14 research outputs found

    Plan Recognition as an Aid in Virtual Worlds

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    A Cluster-indexing CBR Model for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation

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    Uni - Search - A web crawler for career matching and university of choice detection

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    Journal articleMany of the youth around the world are not certain of what career to pursue for one reason or another. Unfortunately at the moment, several youth tend to pursue the “cool” courses without regard to their capabilities, passions and interests. Uni-Search is an intelligent application meant to create awareness about choosing the ideal route to a career or profession. Given ones’ capabilities or strengths, the application establishes your personality then matches the possible career options proper to ones' capabilities. This is achieved by crawling the web with efficient matching algorithms. With the results, a user is then at freedom to select among the options given which one best defines what you want to do for a career. A user can then select among the courses and read about what each one of them entails before narrowing down to one. Uni-Search also provides information on which Universities offer the chosen course and their location. This helps to a large extent counter the issue of youth unawareness about what career path to undertake and what course to pursue

    An agent-based framework for secure and privacy-preserving personalized information services

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    Los proveedores de servicios ubicuos de próxima generación se enfrentan a una competencia cada vez mayor. En Para atraer y satisfacer a los clientes, estos servicios deben ofrecer un valor añadido, p. por entregando información personalizada de una manera fluida y multimodal. Personalizado Sin embargo, los servicios generan requisitos adicionales relacionados con la privacidad y la seguridad, que deben abordarse para que los servicios sean ampliamente aceptados. La habilidad diseñar, implementar y desplegar servicios de información personalizados de forma segura, La forma respetuosa con la privacidad y, al mismo tiempo, altamente eficiente se está convirtiendo en un éxito clave factor para los proveedores de servicios. Sin embargo, las arquitecturas actuales de desarrollo de servicios por lo general no cubren todos los aspectos relevantes del proceso de desarrollo del servicio, lo que resulta en una sobrecarga de desarrollo innecesaria por parte del proveedor de servicios. Presentamos un Framework de Serviceware basado en agentes que ayuda a los proveedores de servicios a desarrollar servicios de información personalizados, mejorando así la aceptación de los usuarios y reduciendo el tiempo de comercialización de las aplicaciones resultantes. Describimos la utilización de diferentes módulos del marco, que ofrecen funcionalidad para contexto consciente servicios en general, centrándose en el módulo de personalización, incluida la privacidad tecnologías de mejora. Además, presentamos el Smart Event Assistant, un aplicación prototípica para la planificación personalizada, fluida y ubicua de actividades de entretenimiento, que hemos implementado en base a este Serviceware Estructura.Providers of next-generation ubiquitous services are facing increasing competition. In order to attract and satisfy customers, these services must offer added value e.g. by delivering personalized information in a seamless and multi-modal way. Personalized services, however, bring about additional requirements related to privacy and security, which have to be addressed if the services are to become widely accepted. The ability to design, implement and deploy personalized information services in a secure, privacy-friendly and at the same time highly efficient way is becoming a key success factor for service providers. Nevertheless, current service development architectures usually fail to cover all relevant aspects of the service development process, resulting in an unnecessary development overhead on the side of the service provider. We introduce an agent-based Serviceware Framework assisting service providers in developing personalized information services, thus improving user acceptance and reducing the time-to-market of the resulting applications. We describe the utilization of different modules of the framework, which offer functionality for context-aware services at large, focusing on the module for personalization including privacy enhancing technologies. In addition, we present the Smart Event Assistant, a prototypical application for personalized, seamless and ubiquitous planning of entertainment activities, which we have implemented based on this Serviceware Framework