16,156 research outputs found

    Semantic and stylistic text analysis and text summary evaluation

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    The main contribution of this Master's thesis is a novel way of doing text comparison using word vector representations (word2vec) and dimensionality reduction (t-SNE). This yields a bird’s-eye view of different text sources, including text summaries and their source material, and enables users to explore a text source like a geographical map. The main goal of the thesis was to support the quality control and quality assurance efforts of a company. This goal was operationalized and subdivided into several modules. In this thesis, the Topic and Topic Comparison modules are described. For each module, the state of the art in natural language processing and machine learning research was investigated and applied. The implementation section of this thesis discusses what each module does, how it relates to theory, how the module is implemented, the motivation for the chosen approach and self-criticism. The thesis also describes how to derive a text quality gold standard using machine learning

    Using bag-of-concepts to improve the performance of support vector machines in text categorization

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    This paper investigates the use of concept-based representations for text categorization. We introduce a new approach to create concept-based text representations, and apply it to a standard text categorization collection. The representations are used as input to a Support Vector Machine classifier, and the results show that there are certain categories for which concept-based representations constitute a viable supplement to word-based ones. We also demonstrate how the performance of the Support Vector Machine can be improved by combining representations

    Deep Dialog Act Recognition using Multiple Token, Segment, and Context Information Representations

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    Dialog act (DA) recognition is a task that has been widely explored over the years. Recently, most approaches to the task explored different DNN architectures to combine the representations of the words in a segment and generate a segment representation that provides cues for intention. In this study, we explore means to generate more informative segment representations, not only by exploring different network architectures, but also by considering different token representations, not only at the word level, but also at the character and functional levels. At the word level, in addition to the commonly used uncontextualized embeddings, we explore the use of contextualized representations, which provide information concerning word sense and segment structure. Character-level tokenization is important to capture intention-related morphological aspects that cannot be captured at the word level. Finally, the functional level provides an abstraction from words, which shifts the focus to the structure of the segment. We also explore approaches to enrich the segment representation with context information from the history of the dialog, both in terms of the classifications of the surrounding segments and the turn-taking history. This kind of information has already been proved important for the disambiguation of DAs in previous studies. Nevertheless, we are able to capture additional information by considering a summary of the dialog history and a wider turn-taking context. By combining the best approaches at each step, we achieve results that surpass the previous state-of-the-art on generic DA recognition on both SwDA and MRDA, two of the most widely explored corpora for the task. Furthermore, by considering both past and future context, simulating annotation scenario, our approach achieves a performance similar to that of a human annotator on SwDA and surpasses it on MRDA.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables, submitted to JAI

    Structural Regularities in Text-based Entity Vector Spaces

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    Entity retrieval is the task of finding entities such as people or products in response to a query, based solely on the textual documents they are associated with. Recent semantic entity retrieval algorithms represent queries and experts in finite-dimensional vector spaces, where both are constructed from text sequences. We investigate entity vector spaces and the degree to which they capture structural regularities. Such vector spaces are constructed in an unsupervised manner without explicit information about structural aspects. For concreteness, we address these questions for a specific type of entity: experts in the context of expert finding. We discover how clusterings of experts correspond to committees in organizations, the ability of expert representations to encode the co-author graph, and the degree to which they encode academic rank. We compare latent, continuous representations created using methods based on distributional semantics (LSI), topic models (LDA) and neural networks (word2vec, doc2vec, SERT). Vector spaces created using neural methods, such as doc2vec and SERT, systematically perform better at clustering than LSI, LDA and word2vec. When it comes to encoding entity relations, SERT performs best.Comment: ICTIR2017. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. 201
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