4 research outputs found

    2-generations of the sporadic simple groups.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.A group G is said to be 2-generated if G = (x, y), for some non-trivial elements x, y E G. In this thesis we investigate three special types of 2-generations of the sporadic simple groups. A group G is a (l, rn, n )-generated group if G is a quotient group of the triangle group T(l, rn, n) = (x, y, zlx1 = ym = zn = xyz = la). Given divisors l, rn, n of the order of a sporadic simple group G, we ask the question: Is G a (l, rn, n)-generated group? Since we are dealing with simple groups, we may assume that III +l/rn + l/n < 1. Until recently interest in this type of generation had been limited to the role it played in genus actions of finite groups. The problem of determining the genus of a finite simple group is tantamount to maximizing the expression III +l/rn +Iln for which the group is (l,rn,n)-generated. Secondly, we investigate the nX-complementary generations of the finite simple groups. A finite group G is said to be nX-complementary generated if, given an arbitrary non-trivial element x E G, there exists an element y E nX such that G = (x, y). Our interest in this type of generation is motivated by a conjecture (Brenner-Guralnick-Wiegold [18]) that every finite simple group can be generated by an arbitrary non-trivial element together with another suitable element. It was recently proved by Woldar [181] that every sporadic simple group G is pAcomplementary generated, where p is the largest prime divisor of IGI. In an attempt to further the theory of X-complementary generations of the finite simple groups, we pose the following problem. Which conjugacy classes nX of the sporadic simple groups are nX-complementary generated conjugacy classes. In this thesis we provide a complete solution to this problem for the sporadic simple groups HS, McL, C03, Co2 , Jt , J2 , J3 , J4 and Fi 22 · We partially answer the question on (l, rn, n)-generation for the said sporadic groups. A finite non-abelian group G is said to have spread r iffor every set {Xl, X2, ' , "xr } of r non-trivial distinct elements, thpre is an element y E G such that G = (Xi, y), for all i. Our interest in this type of 2-generation comes from a problem by BrennerWiegold [19] to find all finite non-abelian groups with spread 1, but not spread 2. Every sporadic simple group has spread 1 (Woldar [181]) and we show that every sporadic simple group has spread 2

    Orbifoldizing Hopf- and Nichols-Algebras

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    The main goal of this thesis is to explore a new general construction of orbifoldizing Hopf- and Nicholsalgebras, describe the growth of the automorphism group and compare the behaviour of certain associated categories to Kirillov's orbifoldizing. Together with outlooks towards vertex algebras these aspects form the 5-fold subdivision of this thesis. The main applications of this theory is the construction of new finite-dimensional Nichols algebras with sometimes large rank. In the process, the associated group is centrally extended and the root system is folded, as shown e.g. for E6->F4 on the title page. Thus, in some sense, orbifoldizing constructs new finite-dimensional quantum groups with nonabelian Cartan-algebra

    Eleventh European Powder Diffraction Conference. Warsaw, September 19-22, 2008

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    Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. Supplement Volume 30 presents the complete Proceedings of all contributions to the XI European Powder Diffraction Conference in Warsaw 2008: Method Development and Application,Instrumental, Software Development, Materials. Supplement Series of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie publishes Proceedings and Abstracts of international conferences on the interdisciplinary field of crystallography

    Igruppi di Mathieu

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