17 research outputs found

    p-Adic Stability In Linear Algebra

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    Using the differential precision methods developed previously by the same authors, we study the p-adic stability of standard operations on matrices and vector spaces. We demonstrate that lattice-based methods surpass naive methods in many applications, such as matrix multiplication and sums and intersections of subspaces. We also analyze determinants , characteristic polynomials and LU factorization using these differential methods. We supplement our observations with numerical experiments.Comment: ISSAC 2015, Jul 2015, Bath, United Kingdom. 201

    Explicit CM-theory for level 2-structures on abelian surfaces

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    For a complex abelian variety AA with endomorphism ring isomorphic to the maximal order in a quartic CM-field KK, the Igusa invariants j1(A),j2(A),j3(A)j_1(A), j_2(A),j_3(A) generate an abelian extension of the reflex field of KK. In this paper we give an explicit description of the Galois action of the class group of this reflex field on j1(A),j2(A),j3(A)j_1(A),j_2(A),j_3(A). We give a geometric description which can be expressed by maps between various Siegel modular varieties. We can explicitly compute this action for ideals of small norm, and this allows us to improve the CRT method for computing Igusa class polynomials. Furthermore, we find cycles in isogeny graphs for abelian surfaces, thereby implying that the `isogeny volcano' algorithm to compute endomorphism rings of ordinary elliptic curves over finite fields does not have a straightforward generalization to computing endomorphism rings of abelian surfaces over finite fields

    Tracking p-adic precision

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    We present a new method to propagate pp-adic precision in computations, which also applies to other ultrametric fields. We illustrate it with many examples and give a toy application to the stable computation of the SOMOS 4 sequence

    Examples of CM curves of genus two defined over the reflex field

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    In "Proving that a genus 2 curve has complex multiplication", van Wamelen lists 19 curves of genus two over Q\mathbf{Q} with complex multiplication (CM). For each of the 19 curves, the CM-field turns out to be cyclic Galois over Q\mathbf{Q}. The generic case of non-Galois quartic CM-fields did not feature in this list, as the field of definition in that case always contains a real quadratic field, known as the real quadratic subfield of the reflex field. We extend van Wamelen's list to include curves of genus two defined over this real quadratic field. Our list therefore contains the smallest "generic" examples of CM curves of genus two. We explain our methods for obtaining this list, including a new height-reduction algorithm for arbitrary hyperelliptic curves over totally real number fields. Unlike Van Wamelen, we also give a proof of our list, which is made possible by our implementation of denominator bounds of Lauter and Viray for Igusa class polynomials.Comment: 31 pages; Updated some reference

    Isogeny graphs of ordinary abelian varieties

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    Fix a prime number â„“\ell. Graphs of isogenies of degree a power of â„“\ell are well-understood for elliptic curves, but not for higher-dimensional abelian varieties. We study the case of absolutely simple ordinary abelian varieties over a finite field. We analyse graphs of so-called l\mathfrak l-isogenies, resolving that they are (almost) volcanoes in any dimension. Specializing to the case of principally polarizable abelian surfaces, we then exploit this structure to describe graphs of a particular class of isogenies known as (â„“,â„“)(\ell, \ell)-isogenies: those whose kernels are maximal isotropic subgroups of the â„“\ell-torsion for the Weil pairing. We use these two results to write an algorithm giving a path of computable isogenies from an arbitrary absolutely simple ordinary abelian surface towards one with maximal endomorphism ring, which has immediate consequences for the CM-method in genus 2, for computing explicit isogenies, and for the random self-reducibility of the discrete logarithm problem in genus 2 cryptography.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figure

    Primes dividing invariants of CM Picard curves

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    We give a bound on the primes dividing the denominators of invariants of Picard curves of genus 3 with complex multiplication. Unlike earlier bounds in genus 2 and 3, our bound is based not on bad reduction of curves, but on a very explicit type of good reduction. This approach simultaneously yields a simplification of the proof, and much sharper bounds. In fact, unlike all previous bounds for genus 3, our bound is sharp enough for use in explicit constructions of Picard curves