6 research outputs found

    Formalizing Determinacy of Concurrent Revisions

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    Concurrent revisions is a concurrency control model designed to guarantee determinacy, meaning that the outcomes of programs are uniquely determined. This paper describes an Isabelle/HOL formalization of the model's operational semantics and proof of determinacy. We discuss and resolve subtle ambiguities in the operational semantics and simplify the proof of determinacy. Although our findings do not appear to correspond to bugs in implementations, the formalization highlights some of the challenges involved in the design and verification of concurrency control models.Comment: To appear in: Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP '20), January 20--21, 2020, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, US

    Extensible Transactional Memory Testbed

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is a promising abstraction as it hides all synchronization complexities from the programmers of concurrent applications. More particularly the TM paradigm operated a complexity shift from the application programming to the TM programming. Therefore, expert programmers have now started to look for the ideal TM that will bring, once-for-all, performance to all concurrent applications. Researchers have recently identified numerous issues TMs may suffer from. Surprisingly, no TMs have ever been tested in these scenarios. In this paper, we present the first to date TM testbed. We propose a framework, TMunit, that provides a domain specific language to write rapidly TM workloads so that our test-suite is easily extensible. Our reproducible semantic tests indicate through reproducible counter-examples that existing TMs do not satisfy recent consistency criteria. Our performance tests identify workloads where well-known TMs perform differently. Finally, additional tests indicate some workloads preventing contention managers from progressing

    Correctness and Progress Verification of Non-Blocking Programs

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    The progression of multi-core processors has inspired the development of concurrency libraries that guarantee safety and liveness properties of multiprocessor applications. The difficulty of reasoning about safety and liveness properties in a concurrent environment has led to the development of tools to verify that a concurrent data structure meets a correctness condition or progress guarantee. However, these tools possess shortcomings regarding the ability to verify a composition of data structure operations. Additionally, verification techniques for transactional memory evaluate correctness based on low-level read/write histories, which is not applicable to transactional data structures that use a high-level semantic conflict detection. In my dissertation, I present tools for checking the correctness of multiprocessor programs that overcome the limitations of previous correctness verification techniques. Correctness Condition Specification (CCSpec) is the first tool that automatically checks the correctness of a composition of concurrent multi-container operations performed in a non-atomic manner. Transactional Correctness tool for Abstract Data Types (TxC-ADT) is the first tool that can check the correctness of transactional data structures. TxC-ADT elevates the standard definitions of transactional correctness to be in terms of an abstract data type, an essential aspect for checking correctness of transactions that synchronize only for high-level semantic conflicts. Many practical concurrent data structures, transactional data structures, and algorithms to facilitate non-blocking programming all incorporate helping schemes to ensure that an operation comprising multiple atomic steps is completed according to the progress guarantee. The helping scheme introduces additional interference by the active threads in the system to achieve the designed progress guarantee. Previous progress verification techniques do not accommodate loops whose termination is dependent on complex behaviors of the interfering threads, making these approaches unsuitable. My dissertation presents the first progress verification technique for non-blocking algorithms that are dependent on descriptor-based helping mechanisms

    Formalizing and verifying transactional memories

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    Transactional memory (TM) has shown potential to simplify the task of writing concurrent programs. TM shifts the burden of managing concurrency from the programmer to the TM algorithm. The correctness of TM algorithms is generally proved manually. The goal of this thesis is to provide the mathematical and software tools to automatically verify TM algorithms under realistic memory models. Our first contribution is to develop a mathematical framework to capture the behavior of TM algorithms and the required correctness properties. We consider the safety property of opacity and the liveness properties of obstruction freedom and livelock freedom. We build a specification language of opacity. We build a framework to express hardware relaxed memory models. We develop a new high-level language, Relaxed Memory Language (RML), for expressing concurrent algorithms with a hardware-level atomicity of instructions, whose semantics is parametrized by various relaxed memory models. We express TM algorithms like TL2, DSTM, and McRT STM in our framework. The verification of TM algorithms is difficult because of the unbounded number, length, and delay of concurrent transactions and the unbounded size of the memory. The second contribution of the thesis is to identify structural properties of TM algorithms which allow us to reduce the unbounded verification problem to a language-inclusion check between two finite state systems. We show that common TM algorithms satisfy these structural properties. The third contribution of the thesis is our tool FOIL for model checking TM algorithms. FOIL takes as input the RML description of a TM algorithm and the description of a memory model. FOIL uses the operational semantics of RML to compute the language of the TM algorithm for two threads and two variables. FOIL then checks whether the language of the TM algorithm is included in the specification language of opacity. FOIL automatically determines the locations of fences, which if inserted, ensure the correctness of the TM algorithm under the given memory model. We use FOIL to verify DSTM, TL2, and McRT STM under the memory models of sequential consistency, total store order, partial store order, and relaxed memory order