794 research outputs found

    Similarity Measurement of Breast Cancer Mammographic Images Using Combination of Mesh Distance Fourier Transform and Global Features

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    Similarity measurement in breast cancer is an important aspect of determining the vulnerability of detected masses based on the previous cases. It is used to retrieve the most similar image for a given mammographic query image from a collection of previously archived images. By analyzing these results, doctors and radiologists can more accurately diagnose early-stage breast cancer and determine the best treatment. The direct result is better prognoses for breast cancer patients. Similarity measurement in images has always been a challenging task in the field of pattern recognition. A widely-adopted strategy in Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is comparison of local shape-based features of images. Contours summarize the orientations and sizes images, allowing for heuristic approach in measuring similarity between images. Similarly, global features of an image have the ability to generalize the entire object with a single vector which is also an important aspect of CBIR. The main objective of this paper is to enhance the similarity measurement between query images and database images so that the best match is chosen from the database for a particular query image, thus decreasing the chance of false positives. In this paper, a method has been proposed which compares both local and global features of images to determine their similarity. Three image filters are applied to make this comparison. First, we filter using the mesh distance Fourier descriptor (MDFD), which is based on the calculation of local features of the mammographic image. After this filter is applied, we retrieve the five most similar images from the database. Two additional filters are applied to the resulting image set to determine the best match. Experiments show that this proposed method overcomes shortcomings of existing methods, increasing accuracy of matches from 68% to 88%

    Fast vision through frameless event-based sensing and convolutional processing: Application to texture recognition

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    Address-event representation (AER) is an emergent hardware technology which shows a high potential for providing in the near future a solid technological substrate for emulating brain-like processing structures. When used for vision, AER sensors and processors are not restricted to capturing and processing still image frames, as in commercial frame-based video technology, but sense and process visual information in a pixel-level event-based frameless manner. As a result, vision processing is practically simultaneous to vision sensing, since there is no need to wait for sensing full frames. Also, only meaningful information is sensed, communicated, and processed. Of special interest for brain-like vision processing are some already reported AER convolutional chips, which have revealed a very high computational throughput as well as the possibility of assembling large convolutional neural networks in a modular fashion. It is expected that in a near future we may witness the appearance of large scale convolutional neural networks with hundreds or thousands of individual modules. In the meantime, some research is needed to investigate how to assemble and configure such large scale convolutional networks for specific applications. In this paper, we analyze AER spiking convolutional neural networks for texture recognition hardware applications. Based on the performance figures of already available individual AER convolution chips, we emulate large scale networks using a custom made event-based behavioral simulator. We have developed a new event-based processing architecture that emulates with AER hardware Manjunath's frame-based feature recognition software algorithm, and have analyzed its performance using our behavioral simulator. Recognition rate performance is not degraded. However, regarding speed, we show that recognition can be achieved before an equivalent frame is fully sensed and transmitted.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC-2006-11730-C03-01Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417European Union IST-2001-34124, 21677

    Efficient rotation- and scale-invariant texture analysis

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    Wavelet based similarity measurement algorithm for seafloor morphology

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    Thesis (S.M. in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and S.M. in Mechanical Engineering)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 71-73).The recent expansion of systematic seafloor exploration programs such as geophysical research, seafloor mapping, search and survey, resource assessment and other scientific, commercial and military applications has created a need for rapid and robust methods of processing seafloor imagery. Given the existence of a large library of seafloor images, a fast automated image classifier algorithm is needed to determine changes in seabed morphology over time. The focus of this work is the development of a robust Similarity Measurement (SM) algorithm to address the above problem. Our work uses a side-scan sonar image library for experimentation and testing. Variations of an underwater vehicle's height above the sea floor and of its pitch and roll angles cause distortion in the data obtained, such that transformations to align the data should include rotation, translation, anisotropic scaling and skew. In order to deal with these problems, we propose to use the Wavelet transform for similarity detection. Wavelets have been widely used during the last three decades in image processing. Since the Wavelet transform allows a multi-resolution decomposition, it is easier to identify the similarities between two images by examining the energy distribution at each decomposition level.(cont.) The energy distribution in the frequency domain at the output of the high pass and low pass filter banks identifies the texture discrimination. Our approach uses a statistical framework, involving fitting the Wavelet coefficients into a generalized Gaussian density distribution. The next step involves use of the Kullback-Leibner entropy metric to measure the distance between Wavelet coefficient distributions. To select the top N most likely matching images, the database images are ranked based on the minimum Kullback-Leibner distance. The statistical approach is effective in eliminating rotation, mis-registration and skew problems by working in the Wavelet domain. It's recommended that further work focuses on choosing the best Wavelet packet to increase the robustness of the algorithm developed in this thesis.by Ilkay Darilmaz.S.M.in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and S.M.in Mechanical Engineerin

    Object Segmentation And Recognition Using Gradient Based Descriptors And Shape Driven Fast Marching Methods

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010Bu çalışmada, aktif çevrit nesne bölütleyici yöntemlerle birlikte kullanılabilecek yeni bir şekil betimleme ve tanıma sistemi önerilmiştir. Önerilen sistem daha önce yapılan çalışmalar gibi aktif çevriti önceden tanımlı şekillerden birine zorlamak yerine, çevrit nesne sınırlarına yapışırken aynı zamanda şekil betimleme yapmayı amaçlamıştır. Aktif çevrit bölütleyici olarak Hızlı Yürüme (Fast Marching) algoritması kullanılmış, Hızlı Yürüme metodu için yeni bir hız işlevi tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca çevriti nesne sınırlarından geçtiği sırada durdurmayı amaçlayan özgün yaklaşımlar önerilmiştir. Çalışmanın en önemli katkılarından birisi yeni ortaya atılan Gradyan Temelli Şekil Betimleyicisi (GTŞB) dir [1]. GTŞB, aktif çevrit bölütleyicilerin yapısına uygun, sınır tabanlı, hem ikili hem de gri-seviyeli görüntülerle rahatça kullanılabilecek başarılı bir şekil betimleyicidir. GTŞB nin araç plaka karakter veritabanı, MPEG-7 şekil veritabanı, Kimia şekil veritabanı gibi farklı şekil veritabanlarında elde ettiği başarılar diğer çok bilinen sınır tabanlı betimleyicilerle de karşılaştırılarak verilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar GTŞB nin tüm veritabanlarında diğer yöntemlere göre daha başarılı olduğunu işaret etmektedir. Çalışmada geliştirilen bir diğer önemli yaklaşım da Hızlı Yürüme çevritinin nesne sınırına yaklaşırken örneklenerek şeklin birden fazla defa betimlenmesine olanak veren yeni sınıflandırıcı yapıdır. Bu yaklaşım nesne tanımayı bir denemede sonuçlandıran geleneksel yöntemlerin bu sınırlamasını aşarak aynı nesneyi birçok kez tanıma olanağı sunmaktadır. Bu tanıma sonuçlarının tümleştirilmesiyle tek tanımaya göre daha yüksek başarılar elde edildiği çalışmanın ilgili bölümlerinde başarıları karşılaştıran tablolar yardımıyla gösterilmektedir.In this thesis, a gradient based shape description and recognition methodology to use with active contour-based object segmentation systems has been proposed. The Fast Marching (FM) active contour evolving model is utilized for boundary segmentation. A new speed functional has been defined to use first and second order image intensity derivatives. A local front stopping algorithm has also been proposed to improve the boundary handling performance of the FM model. The most critical improvement of the thesis is defining a new shape descriptor called the Gradient Based Shape Descriptor (GBSD) [1]. GBSD is a new boundary-based shape descriptor that can operate on both binary and gray-scaled images. The recognition performance of GBSD is measured on a license plate character database, MPEG-7 Core Experiments shape data set and Kimia data Set. The success rates are compared with other well-known boundary-based shape descriptors and it is shown that GBSD achieves better recognition percentages. A new recognition approach that utilizes the progressive active contours while iterating towards the real object boundaries has been proposed. This approach provides the recognizer many trials for shape description; it removes the limitation of traditional recognition systems that have only one chance for shape classification. Test results shown in this study prove that the voted decision result among these iterated contours outperforms the ordinary individual shape recognizers.DoktoraPh