27 research outputs found

    The Advocate, March 2, 1976

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    27th Annual U.S. Foreign Affairs Doctoral Dissertations List

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    This bibliography is from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations.</p

    Reforming High School American History Curricula: What Publicized Student Intolerance Can Teach Policymakers

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    This article concerns the way public high schools teach American history under curricula and standards mandated by state law. “We’re raising young people who are, by and large, historically illiterate,” says David McCullough, the dean of American historians.The article describes three recent nationally publicized incidents in which high school students belittled lynching and the Trail of Tears, evidently without appreciating the episodes’ legal and historical significance to African Americans and Native Americans respectively. Standards and textbooks typically recognize diversity and multiculturalism, but research and surveys indicate that classroom teachers frequently sanitize or avoid discomforting topics that might trigger complaints, protests, and even efforts at book banning. As a nation proud of its heritage, the United States acting under state laws should not shrink from frank classroom dialog about the past. “Honest history is the weapon of freedom,” wrote historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., because “[t]he strength of history in a free society is its capacity for self-correction.” Each generation enhances this capacity when educators candidly present both past triumphs and past tragedies

    Reforming High School American History Curricula: What Publicized Student Intolerance Can Teach Policymakers

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    This article concerns the way public high schools teach American history under curricula and standards mandated by state law. “We’re raising young people who are, by and large, historically illiterate,” says David McCullough, the dean of American historians.The article describes three recent nationally publicized incidents in which high school students belittled lynching and the Trail of Tears, evidently without appreciating the episodes’ legal and historical significance to African Americans and Native Americans respectively. Standards and textbooks typically recognize diversity and multiculturalism, but research and surveys indicate that classroom teachers frequently sanitize or avoid discomforting topics that might trigger complaints, protests, and even efforts at book banning. As a nation proud of its heritage, the United States acting under state laws should not shrink from frank classroom dialog about the past. “Honest history is the weapon of freedom,” wrote historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., because “[t]he strength of history in a free society is its capacity for self-correction.” Each generation enhances this capacity when educators candidly present both past triumphs and past tragedies

    The Collegian (2008-10-06)

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    Education is the process of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching or learning efforts. HOTS-oriented learning tools are also effective in increasing the percentage of students' classical learning completeness. HOTS shows that HOTS-oriented Eco pedagogic HOTS questions can improve student learning outcomes. This Eco pedagogy is part of critical pedagogy (educational science) as a form of critical and concern for human social conditions, without a good relationship with nature, humans cannot live comfortably. The objectives of this study are: 1) To describe the development of Eco pedagogic-based HOTS questions in the 5th ecosystem theme of elementary science learning. 2) Describe the feasibility test (teachers, students, material experts and evaluation experts) for the development of Eco pedagogic-based HOTS questions in the ecosystem theme 5 elementary science learning. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) which is carried out on the thematic Eco pedagogic HOTS questions based on project based learning using the Borg & Gall model. The population in this study were fifth grade students at SDN Karyamukti 1, Panyingkiran District, Majalengka Regency. Data analysis includes qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques.-----Pendidikan merupakan proses pengubahan sikap dan perilaku seseorang atau kelompok orang dalam usaha mendewasakan manusia melalui upaya pengajaran atau pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi HOTS juga efektif untuk meningkatkan persentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal siswa. HOTS menunjukkan bahwa soal HOTS ekopedagik yang berorientasi pada HOTS dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Ekopedagogik ini menjadi bagian dari pedagogik (ilmu pendidikan) kritis sebagai bentuk kritis dan kepedulian terhadap keadaan sosial manusia, tanpa hubungan baik dengan alam manusia tidak mungkin bisa hidup dengan nyaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Mendeskripsikan pengembangan soal HOTS berbasis ekopedagogik pada pembelajaran IPA SD tema 5 ekosistem. 2) Mendeskripsikan uji kelayakan (guru, siswa, ahli materi dan ahli evaluasi) pengembangan soal HOTS berbasis ekopedagogik pada pembelajaran IPA SD tema 5 ekosistem. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) yang dilakukan pada soal HOTS ekopedagik tematik berbasis project based learning ini dengan menggunakan model Borg & Gall. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Kelas V di SDN Karyamukti 1 Kecamatan Panyingkiran Kabupaten Majalengka. Analisis data meliputi teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif

    The Existence of Racism in High School History Classes

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    In all four years I went to high school, I only had one history class that discussed black history. The textbook talked about the Civil Rights Movement, but did not talk about any other achievements of black people. I did not learn much else about black people for the remainder of my time in high school with the exception of Black History Month. During Black History Month, we usually spent a day or two learning the same basic facts about people, like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, who have been taught to us since elementary school. This experience is not uncommon. Many schools use textbooks and curriculum that fail to give students a full representation of black history. Due to the fact that schools and textbooks do not effectively address black history, students will not be fully equipped to address issues of racism once they graduate; furthermore, textbooks contribute to ideas of racial inequalities. High school United States (US) History textbooks perpetuate racial stereotypes, create a black-versus-white mentality, and limit the scope of black history. These problems are caused by America’s past issues with racism and need to be fixed by adopting a multicultural approach to the study of history and improving Black History Month.Honors Collegemonographi

    The Daily Egyptian, August 24, 1976

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    Social Studies Educators\u27 Perceptions of and Beliefs about the Inclusion of Religion in Textbooks.

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    During the past two centuries, the inclusion of religious content in social studies textbooks has dramatically changed. In the late 1800s, the progressive education movement ushered in new forms of religious content in social studies textbooks (Nord, 1999). Contemporary researchers have addressed the inclusion of religious content in the United States through various textbook studies (Bellito, 1996; Sewall, 1995). Very few studies, however, have been conducted that gauge social studies teachers’ perceptions of and beliefs about the manner in which religion should be included in the textbooks (Stone & Zam, 2006). The purpose of this mixed method research study is to examine social studies educators’ perceptions of and beliefs about the inclusion of religion in their textbooks. The theoretical framework guiding this study is John Dewey’s theory of the democratic ideal. The democratic ideal focuses on recognizing the importance of mutual interest and diverse interaction that leads to a democratically constituted society (Dewey, 1944). Quantitative and qualitative methods were employed in this research study. Participants included 193 members of a professional social studies education association located in the Southeastern region of the United States. Data collection occurred during the third week in January of 2008 via a web-survey. The survey included closed and open-ended questions. The closed-ended questions were statistically analyzed through the use of descriptive statistics and Pearson’s chi-square test. The open-ended questions were qualitatively examined through the use of the NVivo software program. The quantitative results revealed the vast majority of educators (97%) believed that religion should be included in the textbooks. Statistically significant associations between race, teaching position, and level of education revealed that these groups were not satisfied with the current inclusion of religion and that future textbooks should include more religious content. The qualitative analysis further showed educators’ dissatisfaction with the current inclusion of religion and demonstrated a need to provide more in-depth inclusion of religion in the textbooks. Very few educators stated they were satisfied with the inclusion of religion in the textbooks. These research findings suggest that future social studies textbooks should include more religious content pertaining to historical and contemporary events

    Fact or faction: The SBOE's role in textbook adoption

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    Report on the role of the State Board of Education in selecting textbooks