22 research outputs found

    The conservation significance of the biota of barrow island, western australia

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    Offshore islands are often important in conservation because of the presence of locally endemic species and for acting as refuges for native wildlife from the impacts of invasive species and inappropriate development. Barrow Island, a small, semi-arid island off the Pilbara coast of northwestern Australia, has maintained the integrity of its terrestrial and aquatic biota despite sporadic incursions by invasive species and the operation of commercial oil extraction and liquified natural gas processing for over 50 years. We collate information from a wide range of sources to provide a framework to inform the ongoing management of the terrestrial and aquatic fauna and flora species that have conservation significance on the island. These include endemic flora and fauna; species listed as threatened by state, national and international authorities; species that are rare or extinct in other parts of their original range; species of biogeographic significance; and migratory birds and marine fauna of national and international significance. In addition, Barrow Island has been of value in acting as a source area for translocations of vulnerable and endangered mammal species that have been eradicated in other parts of their range. The many species with conservation significance and their use in successful translocation programs demonstrates the island’s national and international importance for conservation. In addition, Barrow Island provides exemplary opportunities for research on effective co-management of development and conservation, on mitigation and prevention of the invasion and impacts of exotic species, and on the influence of historical biogeographic processes on the distributions and evolution of biota. © Royal Society of Western Australia 2019

    The Lives of Creatures Obscure, Misunderstood, and Wonderful: A Volume in Honour of Ken Aplin 1958-2019

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    Kenneth Peter Aplin (1958-2019) was one of Australia's leading vertebrate systematists, well known as an anatomist, mammalogist, herpetologist, palaeontologist, and archaeologist. Of all the many groups of animals that he studied, he was most passionate about the genus Rattus, among the most diverse and successful of all modern mammalian genera. Ken developed an unusually acute 'eye' for distinguishing taxa in vertebrate groups often considered very challenging to systematists, like Rattus. This skill was borne in part of extensive fieldwork, especially in New Guinea, Australia, and across Asia. This let him encounter many different groups of animals firsthand and to develop a remarkable ability for understanding them on their own ground. Where most mammalogists would bring rat traps, Ken would bring a shovel, and he would get to work in the landscape around him, digging burrows out of the ground to uncover rats that the trapper rarely sees. Of course, his careful work as a systematist and anatomist also sprang from a career spent within the world of natural history museums and their collections, the primary resource that biodiversity scientists use to develop their skills and undertake their work. From his earliest days as a scientist, he also showed an abiding interest in archaeology, and the study of faunal remains in archaeological contexts was a major strand that wove across his career. In this volume, the Australian Museum celebrates the career of an extraordinary fieldworker and museum scientist who made enormous contributions to the study of Asia-Pacific biodiversity, present and past

    Ökophysiologie der verwilderten Hauskatze (Felis catus) in Australien

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    Feral cats (Felis catus), introduced into Australia with European settlers in the 19th century, colonized the entire Australian continent in less than 100 years, including the Australian arid zone which covers more than 70% of the continent. Feral cats are responsible for the decline and extinction of a number of native species and the failure of a number of reintroduction attempts, especially in the arid zone. Many ecological studies on feral cats have been conducted on home range size and movement patterns in different environments, abundance and diet, with the aim of gaining a better understanding about their successful invasion of the Australian continent. There are no physiological studies on the feral cat to date. However, there is evidence that there is a strong interrelation between physiology and abiotic factors such as climate. Thus, distribution, habitat, and dispersal of species can not fully be understood without background knowledge of physiology. This PhD aims to contribute to a better understanding of three physiological parameters: metabolism, body mass and body temperature patterns. These parameters may possibly identify physiological adaptation to different climate zones, seasonal conditions and island isolation.Die verwilderte Hauskatze (Felis catus) kommt weltweit in allen vom Menschen besiedelten Gebieten vor. In Australien und auf zahlreichen Inseln weltweit haben Katzen entscheidend zur Ausrottung einheimischer Tierarten beigetragen und werden für das Scheitern von Wiedereinbürgerungsversuchen einheimischer bedrohter Arten verantwortlich gemacht. Katzen sind in der Lage, sich auch unter extremen Bedingungen (unvorhersagbare Regenfälle und Nahrungsverfügbarkeit, Extremtemperaturen) in nahezu jedem Lebensraum äußerst erfolgreich auszubreiten. Die Grundlagen dieser extremen Anpassungsfähigkeit sind derzeit noch nicht vollständig geklärt, es wird jedoch angenommen, dass eine Vielzahl verschiedener Faktoren (z.B. Physiologie und Verhalten), für den Erfolg als invasive Art verantwortlich gemacht werden können. Die hier vorliegende Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit den verschiedenen potentiell möglichen physiologischen Anpassungsfähigkeiten bezüglich verschiedener Klimazonen, Jahreszeiten, Inselisolation und Gefangenschaft. Hierfür werden der Energiehaushalt (basale Stoffwechselrate, BMR), Körpermasse sowie Temperaturregulation verwilderter Hauskatzen aus verschiedensten Lebensräumen Australiens untersucht und miteinander verglichen

    Ecology of the feral cat (Felis catus) in the tall forests of Far East Gippsland

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    The house cat, Felis catus, was introduced into Australia with European settlement of the mainland. Since its initial introduction, it now occupies all mainland habitats, Tasmania and many smaller offshore islands. Large numbers of cats were released intentionally into the environment in a misguided attempt to control the spread of other introduced mammalian pests, especially the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus. The feral cat is an invasive predator that has been implicated in the decline and extinction of many species of native small mammals across Australia, particularly in the arid regions and on offshore islands. Much of the research on feral cats in Australia has occurred in the continent’s arid and semi-arid regions. Consequently, little is known about the ecology of feral cats in tall forests. Additionally, the most generally effective population control technique, poison baiting with sodium monofluoroacetate (compound 1080), has wide ranging applicability in arid and semi arid areas but its use is restricted in the temperate and forested eastern states of Australia due to concerns about impacts on non-target species. This thesis is divided into three parts. Firstly, I review the current knowledge of feral cats, particularly in relation to the actual and potential impact they have on native prey species. Secondly, I investigate the ecology of the feral cat in the temperate tall forests of Far East Gippsland, Victoria. The home range sizes, movement patterns and home range use of feral cats were determined. Thirdly, I examine a new technique for delivering poisons in a feral cat management program. The potential for all Australian non-target species to access the toxicant is examined using a desktop analysis, while field studies examine uptake by non-target species and the dynamics of prey species to determine acceptable times for baiting campaigns. GPS and VHF collars were utilised to obtain fix data for feral cats in Far East Gippsland. Male cats had significantly larger home ranges (MCP100 455 ± 126 ha) than females (105 ± 28 ha), with male home ranges overlapping those of females. Some female home ranges overlapped extensively, with neighbouring females also having overlapping core areas within their ranges. These overlaps in female home ranges, in particular of the core areas, indicate that female cats in Far East Gippsland are tolerant of other females and do not actively exclude them. Compared with the home ranges of feral cats in other regions of Australia and New Zealand, the cats in Far East Gippsland had smaller home ranges than those of cats occupying arid and alpine zones yet larger ranges than those of feral cats living in farmland or grassland. This variation probably reflects the availability of food resources, with cats in resource-poor areas requiring larger home ranges and cats with smaller home ranges generally inhabiting areas with greater, or more accessible, food resources. The use of GPS collars to obtain accurate and high volumes of location data allowed the intra-home range movements of feral cats to be examined in ways not previously possible using conventional VHF radio telemetry. Location data were gathered at three different temporal intervals – 6 hourly, hourly and every 15 minutes. Feral cats followed a Lévy walk-style searching pattern as they moved through their home range. Employing a Lévy walk increases the likelihood of encountering prey items that are distributed sparsely in the environment, in turn maximising the potential hunting return for effort expended. Each of the cats examined had large areas within their home range that they did not enter. To test the hypothesis that this resulted from a scarcity of prey in these areas, trapping grids were established to capture small prey-sized animals. There was no difference in the rate of capture of prey species in the areas of high and zero cat use, thus allowing the food hypothesis to be rejected. Modelling of abiotic environmental parameters was used to determine if these influence home range use. While the models explained much of the variation in the data, the global model was overdispersed, indicating that other unmeasured parameters were influencing home range use. The avoidance of these areas most likely arises from the presence of larger intraguild predators and subsequent employment of predator avoidance strategies by the cats. Managing the abundance of feral cats using poison baiting requires that bait be distributed at times when cats are food-stressed. Generally this occurs in winter when prey species are in natural decline. To determine the most appropriate time for baiting feral cats, trapping grids were established to assess the population demographics of feral cat prey species. The 2 046 trap nights undertaken resulted in 176 captures of five prey-sized species. The breeding periods for the Antechinus spp. occur earlier in Far East Gippsland than would generally be expected based on the latitude and altitude of the trap sites, and have bearing on the optimal time for poison baiting. Based on these findings, the optimal time to manage feral cat populations in Far East Gippsland through poison baiting is between late August and mid November provided that the toxicant is enclosed within a hard shell delivery vehicle (HSDV) that maintains structural integrity or, alternatively, if the baits are suspended above the ground surface and out of reach of lactating female antechinus. Further research is proposed to supplement these findings. Encapsulation of toxicants within an acid soluble HSDV which is then inserted into the bait media is being explored as a potential technique to minimise access of non-target species to the toxicant. A desktop analysis employing a decision tree process was used to examine the potential for non-target access to toxicant delivered in an HSDV. This analysis encompassed all non-aquatic vertebrate species in Australia. significantly fewer species would be susceptible to non-target poisoning if HSDVs were used when compared with directly injecting the toxicant into the bait media. Carnivorous mammals were the most likely to consume both the bait and the HSDV. Using the systemic marker, Rhodamine B (Rb), in the HSDV, the ability of five species of small to mid-sized animals to access toxicants enclosed in the HSDV. This was compared with directly injecting it into the baits. Rhodamine B staining was apparent in the mystacial vibrissae of four of the five species at sites where Rb was injected into the baits. It was also present in three of the four species captured at the sites where the Rb was encapsulated within the HSDV. The longevity of the HSDV within the bait media was tested and found to decreased rapidly following insertion into the bait. This is most likely due to the bait media being slightly acidic. Since that experiment concluded, changes have been made to the pH of baits to extend the integrity of the HSDV and hence reduce leakage. These key findings will allow managers to adopt a more targeted approach when undertaking cat control programs in these habitats. The use of GPS technology to obtain location data has allowed the analysis of intra-home range movements to an extent previously not possible with other techniques. This in turn will allow a more targeted approach to managing feral cats. The use of a decision tree approach to determining the susceptibility of non-target species during a baiting campaign can be applied to other poisoning campaigns regardless of the target species or the toxicant being used

    Sepietta oweniana (d’Orbigny, 1841)

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    Ommastrephes bartramii (Lesueur, 1821)

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    Todaropsis eblanae (Ball, 1841)

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    Todarodes sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798)

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    Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein, 1818)

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