623,204 research outputs found

    Automated Web Applications Testing

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    Unit tests are a vital part of several software development practices and processes such as Test-First Programming, Extreme Programming and Test-Driven Development. This article shortly presents the software quality and testing concepts as well as an introduction to an automated unit testing framework for PHP web based applicationssoftware quality, continuous integration, unit testing

    Automated Functional Testing based on the Navigation of Web Applications

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    Web applications are becoming more and more complex. Testing such applications is an intricate hard and time-consuming activity. Therefore, testing is often poorly performed or skipped by practitioners. Test automation can help to avoid this situation. Hence, this paper presents a novel approach to perform automated software testing for web applications based on its navigation. On the one hand, web navigation is the process of traversing a web application using a browser. On the other hand, functional requirements are actions that an application must do. Therefore, the evaluation of the correct navigation of web applications results in the assessment of the specified functional requirements. The proposed method to perform the automation is done in four levels: test case generation, test data derivation, test case execution, and test case reporting. This method is driven by three kinds of inputs: i) UML models; ii) Selenium scripts; iii) XML files. We have implemented our approach in an open-source testing framework named Automatic Testing Platform. The validation of this work has been carried out by means of a case study, in which the target is a real invoice management system developed using a model-driven approach.Comment: In Proceedings WWV 2011, arXiv:1108.208

    Testing of Web Applications

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    Import 05/08/2014Cílem této práce bylo představit webové aplikace a metody jejich vývoje, popsat proč je důležité testovat, jaké testy existují a zpracovat návrh možné metodiky pro testování aplikací v malých firmách. V práci byly shrnuty teoretická východiska vývoje a testování, kterým se věnuje první kapitola. V další kapitole byl analyzován současný stav testování ve firmě, včetně jejich slabých stránek. Na závěr byl vypracován návrh na inovaci samotného procesu testování, kde jsou popsány jednotlivé testy a využití nástroje pro podporu řízení projektů. Práce obsahuje srozumitelný obsah informací o webových aplikacích, vývoji software a testování.The aim of this thesis was to present web applications and methods of their development, to describe why is it important to test, which tests exist and prepare a design for a possible methodology for testing applications in small businesses. The thesis summarized the theoretical basis of development and testing, which are discussed in the first chapter. In the following chapter has been analyzed the current state of testing in the company, including its weaknesses. At the end was prepared a design to upgrade the testing process itself, which describes the individual tests and the use of tools for project management support. Work includes understandable content about web applications, software development and testing.155 - Katedra aplikované informatikyvýborn

    Project Management Methodology for the Development of M-Learning Web Based Applications

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    M-learning web based applications are a particular case of web applications designed to be operated from mobile devices. Also, their purpose is to implement learning aspects. Project management of such applications takes into account the identified peculiarities. M-learning web based application characteristics are identified. M-learning functionality covers the needs of an educational process. Development is described taking into account the mobile web and its influences over the analysis, design, construction and testing phases. Activities building up a work breakdown structure for development of m-learning web based applications are presented. Project monitoring and control techniques are proposed. Resources required for projects are discussed.Software Project Management, M-Learning Applications, Web Applications, Methodology

    Cloud based testing of business applications and web services

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    This paper deals with testing of applications based on the principles of cloud computing. It is aimed to describe options of testing business software in clouds (cloud testing). It identifies the needs for cloud testing tools including multi-layer testing; service level agreement (SLA) based testing, large scale simulation, and on-demand test environment. In a cloud-based model, ICT services are distributed and accessed over networks such as intranet or internet, which offer large data centers deliver on demand, resources as a service, eliminating the need for investments in specific hardware, software, or on data center infrastructure. Businesses can apply those new technologies in the contest of intellectual capital management to lower the cost and increase competitiveness and also earnings. Based on comparison of the testing tools and techniques, the paper further investigates future trend of cloud based testing tools research and development. It is also important to say that this comparison and classification of testing tools describes a new area and it has not yet been done

    Comparative analysis for performance measurements of software testing between mobile applications and web applications

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    Software testing has an important role in software engineering, and is fundamental to Software Quality Assurance (SQA). Besides the popularity of web applications, mobile applications have gained paralleled advancement despite increasing complexity. On one hand, this issue reflects the rising concerns for ensuring performance both of web and mobile applications. On the other hand, a comparative analysis of software testing issues between web and mobile applications has not been completed. Thus, this study aims to employ an effective testing approach that is able to adapt both of web and mobile application testing to detect possible failures. To achieve this, UML activity diagrams were developed from four case studies for web and mobile applications to describe the behaviour of those applications. Test cases were then generated by using the MBT technique from the developed UML activity diagrams. Performance measurements Hits per Second, Throughput and Memory Utilization for each case study were evaluated by execution of test cases that were generated by using HP LoadRunner 12.02 tool. Finally, the MSE of performance measurements was compared and analysed among the four case studies. The experimental results showed that the disparity between the mobile applications and web applications was obvious. Based on the comparison analysis for software testing of mobile applications versus web applications that was the web applications were lesser than mobile applications for software testing of four case studies in terms each of the Hits per Second, Throughput and Memory Utilization. Consequently, mobile applications need more attention in the testing process

    Testing web applications in practice

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    Software testing process is gaining importance at same time that size and complexity of software are growing. The specifics characteristics of web applications, like client-server architecture, heterogeneous languages and technologies or massive concurrent access, makes hard adapting classic software testing practices and strategies to web applications. This work exposes an overview of testing processes and techniques applied to web development. This work also describes a practical example testing a simple web application using only open-source tools