2,603 research outputs found

    Compressed Representations of Permutations, and Applications

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    We explore various techniques to compress a permutation π\pi over n integers, taking advantage of ordered subsequences in π\pi, while supporting its application π\pi(i) and the application of its inverse π1(i)\pi^{-1}(i) in small time. Our compression schemes yield several interesting byproducts, in many cases matching, improving or extending the best existing results on applications such as the encoding of a permutation in order to support iterated applications πk(i)\pi^k(i) of it, of integer functions, and of inverted lists and suffix arrays

    Self-organizing lists on the Xnet

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    The first parallel designs for implementing self-organizing lists on the Xnet interconnection network are presented. Self-organizing lists permute the order of list entries after an entry is accessed according to some update hueristic. The heuristic attempts to place frequently requested entries closer to the front of the list. This paper outlines Xnet systems for self-organizing lists under the move-to-front and transpose update heuristics. Our novel designs can be used to achieve high-speed lossless text compression

    Comparison of LZ77-type Parsings

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    We investigate the relations between different variants of the LZ77 parsing existing in the literature. All of them are defined as greedily constructed parsings encoding each phrase by reference to a string occurring earlier in the input. They differ by the phrase encodings: encoded by pairs (length + position of an earlier occurrence) or by triples (length + position of an earlier occurrence + the letter following the earlier occurring part); and they differ by allowing or not allowing overlaps between the phrase and its earlier occurrence. For a given string of length nn over an alphabet of size σ\sigma, denote the numbers of phrases in the parsings allowing (resp., not allowing) overlaps by zz (resp., z^\hat{z}) for "pairs", and by z3z_3 (resp., z^3\hat{z}_3) for "triples". We prove the following bounds and provide series of examples showing that these bounds are tight: \bullet zz^zO(lognzlogσz)z \le \hat{z} \le z \cdot O(\log\frac{n}{z\log_\sigma z}) and z3z^3z3O(lognz3logσz3)z_3 \le \hat{z}_3 \le z_3 \cdot O(\log\frac{n}{z_3\log_\sigma z_3}); \bullet 12z^<z^3z^\frac{1}2\hat{z} < \hat{z}_3 \le \hat{z} and 12z<z3z\frac{1}2 z < z_3 \le z.Comment: 6 page