12,238 research outputs found

    Learning midlevel image features for natural scene and texture classification

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    This paper deals with coding of natural scenes in order to extract semantic information. We present a new scheme to project natural scenes onto a basis in which each dimension encodes statistically independent information. Basis extraction is performed by independent component analysis (ICA) applied to image patches culled from natural scenes. The study of the resulting coding units (coding filters) extracted from well-chosen categories of images shows that they adapt and respond selectively to discriminant features in natural scenes. Given this basis, we define global and local image signatures relying on the maximal activity of filters on the input image. Locally, the construction of the signature takes into account the spatial distribution of the maximal responses within the image. We propose a criterion to reduce the size of the space of representation for faster computation. The proposed approach is tested in the context of texture classification (111 classes), as well as natural scenes classification (11 categories, 2037 images). Using a common protocol, the other commonly used descriptors have at most 47.7% accuracy on average while our method obtains performances of up to 63.8%. We show that this advantage does not depend on the size of the signature and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed criterion to select ICA filters and reduce the dimensio

    Land cover mapping at very high resolution with rotation equivariant CNNs: towards small yet accurate models

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    In remote sensing images, the absolute orientation of objects is arbitrary. Depending on an object's orientation and on a sensor's flight path, objects of the same semantic class can be observed in different orientations in the same image. Equivariance to rotation, in this context understood as responding with a rotated semantic label map when subject to a rotation of the input image, is therefore a very desirable feature, in particular for high capacity models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). If rotation equivariance is encoded in the network, the model is confronted with a simpler task and does not need to learn specific (and redundant) weights to address rotated versions of the same object class. In this work we propose a CNN architecture called Rotation Equivariant Vector Field Network (RotEqNet) to encode rotation equivariance in the network itself. By using rotating convolutions as building blocks and passing only the the values corresponding to the maximally activating orientation throughout the network in the form of orientation encoding vector fields, RotEqNet treats rotated versions of the same object with the same filter bank and therefore achieves state-of-the-art performances even when using very small architectures trained from scratch. We test RotEqNet in two challenging sub-decimeter resolution semantic labeling problems, and show that we can perform better than a standard CNN while requiring one order of magnitude less parameters

    Exploring Context with Deep Structured models for Semantic Segmentation

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    State-of-the-art semantic image segmentation methods are mostly based on training deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In this work, we proffer to improve semantic segmentation with the use of contextual information. In particular, we explore `patch-patch' context and `patch-background' context in deep CNNs. We formulate deep structured models by combining CNNs and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) for learning the patch-patch context between image regions. Specifically, we formulate CNN-based pairwise potential functions to capture semantic correlations between neighboring patches. Efficient piecewise training of the proposed deep structured model is then applied in order to avoid repeated expensive CRF inference during the course of back propagation. For capturing the patch-background context, we show that a network design with traditional multi-scale image inputs and sliding pyramid pooling is very effective for improving performance. We perform comprehensive evaluation of the proposed method. We achieve new state-of-the-art performance on a number of challenging semantic segmentation datasets including NYUDv2NYUDv2, PASCALPASCAL-VOC2012VOC2012, CityscapesCityscapes, PASCALPASCAL-ContextContext, SUNSUN-RGBDRGBD, SIFTSIFT-flowflow, and KITTIKITTI datasets. Particularly, we report an intersection-over-union score of 77.877.8 on the PASCALPASCAL-VOC2012VOC2012 dataset.Comment: 16 pages. Accepted to IEEE T. Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2017. Extended version of arXiv:1504.0101

    Research in interactive scene analysis

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    An interactive scene interpretation system (ISIS) was developed as a tool for constructing and experimenting with man-machine and automatic scene analysis methods tailored for particular image domains. A recently developed region analysis subsystem based on the paradigm of Brice and Fennema is described. Using this subsystem a series of experiments was conducted to determine good criteria for initially partitioning a scene into atomic regions and for merging these regions into a final partition of the scene along object boundaries. Semantic (problem-dependent) knowledge is essential for complete, correct partitions of complex real-world scenes. An interactive approach to semantic scene segmentation was developed and demonstrated on both landscape and indoor scenes. This approach provides a reasonable methodology for segmenting scenes that cannot be processed completely automatically, and is a promising basis for a future automatic system. A program is described that can automatically generate strategies for finding specific objects in a scene based on manually designated pictorial examples
