9,710 research outputs found

    Modeling Human Visual Search Performance on Realistic Webpages Using Analytical and Deep Learning Methods

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    Modeling visual search not only offers an opportunity to predict the usability of an interface before actually testing it on real users, but also advances scientific understanding about human behavior. In this work, we first conduct a set of analyses on a large-scale dataset of visual search tasks on realistic webpages. We then present a deep neural network that learns to predict the scannability of webpage content, i.e., how easy it is for a user to find a specific target. Our model leverages both heuristic-based features such as target size and unstructured features such as raw image pixels. This approach allows us to model complex interactions that might be involved in a realistic visual search task, which can not be easily achieved by traditional analytical models. We analyze the model behavior to offer our insights into how the salience map learned by the model aligns with human intuition and how the learned semantic representation of each target type relates to its visual search performance.Comment: the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System

    Embedding Feature Selection for Large-scale Hierarchical Classification

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    Large-scale Hierarchical Classification (HC) involves datasets consisting of thousands of classes and millions of training instances with high-dimensional features posing several big data challenges. Feature selection that aims to select the subset of discriminant features is an effective strategy to deal with large-scale HC problem. It speeds up the training process, reduces the prediction time and minimizes the memory requirements by compressing the total size of learned model weight vectors. Majority of the studies have also shown feature selection to be competent and successful in improving the classification accuracy by removing irrelevant features. In this work, we investigate various filter-based feature selection methods for dimensionality reduction to solve the large-scale HC problem. Our experimental evaluation on text and image datasets with varying distribution of features, classes and instances shows upto 3x order of speed-up on massive datasets and upto 45% less memory requirements for storing the weight vectors of learned model without any significant loss (improvement for some datasets) in the classification accuracy. Source Code: https://cs.gmu.edu/~mlbio/featureselection.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016

    Transforming Graph Representations for Statistical Relational Learning

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    Relational data representations have become an increasingly important topic due to the recent proliferation of network datasets (e.g., social, biological, information networks) and a corresponding increase in the application of statistical relational learning (SRL) algorithms to these domains. In this article, we examine a range of representation issues for graph-based relational data. Since the choice of relational data representation for the nodes, links, and features can dramatically affect the capabilities of SRL algorithms, we survey approaches and opportunities for relational representation transformation designed to improve the performance of these algorithms. This leads us to introduce an intuitive taxonomy for data representation transformations in relational domains that incorporates link transformation and node transformation as symmetric representation tasks. In particular, the transformation tasks for both nodes and links include (i) predicting their existence, (ii) predicting their label or type, (iii) estimating their weight or importance, and (iv) systematically constructing their relevant features. We motivate our taxonomy through detailed examples and use it to survey and compare competing approaches for each of these tasks. We also discuss general conditions for transforming links, nodes, and features. Finally, we highlight challenges that remain to be addressed

    Hierarchical Classification and its Application in University Search

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    Web search engines have been adopted by most universities for searching webpages in their own domains. Basically, a user sends keywords to the search engine and the search engine returns a flat ranked list of webpages. However, in university search, user queries are usually related to topics. Simple keyword queries are often insufficient to express topics as keywords. On the other hand, most E-commerce sites allow users to browse and search products in various hierarchies. It would be ideal if hierarchical browsing and keyword search can be seamlessly combined for university search engines. The main difficulty is to automatically classify and rank a massive number of webpages into the topic hierarchies for universities. In this thesis, we use machine learning and data mining techniques to build a novel hybrid search engine with integrated hierarchies for universities, called SEEU (Search Engine with hiErarchy for Universities). Firstly, we study the problem of effective hierarchical webpage classification. We develop a parallel webpage classification system based on Support Vector Machines. With extensive experiments on the well-known ODP (Open Directory Project) dataset, we empirically demonstrate that our hierarchical classification system is very effective and outperforms the traditional flat classification approaches significantly. Secondly, we study the problem of integrating hierarchical classification into the ranking system of keywords-based search engines. We propose a novel ranking framework, called ERIC (Enhanced Ranking by hIerarchical Classification), for search engines with hierarchies. Experimental results on four large-scale TREC (Text REtrieval Conference) web search datasets show that our ranking system with hierarchical classification outperforms the traditional flat keywords-based search methods significantly. Thirdly, we propose a novel active learning framework to improve the performance of hierarchical classification, which is important for ranking webpages in hierarchies. From our experiments on the benchmark text datasets, we find that our active learning framework can achieve good classification performance yet save a considerable number of labeling effort compared with the state-of-the-art active learning methods for hierarchical text classification. Fourthly, based on the proposed classification and ranking methods, we present a novel hierarchical classification framework for mining academic topics from university webpages. We build an academic topic hierarchy based on the commonly accepted Wikipedia academic disciplines. Based on this hierarchy, we train a hierarchical classifier and apply it to mine academic topics. According to our comprehensive analysis, the academic topics mined by our method are reasonable and consistent with the real-world topic distribution in universities. Finally, we combine all the proposed techniques together and implement the SEEU search engine. According to two usability studies conducted in the ECE and the CS departments at our university, SEEU is favored by the majority of participants. To conclude, the main contribution of this thesis is a novel search engine, called SEEU, for universities. We discuss the challenges toward building SEEU and propose effective machine learning and data mining methods to tackle them. With extensive experiments on well-known benchmark datasets and real-world university webpage datasets, we demonstrate that our system is very effective. In addition, two usability studies of SEEU in our university show that SEEU has a great promise for university search

    Automated annotation of landmark images using community contributed datasets and web resources

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    A novel solution to the challenge of automatic image annotation is described. Given an image with GPS data of its location of capture, our system returns a semantically-rich annotation comprising tags which both identify the landmark in the image, and provide an interesting fact about it, e.g. "A view of the Eiffel Tower, which was built in 1889 for an international exhibition in Paris". This exploits visual and textual web mining in combination with content-based image analysis and natural language processing. In the first stage, an input image is matched to a set of community contributed images (with keyword tags) on the basis of its GPS information and image classification techniques. The depicted landmark is inferred from the keyword tags for the matched set. The system then takes advantage of the information written about landmarks available on the web at large to extract a fact about the landmark in the image. We report component evaluation results from an implementation of our solution on a mobile device. Image localisation and matching oers 93.6% classication accuracy; the selection of appropriate tags for use in annotation performs well (F1M of 0.59), and it subsequently automatically identies a correct toponym for use in captioning and fact extraction in 69.0% of the tested cases; finally the fact extraction returns an interesting caption in 78% of cases

    Advanced Data Mining Techniques for Compound Objects

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    Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in large data collections. The most important step within the process of KDD is data mining which is concerned with the extraction of the valid patterns. KDD is necessary to analyze the steady growing amount of data caused by the enhanced performance of modern computer systems. However, with the growing amount of data the complexity of data objects increases as well. Modern methods of KDD should therefore examine more complex objects than simple feature vectors to solve real-world KDD applications adequately. Multi-instance and multi-represented objects are two important types of object representations for complex objects. Multi-instance objects consist of a set of object representations that all belong to the same feature space. Multi-represented objects are constructed as a tuple of feature representations where each feature representation belongs to a different feature space. The contribution of this thesis is the development of new KDD methods for the classification and clustering of complex objects. Therefore, the thesis introduces solutions for real-world applications that are based on multi-instance and multi-represented object representations. On the basis of these solutions, it is shown that a more general object representation often provides better results for many relevant KDD applications. The first part of the thesis is concerned with two KDD problems for which employing multi-instance objects provides efficient and effective solutions. The first is the data mining in CAD parts, e.g. the use of hierarchic clustering for the automatic construction of product hierarchies. The introduced solution decomposes a single part into a set of feature vectors and compares them by using a metric on multi-instance objects. Furthermore, multi-step query processing using a novel filter step is employed, enabling the user to efficiently process similarity queries. On the basis of this similarity search system, it is possible to perform several distance based data mining algorithms like the hierarchical clustering algorithm OPTICS to derive product hierarchies. The second important application is the classification and search for complete websites in the world wide web (WWW). A website is a set of HTML-documents that is published by the same person, group or organization and usually serves a common purpose. To perform data mining for websites, the thesis presents several methods to classify websites. After introducing naive methods modelling websites as webpages, two more sophisticated approaches to website classification are introduced. The first approach uses a preprocessing that maps single HTML-documents within each website to so-called page classes. The second approach directly compares websites as sets of word vectors and uses nearest neighbor classification. To search the WWW for new, relevant websites, a focused crawler is introduced that efficiently retrieves relevant websites. This crawler minimizes the number of HTML-documents and increases the accuracy of website retrieval. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the data mining in multi-represented objects. An important example application for this kind of complex objects are proteins that can be represented as a tuple of a protein sequence and a text annotation. To analyze multi-represented objects, a clustering method for multi-represented objects is introduced that is based on the density based clustering algorithm DBSCAN. This method uses all representations that are provided to find a global clustering of the given data objects. However, in many applications there already exists a sophisticated class ontology for the given data objects, e.g. proteins. To map new objects into an ontology a new method for the hierarchical classification of multi-represented objects is described. The system employs the hierarchical structure of the ontology to efficiently classify new proteins, using support vector machines

    Expanding the Usage of Web Archives by Recommending Archived Webpages Using Only the URI

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    Web archives are a window to view past versions of webpages. When a user requests a webpage on the live Web, such as http://tripadvisor.com/where_to_t ravel/, the webpage may not be found, which results in an HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 404 response. The user then may search for the webpage in a Web archive, such as the Internet Archive. Unfortunately, if this page had never been archived, the user will not be able to view the page, nor will the user gain any information on other webpages that have similar content in the archive, such as the archived webpage http://classy-travel.net. Similarly, if the user requests the webpage http://hokiesports.com/football/ from the Internet Archive, the user will only find the requested webpage, and the user will not gain any information on other webpages that have similar content in the archive, such as the archived webpage http://techsideline.com. In this research, we will build a model for selecting and ranking possible recommended webpages at a Web archive. This is to enhance both HTTP 404 responses and HTTP 200 responses by surfacing webpages in the archive that the user may not know existed. First, we detect semantics in the requested Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). Next, we classify the URI using an ontology, such as DMOZ or any website directory. Finally, we filter and rank candidates based on several features, such as archival quality, webpage popularity, temporal similarity, and content similarity. We measure the performance of each step using different techniques, including calculating the F1 to measure of different tokenization methods and the classification. We tested the model using human evaluation to determine if we could classify and find recommendations for a sample of requests from the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine access log. Overall, when selecting the full categorization, reviewers agreed with 80.3% of the recommendations, which is much higher than “do not agree” and “I do not know”. This indicates the reviewer is more likely to agree on the recommendations when selecting the full categorization. But when selecting the first level only, reviewers only agreed with 25.5% of the recommendations. This indicates that having deep level categorization improves the performance of finding relevant recommendations

    A Survey of Website Phishing Detection Techniques

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    This article surveys the literature on website phishing detection. Web Phishing lures the user to interact with the fake website. The main objective of this attack is to steal the sensitive information from the user. The attacker creates similar website that looks like original website. It allows attacker to obtain sensitive information such as username, password, credit card details etc. This paper aims to survey many of the recently proposed website phishing detection techniques. A high-level overview of various types of phishing detection techniques is also presented
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