28 research outputs found

    Effects of See Through Interfaces on User Acceptance of Small Screen Information Systems

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    Small-screen devices such as mobile phones are increasingly pervasive. Reduced screen areas compromise the ease-of-use of such devices, and consequently, a concern for system designers becomes the maximization of available screen space. On large-screen displays, menus can overlap and obscure others, and be displayed simultaneously to the user. This is generally not the case with small screens: where a user selects from an on-screen menu, that menu must ‘vacate’ the screen before another appears. Menu translucency, where a user can see through an on-screen menu to displayed elements beneath, is a possible solution to small-screen display maximization. Based on experimental evidence with 70 participants, and using an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) this research examines the effect of on-screen translucent menus on perceptions of ease-ofuse, usefulness, and enjoyment for a third generation mobile phone prototype user interface. We offer explanations for our findings and discuss implications for practitioners and researchers

    Towards Unification for Pointing Task Evaluation in 3D Desktop Virtual Environment

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    International audienceNew visualization systems for large and complex datasets are emerging and 3D Virtual Environments turn out to be a relevant solution. Interaction tasks in these 3D VE have been defined, especially to support evaluation of these applications. Nevertheless there is a lack of unified protocol to assess these elementary tasks in this context. Moreover it can be complex to determine the appropriate technique to perform these tasks as there is a lack of reference data. A standard is available for 2D pointing task, but there is no equivalence in 3D. In this paper, we propose an adaptation of this standard to a pointing task in a 3D VE. We detail our protocol and an instrumentation, which aims at assessing performance, comfort of techniques and satisfaction of users. We also present results of a user experimentation conducted according to this standard’s adaptation

    Efficient Selection of Multiple Objects on a Large Scale

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    Модел на стереоскопична система за обучение по стереометрия в среден и горен курс

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    The article presents a model of a stereoscopic system for teaching middle and high school students in the discipline of stereometry. The system consists of five modules: interface, stereoscopic visualization, stereometry, learning module and module for testing students' knowledge. The proposed system allows students to construct, observe and manipulate geometric shapes in space. This system can become a powerful tool in teaching the discipline of stereometry.Научното изследване е проведено като част от проекта „Изследване на приложението на нови математически методи за анализ на кардиологични данни“ по договор № КП-06-Н22/5 от 07.12.2018 г., финансиран от Фонд „Научни Изследвания“

    Outline Pursuits:Gaze-assisted Selection of Occluded Objects in Virtual Reality

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    In 3D environments, objects can be difficult to select when they overlap, as this affects available target area and increases selection ambiguity. We introduce Outline Pursuits which extends a primary pointing modality for gaze-assisted selection of occluded objects. Candidate targets within a pointing cone are presented with an outline that is traversed by a moving stimulus. This affords completion of the selection by gaze attention to the intended target's outline motion, detected by matching the user's smooth pursuit eye movement. We demonstrate two techniques implemented based on the concept, one with a controller as the primary pointer, and one in which Outline Pursuits are combined with head pointing for hands-free selection. Compared with conventional raycasting, the techniques require less movement for selection as users do not need to reposition themselves for a better line of sight, and selection time and accuracy are less affected when targets become highly occluded

    Direct Manipulation on the Virtual Workbench: Two Hands Aren't Always Better Than One

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    This paper reports on the investigation of the differential levels of effectiveness of various interaction techniques on a simple rotation and translation task on the virtual workbench. Manipulation time and number of collisions were measured for subjects using four device sets (unimanual glove, bimanual glove, unimanual stick, and bimanual stick). Participants were also asked to subjectively judge each device's effectiveness. Performance results indicated a main effect for device (better performance for users of the stick(s)), but not for number of hands. Subjective results supported these findings, as users expressed a preference for the stick(s)

    Design and Evaluation of Neurosurgical Training Simulator

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    Surgical simulators are becoming more important in surgical training. Consumer smartphone technology has improved to allow deployment of VR applications and are now being targeted for medical training simulators. A surgical simulator has been designed using a smartphone, Google cardboard 3D glasses, and the Leap Motion (LM) hand controller. Two expert and 16 novice users were tasked with completing the same pointing tasks using both the LM and the medical simulator NeuroTouch. The novice users had an accuracy of 0.2717 bits (SD 0.3899) and the experts had an accuracy of 0.0925 bits (SD 0.1210) while using the NeuroTouch. Novices and experts improved their accuracy to 0.3585 bits (SD 0.4474) and 0.4581 bits (SD 0.3501) while using the LM. There were some tracking problems with the AR display and LM. Users were intrigued by the AR display and most preferred the LM, as they found it to have better usability

    Guide de conception d'une technique de désignation 3D

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    National audienceNous présentons un tour d'horizon des techniques de désignation existantes en IHM, aussi bien en 2D qu'en 3D. Leur analyse nous a permis de proposer un guide de conception d'une technique de désignation 3D pour les développeurs d'environnements virtuels. Une illustration de cette méthode est proposée avec le pointage sémantique en 3D

    Steering in layers above the display surface

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    Interaction techniques that use the layers above the display surface to extend the functionality of pen-based digitized surfaces continue to emerge. In such techniques, stylus movements are constrained by the bounds of a layer inside which the interaction is active, as well as constraints on the direction of movement within the layer. The problem addressed in this thesis is that designers currently have no model to predict movement time (MT) or quantify the difficulty, for movement (steering) in layers above the display surface constrained by thickness of the layer, its height above the display, and the width and length of the path. The problem has two main parts: first, how to model steering in layers, and second, how to visualize the layers to provide feedback for the steering task. The solution described is a model that predicts movement time and that quantifies the difficulty of steering through constrained and unconstrained paths in layers above the display surface. Through a series of experiments we validated the derivation and applicability of the proposed models. A predictive model is necessary because the model serves as the basis for design of interaction techniques in the design space; and predictive models can be used for quantitative evaluation of interaction techniques. The predictive models are important as they allow researchers to evaluate potential solutions independent of experimental conditions.Addressing the second part of the problem, we describe four visualization designs using cursors. We evaluated the effectiveness of the visualization by conducting a controlled experiment