116 research outputs found

    Transient dynamics for sequence processing neural networks

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    An exact solution of the transient dynamics for a sequential associative memory model is discussed through both the path-integral method and the statistical neurodynamics. Although the path-integral method has the ability to give an exact solution of the transient dynamics, only stationary properties have been discussed for the sequential associative memory. We have succeeded in deriving an exact macroscopic description of the transient dynamics by analyzing the correlation of crosstalk noise. Surprisingly, the order parameter equations of this exact solution are completely equivalent to those of the statistical neurodynamics, which is an approximation theory that assumes crosstalk noise to obey the Gaussian distribution. In order to examine our theoretical findings, we numerically obtain cumulants of the crosstalk noise. We verify that the third- and fourth-order cumulants are equal to zero, and that the crosstalk noise is normally distributed even in the non-retrieval case. We show that the results obtained by our theory agree with those obtained by computer simulations. We have also found that the macroscopic unstable state completely coincides with the separatrix.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    An associative network with spatially organized connectivity

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    We investigate the properties of an autoassociative network of threshold-linear units whose synaptic connectivity is spatially structured and asymmetric. Since the methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics cannot be applied to such a network due to the lack of a Hamiltonian, we approach the problem through a signal-to-noise analysis, that we adapt to spatially organized networks. The conditions are analyzed for the appearance of stable, spatially non-uniform profiles of activity with large overlaps with one of the stored patterns. It is also shown, with simulations and analytic results, that the storage capacity does not decrease much when the connectivity of the network becomes short range. In addition, the method used here enables us to calculate exactly the storage capacity of a randomly connected network with arbitrary degree of dilution.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figures; Accepted for publication in JSTA

    Statistical and dynamical properties of large cortical network models: insights into semantic memory and language

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    This thesis introduces several variants to the classical autoassociative memory model in order to capture different characteristics of large cortical networks, using semantic memory as a paradigmatic example in which to apply the results. Chapter 2 is devoted to the development of the sparse Potts model network as a simplification of a multi modular memory performing computations both at the local and the global level. If a network storing p global patterns has N local modules, each one active in S possible ways with a global sparseness a, and if each module is connected to cM other modules, the storage capacity scales like \u3b1c 61 pmax /cM 1d S 2 /a with logarithmic corrections. Chapter 3 further introduces adaptation and correlations among patterns, as a result of which a latching dynamics appears, consistent in the spontaneous hopping between global attractor states after an initial cue-guided retrieval, somehow similar to a free association process. The complexity of the latching series depends on the equilibrium between self-excitation of the local networks and global inhibition represented by the parameter U. Finally, Chapter 4 develops a consistent way to store and retrieve correlated patterns, which works as long as any statistical dependence between units can be neglected. The popularity of units must be introduced into the learning rule, as a result of which a new property of associative memories appears: the robustness of a memory is inverse to the information it conveys. As in some accounts of semantic memory deficits, random damage results in selective impairments, associated to the entropy measure Sf of each memory, since the minimum connectivity required to sustain its retrieval is, in optimal conditions, cM 1d pSf , and still proportional to pSf but possibly with a larger coefficient in the general case. Present in the entire thesis, but specially in this last Chapter, the conjecture stating that autoassociative memories are limited in the amount of information stored per synapse results consistent with the results

    Attractors, memory and perception

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    In this Thesis, the first three introductory chapters are devoted to the review of literature on contextual perception, its neural basis and network modeling of memory. In chapter 4, the first two sections give the definition of our model; and the next two sections, 4.3 and 4.4, report the original work of mine on retrieval properties of different network structures and network dynamics underlying the response to ambiguous patterns, respectively. The reported work in chapter 5 has been done in collaboration with Prof Bharathi Jagadeesh in University of Washington, and is already published in the journal \u201dCerebral Cortex\u201d. In this collaboration, Yan Liu, from the group in Seattle, carried out the recording experiments and I did the data analysis and network simulations. Chapter 6, which represents a network model for \u201dpriming\u201d and \u201dadaptation aftereffect\u201d is done by me. The works reported in 4.3, 4.5, and the whole chapter 6 are in preparation for publication

    Cortical free association dynamics: distinct phases of a latching network

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    A Potts associative memory network has been proposed as a simplified model of macroscopic cortical dynamics, in which each Potts unit stands for a patch of cortex, which can be activated in one of S local attractor states. The internal neuronal dynamics of the patch is not described by the model, rather it is subsumed into an effective description in terms of graded Potts units, with adaptation effects both specific to each attractor state and generic to the patch. If each unit, or patch, receives effective (tensor) connections from C other units, the network has been shown to be able to store a large number p of global patterns, or network attractors, each with a fraction a of the units active, where the critical load p_c scales roughly like p_c ~ (C S^2)/(a ln(1/a)) (if the patterns are randomly correlated). Interestingly, after retrieving an externally cued attractor, the network can continue jumping, or latching, from attractor to attractor, driven by adaptation effects. The occurrence and duration of latching dynamics is found through simulations to depend critically on the strength of local attractor states, expressed in the Potts model by a parameter w. Here we describe with simulations and then analytically the boundaries between distinct phases of no latching, of transient and sustained latching, deriving a phase diagram in the plane w-T, where T parametrizes thermal noise effects. Implications for real cortical dynamics are briefly reviewed in the conclusions

    Study on adaptive control of nonlinear dynamical systems based on quansi-ARX models

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3441号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:15-Sep-11 ; 早大学位記番号:新576

    Improving Associative Memory in a Network of Spiking Neurons

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    In this thesis we use computational neural network models to examine the dynamics and functionality of the CA3 region of the mammalian hippocampus. The emphasis of the project is to investigate how the dynamic control structures provided by inhibitory circuitry and cellular modification may effect the CA3 region during the recall of previously stored information. The CA3 region is commonly thought to work as a recurrent auto-associative neural network due to the neurophysiological characteristics found, such as, recurrent collaterals, strong and sparse synapses from external inputs and plasticity between coactive cells. Associative memory models have been developed using various configurations of mathematical artificial neural networks which were first developed over 40 years ago. Within these models we can store information via changes in the strength of connections between simplified model neurons (two-state). These memories can be recalled when a cue (noisy or partial) is instantiated upon the net. The type of information they can store is quite limited due to restrictions caused by the simplicity of the hard-limiting nodes which are commonly associated with a binary activation threshold. We build a much more biologically plausible model with complex spiking cell models and with realistic synaptic properties between cells. This model is based upon some of the many details we now know of the neuronal circuitry of the CA3 region. We implemented the model in computer software using Neuron and Matlab and tested it by running simulations of storage and recall in the network. By building this model we gain new insights into how different types of neurons, and the complex circuits they form, actually work. The mammalian brain consists of complex resistive-capacative electrical circuitry which is formed by the interconnection of large numbers of neurons. A principal cell type is the pyramidal cell within the cortex, which is the main information processor in our neural networks. Pyramidal cells are surrounded by diverse populations of interneurons which have proportionally smaller numbers compared to the pyramidal cells and these form connections with pyramidal cells and other inhibitory cells. By building detailed computational models of recurrent neural circuitry we explore how these microcircuits of interneurons control the flow of information through pyramidal cells and regulate the efficacy of the network. We also explore the effect of cellular modification due to neuronal activity and the effect of incorporating spatially dependent connectivity on the network during recall of previously stored information. In particular we implement a spiking neural network proposed by Sommer and Wennekers (2001). We consider methods for improving associative memory recall using methods inspired by the work by Graham and Willshaw (1995) where they apply mathematical transforms to an artificial neural network to improve the recall quality within the network. The networks tested contain either 100 or 1000 pyramidal cells with 10% connectivity applied and a partial cue instantiated, and with a global pseudo-inhibition.We investigate three methods. Firstly, applying localised disynaptic inhibition which will proportionalise the excitatory post synaptic potentials and provide a fast acting reversal potential which should help to reduce the variability in signal propagation between cells and provide further inhibition to help synchronise the network activity. Secondly, implementing a persistent sodium channel to the cell body which will act to non-linearise the activation threshold where after a given membrane potential the amplitude of the excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is boosted to push cells which receive slightly more excitation (most likely high units) over the firing threshold. Finally, implementing spatial characteristics of the dendritic tree will allow a greater probability of a modified synapse existing after 10% random connectivity has been applied throughout the network. We apply spatial characteristics by scaling the conductance weights of excitatory synapses which simulate the loss in potential in synapses found in the outer dendritic regions due to increased resistance. To further increase the biological plausibility of the network we remove the pseudo-inhibition and apply realistic basket cell models with differing configurations for a global inhibitory circuit. The networks are configured with; 1 single basket cell providing feedback inhibition, 10% basket cells providing feedback inhibition where 10 pyramidal cells connect to each basket cell and finally, 100% basket cells providing feedback inhibition. These networks are compared and contrasted for efficacy on recall quality and the effect on the network behaviour. We have found promising results from applying biologically plausible recall strategies and network configurations which suggests the role of inhibition and cellular dynamics are pivotal in learning and memory

    Memristive Computing

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    Memristive computing refers to the utilization of the memristor, the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, in computational tasks. The existence of the memristor was theoretically predicted in 1971 by Leon O. Chua, but experimentally validated only in 2008 by HP Labs. A memristor is essentially a nonvolatile nanoscale programmable resistor — indeed, memory resistor — whose resistance, or memristance to be precise, is changed by applying a voltage across, or current through, the device. Memristive computing is a new area of research, and many of its fundamental questions still remain open. For example, it is yet unclear which applications would benefit the most from the inherent nonlinear dynamics of memristors. In any case, these dynamics should be exploited to allow memristors to perform computation in a natural way instead of attempting to emulate existing technologies such as CMOS logic. Examples of such methods of computation presented in this thesis are memristive stateful logic operations, memristive multiplication based on the translinear principle, and the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics to construct chaotic memristive circuits. This thesis considers memristive computing at various levels of abstraction. The first part of the thesis analyses the physical properties and the current-voltage behaviour of a single device. The middle part presents memristor programming methods, and describes microcircuits for logic and analog operations. The final chapters discuss memristive computing in largescale applications. In particular, cellular neural networks, and associative memory architectures are proposed as applications that significantly benefit from memristive implementation. The work presents several new results on memristor modeling and programming, memristive logic, analog arithmetic operations on memristors, and applications of memristors. The main conclusion of this thesis is that memristive computing will be advantageous in large-scale, highly parallel mixed-mode processing architectures. This can be justified by the following two arguments. First, since processing can be performed directly within memristive memory architectures, the required circuitry, processing time, and possibly also power consumption can be reduced compared to a conventional CMOS implementation. Second, intrachip communication can be naturally implemented by a memristive crossbar structure.Siirretty Doriast