7,232 research outputs found

    Testing Embedded Memories in Telecommunication Systems

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    Extensive system testing is mandatory nowadays to achieve high product quality. Telecommunication systems are particularly sensitive to such a requirement; to maintain market competitiveness, manufacturers need to combine reduced costs, shorter life cycles, advanced technologies, and high quality. Moreover, strict reliability constraints usually impose very low fault latencies and a high degree of fault detection for both permanent and transient faults. This article analyzes major problems related to testing complex telecommunication systems, with particular emphasis on their memory modules, often so critical from the reliability point of view. In particular, advanced BIST-based solutions are analyzed, and two significant industrial case studies presente

    Online and Offline BIST in IP-Core Design

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    This article presents an online and offline built-in self-test architecture implemented as an SRAM intellectual-property core for telecommunication applications. The architecture combines fault-latency reduction, code-based fault detection, and architecture-based fault avoidance to meet reliability constraint

    Design Solutions For Modular Satellite Architectures

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    The cost-effective access to space envisaged by ESA would open a wide range of new opportunities and markets, but is still many years ahead. There is still a lack of devices, circuits, systems which make possible to develop satellites, ground stations and related services at costs compatible with the budget of academic institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As soon as the development time and cost of small satellites will fall below a certain threshold (e.g. 100,000 to 500,000 €), appropriate business models will likely develop to ensure a cost-effective and pervasive access to space, and related infrastructures and services. These considerations spurred the activity described in this paper, which is aimed at: - proving the feasibility of low-cost satellites using COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) devices. This is a new trend in the space industry, which is not yet fully exploited due to the belief that COTS devices are not reliable enough for this kind of applications; - developing a flight model of a flexible and reliable nano-satellite with less than 25,000€; - training students in the field of avionics space systems: the design here described is developed by a team including undergraduate students working towards their graduation work. The educational aspects include the development of specific new university courses; - developing expertise in the field of low-cost avionic systems, both internally (university staff) and externally (graduated students will bring their expertise in their future work activity); - gather and cluster expertise and resources available inside the university around a common high-tech project; - creating a working group composed of both University and SMEs devoted to the application of commercially available technology to space environment. The first step in this direction was the development of a small low cost nano-satellite, started in the year 2004: the name of this project was PiCPoT (Piccolo Cubo del Politecnico di Torino, Small Cube of Politecnico di Torino). The project was carried out by some departments of the Politecnico, in particular Electronics and Aerospace. The main goal of the project was to evaluate the feasibility of using COTS components in a space project in order to greatly reduce costs; the design exploited internal subsystems modularity to allow reuse and further cost reduction for future missions. Starting from the PiCPoT experience, in 2006 we began a new project called ARaMiS (Speretta et al., 2007) which is the Italian acronym for Modular Architecture for Satellites. This work describes how the architecture of the ARaMiS satellite has been obtained from the lesson learned from our former experience. Moreover we describe satellite operations, giving some details of the major subsystems. This work is composed of two parts. The first one describes the design methodology, solutions and techniques that we used to develop the PiCPoT satellite; it gives an overview of its operations, with some details of the major subsystems. Details on the specifications can also be found in (Del Corso et al., 2007; Passerone et al, 2008). The second part, indeed exploits the experience achieved during the PiCPoT development and describes a proposal for a low-cost modular architecture for satellite

    Baseband analog front-end and digital back-end for reconfigurable multi-standard terminals

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    Multimedia applications are driving wireless network operators to add high-speed data services such as Edge (E-GPRS), WCDMA (UMTS) and WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,b,g) to the existing GSM network. This creates the need for multi-mode cellular handsets that support a wide range of communication standards, each with a different RF frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation scheme etc. This in turn generates several design challenges for the analog and digital building blocks of the physical layer. In addition to the above-mentioned protocols, mobile devices often include Bluetooth, GPS, FM-radio and TV services that can work concurrently with data and voice communication. Multi-mode, multi-band, and multi-standard mobile terminals must satisfy all these different requirements. Sharing and/or switching transceiver building blocks in these handsets is mandatory in order to extend battery life and/or reduce cost. Only adaptive circuits that are able to reconfigure themselves within the handover time can meet the design requirements of a single receiver or transmitter covering all the different standards while ensuring seamless inter-interoperability. This paper presents analog and digital base-band circuits that are able to support GSM (with Edge), WCDMA (UMTS), WLAN and Bluetooth using reconfigurable building blocks. The blocks can trade off power consumption for performance on the fly, depending on the standard to be supported and the required QoS (Quality of Service) leve

    A programmable BIST architecture for clusters of Multiple-Port SRAMs

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    This paper presents a BIST architecture, based on a single microprogrammable BIST processor and a set of memory wrappers, designed to simplify the test of a system containing many distributed multi-port SRAMs of different sizes (number of bits, number of words), access protocol (asynchronous, synchronous), and timin

    MicroTCA implementation of synchronous Ethernet-Based DAQ systems for large scale experiments

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    Large LAr TPCs are among the most powerful detectors to address open problems in particle and astro-particle physics, such as CP violation in leptonic sector, neutrino properties and their astrophysical implications, proton decay search etc. The scale of such detector implies severe constraints on their readout and DAQ system. In this article we describe a data acquisition scheme for this new generation of large detectors. The main challenge is to propose a scalable and easy to use solution able to manage a large number of channels at the lowest cost. It is interesting to note that these constraints are very similar to those existing in Network Telecommunication Industry. We propose to study how emerging technologies like ATCA and μ\muTCA could be used in neutrino experiments. We describe the design of an Advanced Mezzanine Board (AMC) including 32 ADC channels. This board receives 32 analogical channels at the front panel and sends the formatted data through the μ\muTCA backplane using a Gigabit Ethernet link. The gigabit switch of the MCH is used to centralize and to send the data to the event building computer. The core of this card is a FPGA (ARIA-GX from ALTERA) including the whole system except the memories. A hardware accelerator has been implemented using a NIOS II μ\muP and a Gigabit MAC IP. Obviously, in order to be able to reconstruct the tracks from the events a time synchronisation system is mandatory. We decided to implement the IEEE1588 standard also called Precision Timing Protocol, another emerging and promising technology in Telecommunication Industry. In this article we describe a Gigabit PTP implementation using the recovered clock of the gigabit link. By doing so the drift is directly cancelled and the PTP will be used only to evaluate and to correct the offset.Comment: Talk presented at the 2009 Real Time Conference, Beijing, May '09, submitted to the proceeding

    ACE16K: The Third Generation of Mixed-Signal SIMD-CNN ACE Chips Toward VSoCs

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    Today, with 0.18-μm technologies mature and stable enough for mixed-signal design with a large variety of CMOS compatible optical sensors available and with 0.09-μm technologies knocking at the door of designers, we can face the design of integrated systems, instead of just integrated circuits. In fact, significant progress has been made in the last few years toward the realization of vision systems on chips (VSoCs). Such VSoCs are eventually targeted to integrate within a semiconductor substrate the functions of optical sensing, image processing in space and time, high-level processing, and the control of actuators. The consecutive generations of ACE chips define a roadmap toward flexible VSoCs. These chips consist of arrays of mixed-signal processing elements (PEs) which operate in accordance with single instruction multiple data (SIMD) computing architectures and exhibit the functional features of CNN Universal Machines. They have been conceived to cover the early stages of the visual processing path in a fully-parallel manner, and hence more efficiently than DSP-based systems. Across the different generations, different improvements and modifications have been made looking to converge with the newest discoveries of neurobiologists regarding the behavior of natural retinas. This paper presents considerations pertaining to the design of a member of the third generation of ACE chips, namely to the so-called ACE16k chip. This chip, designed in a 0.35-μm standard CMOS technology, contains about 3.75 million transistors and exhibits peak computing figures of 330 GOPS, 3.6 GOPS/mm2 and 82.5 GOPS/W. Each PE in the array contains a reconfigurable computing kernel capable of calculating linear convolutions on 3×3 neighborhoods in less than 1.5 μs, imagewise Boolean combinations in less than 200 ns, imagewise arithmetic operations in about 5 μs, and CNN-like temporal evolutions with a time constant of about 0.5 μs. Unfortunately, the many ideas underlying the design of this chip cannot be covered in a single paper; hence, this paper is focused on, first, placing the ACE16k in the ACE chip roadmap and, then, discussing the most significant modifications of ACE16K versus its predecessors in the family.LOCUST IST2001—38 097VISTA TIC2003—09 817 - C02—01Office of Naval Research N000 140 210 88

    Flight control system rapid prototyping for the remotely-controlled elettra-twin-flyer airship

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    Nautilus S.p. A. is a small company investing in the design and development of a low-cost multipurpose multi-mission platform, known as Elettra-Twin-Flyer, which is a very innovative radio-controled airship, equipped with high precision sensors and telecommunication devices. In the prototype phase, Nautilus policy is oriented towards a massive employment of external collaborators to reduce the development costs. The crucial problem of this kind of management is the harmonious integration of all the teams involved on the project. This paper describes the integration process of the PC-104 on-board computer with the avionic devices, which are electronic systems characterized by complex communication protocols. Attention is focused on the testing, verification, validation and final translation of the embedded control software into the on-board computer, through techniques derived from the automatic code generation, such as Rapid Prototyping and Hardware-In-the-Loop. Copyright © 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved

    Frequency-Bin Entanglement of Ultra-Narrow Band Non-Degenerate Photon Pairs

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    We demonstrate frequency-bin entanglement between ultra-narrowband photons generated by cavity enhanced spontaneous parametric down conversion. Our source generates photon pairs in widely non-degenerate discrete frequency modes, with one photon resonant with a quantum memory material based on praseodymium doped crystals and the other photon at telecom wavelengths. Correlations between the frequency modes are analyzed using phase modulators and narrowband filters before detection. We show high-visibility two photon interference between the frequency modes, allowing us to infer a coherent superposition of the modes. We develop a model describing the state that we create and use it to estimate optimal measurements to achieve a violation of the Clauser-Horne (CH) Bell inequality under realistic assumptions. With these settings we perform a Bell test and show a significant violation of the CH inequality, thus proving the entanglement of the photons. Finally we demonstrate the compatibility with a quantum memory material by using a spectral hole in the praseodymium (Pr) doped crystal as spectral filter for measuring high-visibility two-photon interference. This demonstrates the feasibility of combining frequency-bin entangled photon pairs with Pr-based solid state quantum memories.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure