282,020 research outputs found

    Development of an innovative technology based youth passenger safety program - an evidence-based approach

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    Young drivers are overrepresented in motor vehicle crash rates, and their risk increases when carrying similar aged passengers. Graduated Driver Licensing strategies have demonstrated effectiveness in reducing fatalities among young drivers, however complementary approaches may further reduce crash rates. Previous studies conducted by the researchers have shown that there is considerable potential for a passenger focus in youth road safety interventions, particularly involving the encouragement of young passengers to intervene in their peers’ risky driving (Buckley, Chapman, Sheehan & Davidson, 2012). Additionally, this research has shown that technology-based applications may be a promising means of delivering passenger safety messages, particularly as young people are increasingly accessing web-based and mobile technologies. This research describes the participatory design process undertaken to develop a web-based road safety program, and involves feasibility testing of storyboards for a youth passenger safety application. Storyboards and framework web-based materials were initially developed for a passenger safety program, using the results of previous studies involving online and school-based surveys with young people. Focus groups were then conducted with 8 school staff and 30 senior school students at one public high school in the Australian Capital Territory. Young people were asked about the situations in which passengers may feel unsafe and potential strategies for intervening in their peers’ risky driving. Students were also shown the storyboards and framework web-based material and were asked to comment on design and content issues. Teachers were also shown the material and asked about their perceptions of program design and feasibility. The focus group data will be used as part of the participatory design process, in further developing the passenger safety program. This research describes an evidence-based approach to the development of a web-based application for youth passenger safety. The findings of this research and resulting technology will have important implications for the road safety education of senior high school students

    Teaching Artists Research Project

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    There have been remarkable advances in arts education, both in and out of schools, over the last fifteen years, despite a difficult policy environment. Teaching artists, the hybrid professionals that link the arts to education and community life, are the creative resource behind much of this innovation. Their best efforts are redefining the roles the arts play in public education. Their work is central to arts organizations' strategies for civic engagement and diverse audiences. Excellent research has shown that arts education is instrumental to the social, emotional, and cognitive development of thousands of young people. But little is known about teaching artists. The Teaching Artists Research Project (TARP) deepens our understanding of world of teaching artists through studies in twelve communities, and it will inform policy designed to make their work sustainable, more effective, and more meaningful. A dozen study sites were selected where funding was available to support exploration of the local conditions and dynamics in arts education: Boston, Seattle, Providence, and eight California communities (San Francisco/Alameda County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Bakersfield, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Salinas, and Humboldt County). A thorough literature review was conducted, and NORC conducted stakeholder meetings and focus groups, identified key issues and began designing a multi-methods study that would include surveys for both artists and program managers as well as in-depth interviews of stakeholders -- teaching artists, program managers, school officials, classroom teachers and arts specialists, principals, funders, and arts educators in a wide variety of venues.There are no professional associations and no accreditation for teaching artists, so a great deal of time was spent building a sample of teaching artists and program managers in every study site. The survey instrument was developed and tested, and then fielded on-line in the study sites sequentially, beginning in Chicago, and ending with the southern California sites. To assure a reliable response rate, online surveys were supplemented by a telephone survey. Lists of potential key informants were accumulated for each site, and interviewers were recruited, hired, and trained in each site. Most of the interviewers were teaching artists themselves, and many had significant field knowledge and familiarity with the landscape of arts education in their community. The surveys collected data on some fundamental questions:Who are teaching artists?Where do they work? Under what terms and conditions?What sort of education have they had?How are they hired and what qualifications do employers look for?How much do they make?How much experience do they have?What drew them to the field? What pushes them out?What are their goals?Qualitative interviews with a subsample of survey respondents and key informants delved deeply into the dynamics and policies that drive arts education, the curricula and pedagogy teaching artists bring to the work, and personal histories of some artists. The interviews gathered more detailed information on the local character of teaching artist communities, in-depth descriptions and narratives of teaching artists' experiences, and followed up on items or issues that arose in preliminary analysis of the quantitative survey data. These conversations illuminated the work teaching artists believe is their best and identified the kinds of structural and organizational supports that enable work at the highest level. The interview process explored key areas with the artists, such as how to best develop their capacities, understand the dynamics between their artistic and educational practice, and how to keep them engaged in the field. Another critical topic explored during these conversations was how higher education can make a more meaningful and strategic contribution toward preparing young artists to work in the field. The TARP report includes serious reflection on the conditions and policies that have affected arts education in schools, particularly over the last thirty years, a period of intense school reform efforts and consistent erosion of arts education for students. The report includes new and important qualitative data about teaching artists, documenting their educational background, economic status, the conditions in which they work, and their goals as artists and educators. It also includes new insights about how learning in the arts is associated with learning in general, illuminating findings from other studies that have suggested a powerful connection between arts education and positive outcomes for students in a wide range of domains

    The Arts Advantage: Expanding Arts Education in the Boston Public Schools

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    Presents findings from a survey on the availability of arts education in the city's public schools, relevant school traits, funding needs, and partners. Offers recommendations and strategies for a three-year expansion plan. Highlights best practices

    Digital system of quarry management as a SAAS solution: mineral deposit module

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    Purpose. Improving the efficiency of functioning the mining enterprises and aggregation of earlier obtained results into a unified digital system of designing and operative management by quarry operation. Methods. Both the traditional (analysis of scientific and patent literature, analytical methods of deposit parameters research, analysis of experience and exploitation of quarries, conducting the passive experiment and processing the statistical data) and new forms of scientific research - deposit modeling on the basis of classical and neural network methods of approximation – are used in the work. For the purpose of the software product realization on the basis of cloud technologies, there were used: for back-end implementation – server-based scripting language php; for the front-end – multi-paradigm programming language javascript, javascript framework jQuery and asynchronous data exchange technology Ajax. Findings. The target audience of the system has been identified, SWOT-analysis has been carried out, conceptual directions of 3D-quarry system development have been defined. The strategies of development and promotion of the software product, as well as the strategies of safety and reliability of the application both for the client and the owner of the system have been formulated. The modular structure of the application has been developed, and the system functions have been divided to implement both back-end and front-end applications. The Mineral Deposit Module has been developed: the geological structure of the deposit has been simulated and its block model has been constructed. It has been proved that the use of neural network algorithms does not give an essential increase in the accuracy of the block model for the deposits of 1 and 2 groups in terms of the geological structure complexity. The possibility and prospects of constructing the systems for subsoil users on the basis of cloud technologies and the concept of SaaS have been substantiated. Originality. For the first time, the modern software products for solving the problems of designing and operational management of mining operations have been successfully developed on the basis of the SaaS concept. Practical implications. The results are applicable for enterprises-subsoil users, working with deposits of 1 and 2 groups in terms of the geological structure complexity: design organizations, as well as mining and processing plants.Мета. Підвищення ефективності функціонування гірничорудних підприємств та агрегація раніше отриманих результатів в єдину цифрову систему проектування і оперативного управління роботою кар’єрів. Методика. У роботі використані як традиційні (аналіз науково-патентної літератури, аналітичні методи дослідження параметрів родовища, аналіз досвіду й експлуатації кар’єрів, проведення пасивного експерименту та статистичної обробки даних), так і нові форми наукового дослідження – моделювання родовища на основі класичних і нейромережевих методів апроксимації. Для реалізації програмного продукту на основі хмарних технологій використані: для реалізації back-end – серверна скриптова мова програмування php; для front-end – мультипарадігменна мова програмування javascript, javascript framework jQuery і технологія асинхронного обміну даними Ajax. Результати. Виявлено цільову аудиторію системи, проведено SWOT-аналіз, визначено концептуальні напрями розвитку системи 3D-кар’єр, розроблені стратегії розвитку та просування програмного продукту, розроблені стратегії безпеки й надійності додатки як для клієнта, так і власника системи. Розроблено модульну структуру програми, вироблено розподіл функцій системи для реалізації як back-end і front-end додатки. Розроблено модуль “Родовище”: проведено моделювання геологічної структури родовища та побудована його блокова модель. Доведено, що використання нейромережевих алгоритмів не дає принципового підвищення точності блокової моделі для родовищ 1 і 2 груп за складністю геологічної будови. Виявлено недоліки нейромережевих алгоритмів, такі як високі витрати обчислювальних ресурсів сервера і проблеми візуалізації великих масивів геоданих при використанні web-рішень, знайдені шляхи їх вирішення. Доведено можливість і перспективність побудови систем для надрокористувачів на основі хмарних технологій і концепції SaaS. Наукова новизна. Вперше на основі концепції ASP успішно побудовані сучасні програмні продукти для вирішення завдань проектування та оперативного керування гірничими роботами. Практична значимість. Результати корисні для підприємств-надрокористувачів, які працюють з родовищами 1 і 2 груп за складністю геологічної будови – проектних організацій і ГЗК.Цель. Повышение эффективности функционирования горнорудных предприятий и агрегация ранее полученных результатов в единую цифровую систему проектирования и оперативного управления работой карьеров. Методика. В работе использованы как традиционные (анализ научно-патентной литературы, аналитические методы исследования параметров месторождения, анализ опыта и эксплуатации карьеров, проведение пассивного эксперимента и статистической обработкой данных), так и новые формы научного исследования – моделирование месторождения на основе классических и нейросетевых методов аппроксимации. Для реализации программного продукта на основе облачных технологий использованы: для реализации back-end – серверный скриптовый язык программирования php; для front-end – мультипарадигменный язык программирования javascript, javascript framework jQuery и технология асинхронного обмена данными Ajax. Результаты. Выявлена целевая аудитория системы, проведен SWOT-анализ, определены концептуальные направления развития системы 3D-карьер, разработаны стратегии развития и продвижения программного продукта, разработаны стратегии безопасности и надежности приложения как для клиента, так и владельца системы. Разработана модульная структура приложения, произведено деление функций системы для реализации как back-end и front-end приложения. Разработан модуль “Месторождение”: проведено моделирование геологической структуры месторождения и построена его блочная модель. Доказано, что использование нейросетевых алгоритмов не дает принципиального повышения точности блочной модели для месторождений 1 и 2 групп по сложности геологического строения. Выявлены недостатки нейросетевых алгоритмов, такие как высокие затраты вычислительных ресурсов сервера и проблемы визуализации больших массивов геоданных при использовании web-решений, найдены пути их решения. Доказана возможность и перспективность построения систем для недропользователей на основе облачных технологий и концепции SaaS. Научная новизна. Впервые на основе концепции ASP успешно построены современные программные продукты для решения задач проектирования и оперативного управления горными работами. Практическая значимость. Результаты применимы для предприятий-недропользователей, работающих с месторождениями 1 и 2 групп по сложности геологического строения – проектных организаций и ГОКов.We express our profound gratitude to A.B. Naizabekov for his assistance in scientific research, to A.F. Tsekhovoy, P.A. Tsekhovoy, D.Sh. Akhmedov, V. V. Yankovenko and D.V. Nikitas for scientific advice in implementation of the program code. The research was carried out within the framework of the initiative research theme “Improving the Efficiency of Mining Enterprises” on the basis of the RSE at the Rudny Industrial Institute of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    An Unfinished Canvas: Allocating Funding and Instructional Time for Elementary Arts Education

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    An Unfinished Canvas found that California's elementary schools face unique challenges inproviding all students with sequential, standards-based arts education. In particular, elementary principals identified inadequate funding and insufficient instructional time as significant barriers to the provision of arts education. For this study, we sought to further understand the impact of funding and time on elementary arts education. To do so, we examined the allocation of funding and instructional time in 10 schools across five states (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, and California)

    Incorporating characteristics of human creativity into an evolutionary art algorithm

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    A perceived limitation of evolutionary art and design algorithms is that they rely on human intervention; the artist selects the most aesthetically pleasing variants of one generation to produce the next. This paper discusses how computer generated art and design can become more creatively human-like with respect to both process and outcome. As an example of a step in this direction, we present an algorithm that overcomes the above limitation by employing an automatic fitness function. The goal is to evolve abstract portraits of Darwin, using our 2nd generation fitness function which rewards genomes that not just produce a likeness of Darwin but exhibit certain strategies characteristic of human artists. We note that in human creativity, change is less choosing amongst randomly generated variants and more capitalizing on the associative structure of a conceptual network to hone in on a vision. We discuss how to achieve this fluidity algorithmically

    Complete LibTech 2013 Print Program

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    PDF of the complete print program from the 2013 Library Technology Conferenc

    Factors Influencing Utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening Services in Kenya: the Case of Nyeri County

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    Globally, cervical cancer continues to be a major cause of mortality and morbidity among women with developing countries accounting for more than 86% of the deaths from the disease. In Kenya, cervical cancer ranks as the second most frequent cancer among women: regrettably, with 80% of the cases presented during the late stages of the disease when the scope of successful treatment is limited. An opportunity to prevent occurrence of cervical cancer exists through cervical cancer screening for early detection and treatment of precancerous lesions before these develop to cancer. However, only a negligible proportion of women benefit from cervical cancer screening services in developing countries, including Kenya. The purpose of this descriptive survey study was to determine the factors influencing utilization of cervical cancer screening services; and focused on the women seeking maternal and family planning services at Central Provincial General Hospital, Kenya. The study established that, as in most developing countries, utilization of cervical cancer screening services was low, regardless of the women's education level, autonomy in decision making and even good family support. The low level of awareness on the need for screening services and the long waiting time at the clinic for those seeking the services were identified as the two key issues that negatively influenced the utilization of the screening services, It is therefore recommended that the Ministry of Health and other agencies, including individuals of good will, collaborate in designing and implementing awareness campaigns through the media and other appropriate avenues, including one-to-one encounters, targeting both men and women in the communities. It is also recommended that the male partners support their women in accessing this vital life-saving service