teams approach project planning, monitoring, and delivery, and have highlighted the need to implement effective metrics to evaluate team performance, product quality, and customer satisfaction. In this context, this research dives into the field of metrics in agile projects, exploring their importance and application in the current software development environment. By exploring the Jira Cloud use case, we hope to conduct an assessment to better understand how metrics can be leveraged for success in agile project management, thereby contributing to excellence in software project delivery in the agile era. In addition, a new approach will be provided in the choice of metrics, developing a tool that helps choose the one that best suits the project in each case. In this way, it will be sought that with a few simple questions the teams can be guided to, effectively, collect and analyze these metrics, thus improving efficiency and precision in evaluating the team's performance.Máster Universitario en Dirección de Proyectos Informáticos (M133

    Historical Ethnography: Key Characteristics and the Journey Before, During, and After the Archival Field

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    The aim of this article is to elaborate on the overlooked strategy of historical ethnography. Drawing from the literature and sharing vignettes from my research at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees archive, I advance in two stages. First, by reviewing key works, I provide an overview of historical ethnography, focusing mainly on its distinct characteristics: The historical reach and reliance on a wide range of materials. I also present the inductive-deductive debate to consider the role of theory. Then I provide informed reflections about the different research stages: Before, during, and after leaving the archival field. Becoming immersed in the subject matter prior to the actual empirical examination opens the path to the archives and to a meaningful data collection endeavor. In turn, informed decisions, rather than luck, fuel the ongoing movement between data collection and analysis. Lastly, acknowledging the interpretive mindset involved with thinking ethnographically, I present indexing and temporal coding as helpful strategies for organizing a large corpus of historical data.Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die oft übersehene Strategie der historischen Ethnografie zu erläutern. Ich stütze mich dabei auf die vorliegende Literatur und erzähle von meinen Recherchen im Archiv des Hohen Flüchtlingskommissars der Vereinten Nationen. Ich gehe in zwei Schritten vor. Zunächst gebe ich einen Überblick über die historische Ethnografie, indem ich die wichtigsten Werke bespreche und mich dabei vor allem auf ihre besonderen Merkmale konzentriere: die historische Reichweite und den Rückgriff auf ein breites Spektrum an Materialien. Außerdem stelle ich die Debatte um Induktion und Deduktion vor, um die Rolle von Theorie zu erörtern. Anschließend folgen Überlegungen zu den verschiedenen Forschungsphasen vor, während und nach Verlassen des archivarischen Feldes: Das Eintauchen in den Gegenstand vor der eigentlichen empirischen Untersuchung öffnet den Weg zu den Archiven und zu einer sinnvollen Datenerhebung. Die fortlaufende Bewegung zwischen Datenerhebung und -analyse wiederum wird nicht durch Zufall, sondern durch fundierte Entscheidungen vorangetrieben. In Anerkennung der interpretativen Denkweise, die mit ethnografischem Denken verbunden ist, stelle ich schließlich Indexierung und zeitliche Kodierung als hilfreiche Strategien zur Organisation eines großen Korpus historischer Daten vor

    Digitizing and trends in business practice

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na implementaci transport management systému (TMS) v logistické firmě Mailstep, která si uvědomila jeho potenciál v této oblasti. Data byla získána z polostrukturovaného rozhovoru s produktovým manažerem společnosti Mailstep a přístupu do Jira software. Práce popisuje aktuální trendy v logistice a výhody digitalizace, jako jsou zrychlení a zjednodušení procesů a zlepšení efektivity práce. Výsledky této práce jsou užitečné pro firmy, které uvažují o vlastním vývoji systému do svých logistických procesů, a pro manažery, kteří se zajímají o nové trendy v logistice a digitální transformaci svých podniků.ObhájenoThis bachelor thesis focuses on the implementation of a transport management system (TMS) in the logistics company Mailstep, which realized its potential in this area. Data was obtained from a semi-structured interview with the product manager of Mailstep and access to Jira software. The paper describes current trends in logistics and the benefits of digitalization, such as speeding up and simplifying processes and improving work efficiency. The results of this thesis are useful for companies that are considering developing their own system in their logistics processes and for managers who are interested in new trends in logistics and digital transformation of their companies

    Factors affecting the agility of firms implementing lean manufacturing.

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    Master of Commerce in Management. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2015.Production methods lie on a continuum from mass production to Lean and or Agile. Agile production represents an innovative supply chain strategy that shows promise in the manufacturing sector. Many South African companies are not yet aware of Agility. Currently, many manufacturers are implementing Lean and JIT principles. However, Lean and JIT may not respond adequately to modern market demands and shortened product lifecycles. The Agile paradigm focuses on speed, flexibility and response: critical factors that enable companies to achieve a higher level of differentiation. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of different levels of Lean implementation on production Agility. This study was an innovative investigation into whether Lean and JIT contribute to, or detract from, Agility in manufacturing. There is little published research on this relationship. The study seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge and to benefit manufacturing companies: particularly those in South Africa. The research was exploratory in nature and consequently a case study approach was used. A non-probability, purposive sampling design was used to select three companies representing different categories on the spectrum of the Lean manufacturing continuum: Company A – beginner, Company B – intermediate and Company C – expert. The research was qualitative in nature. A review of the literature tends to suggest that Lean and JIT restrict Agility by restricting speed, flexibility and response. Contrary to expectations, the findings of the study indicate that Agility tends to increase in companies that have undertaken the Lean journey. The results of the study confirm that Lean contributes to Agility within the manufacturing sector. As Lean levels increase from beginner to expert so too do the levels of speed, flexibility and response (SFR). The conclusion drawn from this study is that Lean is a pre-requisite for Agile and companies may need to implement Lean before considering Agile systems. The results of this study have been used to construct a conceptual framework and road map that may be used by firms wishing to undertake the Agile journey. The strategy has been termed ParaLeagile and it may assist manufacturing companies to make more informed and appropriate decisions, thus boosting the economy