52 research outputs found

    Objective and Subjective Evaluation of Wideband Speech Quality

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    Traditional landline and cellular communications use a bandwidth of 300 - 3400 Hz for transmitting speech. This narrow bandwidth impacts quality, intelligibility and naturalness of transmitted speech. There is an impending change within the telecommunication industry towards using wider bandwidth speech, but the enlarged bandwidth also introduces a few challenges in speech processing. Echo and noise are two challenging issues in wideband telephony, due to increased perceptual sensitivity by users. Subjective and/or objective measurements of speech quality are important in benchmarking speech processing algorithms and evaluating the effect of parameters like noise, echo, and delay in wideband telephony. Subjective measures include ratings of speech quality by listeners, whereas objective measures compute a metric based on the reference and degraded speech samples. While subjective quality ratings are the gold - standard\u27\u27, they are also time- and resource- consuming. An objective metric that correlates highly with subjective data is attractive, as it can act as a substitute for subjective quality scores in gauging the performance of different algorithms and devices. This thesis reports results from a series of experiments on subjective and objective speech quality evaluation for wideband telephony applications. First, a custom wideband noise reduction database was created that contained speech samples corrupted by different background noises at different signal to noise ratios (SNRs) and processed by six different noise reduction algorithms. Comprehensive subjective evaluation of this database revealed an interaction between the algorithm performance, noise type and SNR. Several auditory-based objective metrics such as the Loudness Pattern Distortion (LPD) measure based on the Moore - Glasberg auditory model were evaluated in predicting the subjective scores. In addition, the performance of Bayesian Multivariate Regression Splines(BMLS) was also evaluated in terms of mapping the scores calculated by the objective metrics to the true quality scores. The combination of LPD and BMLS resulted in high correlation with the subjective scores and was used as a substitution for fine - tuning the noise reduction algorithms. Second, the effect of echo and delay on the wideband speech was evaluated in both listening and conversational context, through both subjective and objective measures. A database containing speech samples corrupted by echo with different delay and frequency response characteristics was created, and was later used to collect subjective quality ratings. The LPD - BMLS objective metric was then validated using the subjective scores. Third, to evaluate the effect of echo and delay in conversational context, a realtime simulator was developed. Pairs of subjects conversed over the simulated system and rated the quality of their conversations which were degraded by different amount of echo and delay. The quality scores were analysed and LPD+BMLS combination was found to be effective in predicting subjective impressions of quality for condition-averaged data

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Contribution to quality of user experience provision over wireless networks

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    The widespread expansion of wireless networks has brought new attractive possibilities to end users. In addition to the mobility capabilities provided by unwired devices, it is worth remarking the easy configuration process that a user has to follow to gain connectivity through a wireless network. Furthermore, the increasing bandwidth provided by the IEEE 802.11 family has made possible accessing to high-demanding services such as multimedia communications. Multimedia traffic has unique characteristics that make it greatly vulnerable against network impairments, such as packet losses, delay, or jitter. Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, video-conference, video-streaming, etc., are examples of these high-demanding services that need to meet very strict requirements in order to be served with acceptable levels of quality. Accomplishing these tough requirements will become extremely important during the next years, taking into account that consumer video traffic will be the predominant traffic in the Internet during the next years. In wired systems, these requirements are achieved by using Quality of Service (QoS) techniques, such as Differentiated Services (DiffServ), traffic engineering, etc. However, employing these methodologies in wireless networks is not that simple as many other factors impact on the quality of the provided service, e.g., fading, interferences, etc. Focusing on the IEEE 802.11g standard, which is the most extended technology for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), it defines two different architecture schemes. On one hand, the infrastructure mode consists of a central point, which manages the network, assuming network controlling tasks such as IP assignment, routing, accessing security, etc. The rest of the nodes composing the network act as hosts, i.e., they send and receive traffic through the central point. On the other hand, the IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc configuration mode is less extended than the infrastructure one. Under this scheme, there is not a central point in the network, but all the nodes composing the network assume both host and router roles, which permits the quick deployment of a network without a pre-existent infrastructure. This type of networks, so called Mobile Ad-hoc NETworks (MANETs), presents interesting characteristics for situations when the fast deployment of a communication system is needed, e.g., tactics networks, disaster events, or temporary networks. The benefits provided by MANETs are varied, including high mobility possibilities provided to the nodes, network coverage extension, or network reliability avoiding single points of failure. The dynamic nature of these networks makes the nodes to react to topology changes as fast as possible. Moreover, as aforementioned, the transmission of multimedia traffic entails real-time constraints, necessary to provide these services with acceptable levels of quality. For those reasons, efficient routing protocols are needed, capable of providing enough reliability to the network and with the minimum impact to the quality of the service flowing through the nodes. Regarding quality measurements, the current trend is estimating what the end user actually perceives when consuming the service. This paradigm is called Quality of user Experience (QoE) and differs from the traditional Quality of Service (QoS) approach in the human perspective given to quality estimations. In order to measure the subjective opinion that a user has about a given service, different approaches can be taken. The most accurate methodology is performing subjective tests in which a panel of human testers rates the quality of the service under evaluation. This approach returns a quality score, so-called Mean Opinion Score (MOS), for the considered service in a scale 1 - 5. This methodology presents several drawbacks such as its high expenses and the impossibility of performing tests at real time. For those reasons, several mathematical models have been presented in order to provide an estimation of the QoE (MOS) reached by different multimedia services In this thesis, the focus is on evaluating and understanding the multimedia-content transmission-process in wireless networks from a QoE perspective. To this end, firstly, the QoE paradigm is explored aiming at understanding how to evaluate the quality of a given multimedia service. Then, the influence of the impairments introduced by the wireless transmission channel on the multimedia communications is analyzed. Besides, the functioning of different WLAN schemes in order to test their suitability to support highly demanding traffic such as the multimedia transmission is evaluated. Finally, as the main contribution of this thesis, new mechanisms or strategies to improve the quality of multimedia services distributed over IEEE 802.11 networks are presented. Concretely, the distribution of multimedia services over ad-hoc networks is deeply studied. Thus, a novel opportunistic routing protocol, so-called JOKER (auto-adJustable Opportunistic acK/timEr-based Routing) is presented. This proposal permits better support to multimedia services while reducing the energy consumption in comparison with the standard ad-hoc routing protocols.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma Oficial de Doctorado en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicacione

    Quality of experience in telemeetings and videoconferencing: a comprehensive survey

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    Telemeetings such as audiovisual conferences or virtual meetings play an increasingly important role in our professional and private lives. For that reason, system developers and service providers will strive for an optimal experience for the user, while at the same time optimizing technical and financial resources. This leads to the discipline of Quality of Experience (QoE), an active field originating from the telecommunication and multimedia engineering domains, that strives for understanding, measuring, and designing the quality experience with multimedia technology. This paper provides the reader with an entry point to the large and still growing field of QoE of telemeetings, by taking a holistic perspective, considering both technical and non-technical aspects, and by focusing on current and near-future services. Addressing both researchers and practitioners, the paper first provides a comprehensive survey of factors and processes that contribute to the QoE of telemeetings, followed by an overview of relevant state-of-the-art methods for QoE assessment. To embed this knowledge into recent technology developments, the paper continues with an overview of current trends, focusing on the field of eXtended Reality (XR) applications for communication purposes. Given the complexity of telemeeting QoE and the current trends, new challenges for a QoE assessment of telemeetings are identified. To overcome these challenges, the paper presents a novel Profile Template for characterizing telemeetings from the holistic perspective endorsed in this paper


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    The quality of VoIP communication relies significantly on the network that transports the voice packets because this network does not usually guarantee the available bandwidth, delay, and loss that are critical for real-time voice traffic. The solution proposed here is to manage the voice-over-IP stream dynamically, changing parameters as needed to assure quality. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop an adaptive speech encoding system that can be applied to conventional (telephony-grade) and wideband voice communications. This comprehensive study includes the investigation and development of three key components of the system. First, to manage VoIP quality dynamically, a tool is needed to measure real-time changes in quality. The E-model, which exists for narrowband communication, is extended to a single computational technique that measures speech quality for narrowband and wideband VoIP codecs. This part of the dissertation also develops important theoretical work in the area of wideband telephony. The second system component is a variable speech-encoding algorithm. Although VoIP performance is affected by multiple codecs and network-based factors, only three factors can be managed dynamically: voice payload size, speech compression and jitter buffer management. Using an existing adaptive jitter-buffer algorithm, voice packet-size and compression variation are studied as they affect speech quality under different network conditions. This study explains the relationships among multiple parameters as they affect speech transmission and its resulting quality. Then, based on these two components, the third system component is a novel adaptive-rate control algorithm that establishes the interaction between a VoIP sender and receiver, and manages voice quality in real-time. Simulations demonstrate that the system provides better average voice quality than traditional VoIP

    Speech quality prediction for voice over Internet protocol networks

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/878 on 03.01.2017 by CS (TIS). Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/1657 on 15.03.2017 by CS (TIS)This is a digitised version of a thesis that was deposited in the University Library. If you are the author please contact PEARL Admin ([email protected]) to discuss options.IP networks are on a steep slope of innovation that will make them the long-term carrier of all types of traffic, including voice. However, such networks are not designed to support real-time voice communication because their variable characteristics (e.g. due to delay, delay variation and packet loss) lead to a deterioration in voice quality. A major challenge in such networks is how to measure or predict voice quality accurately and efficiently for QoS monitoring and/or control purposes to ensure that technical and commercial requirements are met. Voice quality can be measured using either subjective or objective methods. Subjective measurement (e.g. MOS) is the benchmark for objective methods, but it is slow, time consuming and expensive. Objective measurement can be intrusive or non-intrusive. Intrusive methods (e.g. ITU PESQ) are more accurate, but normally are unsuitable for monitoring live traffic because of the need for a reference data and to utilise the network. This makes non-intrusive methods(e.g. ITU E-model) more attractive for monitoring voice quality from IP network impairments. However, current non-intrusive methods rely on subjective tests to derive model parameters and as a result are limited and do not meet new and emerging applications. The main goal of the project is to develop novel and efficient models for non-intrusive speech quality prediction to overcome the disadvantages of current subjective-based methods and to demonstrate their usefulness in new and emerging VoIP applications. The main contributions of the thesis are fourfold: (1) a detailed understanding of the relationships between voice quality, IP network impairments (e.g. packet loss, jitter and delay) and relevant parameters associated with speech (e.g. codec type, gender and language) is provided. An understanding of the perceptual effects of these key parameters on voice quality is important as it provides a basis for the development of non-intrusive voice quality prediction models. A fundamental investigation of the impact of the parameters on perceived voice quality was carried out using the latest ITU algorithm for perceptual evaluation of speech quality, PESQ, and by exploiting the ITU E-model to obtain an objective measure of voice quality. (2) a new methodology to predict voice quality non-intrusively was developed. The method exploits the intrusive algorithm, PESQ, and a combined PESQ/E-model structure to provide a perceptually accurate prediction of both listening and conversational voice quality non-intrusively. This avoids time-consuming subjective tests and so removes one of the major obstacles in the development of models for voice quality prediction. The method is generic and as such has wide applicability in multimedia applications. Efficient regression-based models and robust artificial neural network-based learning models were developed for predicting voice quality non-intrusively for VoIP applications. (3) three applications of the new models were investigated: voice quality monitoring/prediction for real Internet VoIP traces, perceived quality driven playout buffer optimization and perceived quality driven QoS control. The neural network and regression models were both used to predict voice quality for real Internet VoIP traces based on international links. A new adaptive playout buffer and a perceptual optimization playout buffer algorithms are presented. A QoS control scheme that combines the strengths of rate-adaptive and priority marking control schemes to provide a superior QoS control in terms of measured perceived voice quality is also provided. (4) a new methodology for Internet-based subjective speech quality measurement which allows rapid assessment of voice quality for VoIP applications is proposed and assessed using both objective and traditional MOS test methods

    LTE Optimization and Resource Management in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks

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    Mobile communication technology is evolving with a great pace. The development of the Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile system by 3GPP is one of the milestones in this direction. This work highlights a few areas in the LTE radio access network where the proposed innovative mechanisms can substantially improve overall LTE system performance. In order to further extend the capacity of LTE networks, an integration with the non-3GPP networks (e.g., WLAN, WiMAX etc.) is also proposed in this work. Moreover, it is discussed how bandwidth resources should be managed in such heterogeneous networks. The work has purposed a comprehensive system architecture as an overlay of the 3GPP defined SAE architecture, effective resource management mechanisms as well as a Linear Programming based analytical solution for the optimal network resource allocation problem. In addition, alternative computationally efficient heuristic based algorithms have also been designed to achieve near-optimal performance

    Perceptual techniques in audio quality assessment

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    Characterisation of noisy speech channels in 2G and 3G mobile networks

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    As the wireless cellular market reaches competitive levels never seen before, network operators need to focus on maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) a main priority if they wish to attract new subscribers while keeping existing customers satisfied. Speech Quality as perceived by the end user is one major example of a characteristic in constant need of maintenance and improvement. It is in this topic that this Master Thesis project fits in. Making use of an intrusive method of speech quality evaluation, as a means to further study and characterize the performance of speech codecs in second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) technologies. Trying to find further correlation between codecs with similar bit rates, along with the exploration of certain transmission parameters which may aid in the assessment of speech quality. Due to some limitations concerning the audio analyzer equipment that was to be employed, a different system for recording the test samples was sought out. Although the new designed system is not standard, after extensive testing and optimization of the system's parameters, final results were found reliable and satisfactory. Tests include a set of high and low bit rate codecs for both 2G and 3G, where values were compared and analysed, leading to the outcome that 3G speech codecs perform better, under the approximately same conditions, when compared with 2G. Reinforcing the idea that 3G is, with no doubt, the best choice if the costumer looks for the best possible listening speech quality. Regarding the transmission parameters chosen for the experiment, the Receiver Quality (RxQual) and Received Energy per Chip to the Power Density Ratio (Ec/N0), these were subject to speech quality correlation tests. Final results of RxQual were compared to those of prior studies from different researchers and, are considered to be of important relevance. Leading to the confirmation of RxQual as a reliable indicator of speech quality. As for Ec/N0, it is not possible to state it as a speech quality indicator however, it shows clear thresholds for which the MOS values decrease significantly. The studied transmission parameters show that they can be used not only for network management purposes but, at the same time, give an expected idea to the communications engineer (or technician) of the end-to-end speech quality consequences. With the conclusion of the work new ideas for future studies come to mind. Considering that the fourth-generation (4G) cellular technologies are now beginning to take an important place in the global market, as the first all-IP network structure, it seems of great relevance that 4G speech quality should be subject of evaluation. Comparing it to 3G, not only in narrowband but also adding wideband scenarios with the most recent standard objective method of speech quality assessment, POLQA. Also, new data found on Ec/N0 tests, justifies further research studies with the intention of validating the assumptions made in this work.Com o mercado das redes móveis a atingir níveis de competitividade nunca antes vistos, existe a crescente necessidade por parte dos operadores de rede em focar-se na Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) como principal prioridade, no sentido de atrair novos clientes ao mesmo tempo que asseguram a satisfação dos seus actuais assinantes. A percepção da Qualidade de Voz, por parte do utilizador, é apenas um exemplo de uma característica de QoS em constante necessidade de manutenção e melhoramento. Sendo nesta temática em que se insere a Tese de Mestrado. Aplicando um método intrusivo de avaliação de qualidade de voz, como meio para um estudo mais aprofundado e, ao mesmo tempo, caracterizando o desempenho dos codecs de voz para as tecnologias de segunda-geração (2G) e terceira-geração (3G). Investigando nova informação que possa ser retirada da correlação entre codecs com bit rates semelhantes, juntamente com a exploração de determinados 'parâmetros de transmissão os quais podem auxiliar na avaliação da qualidade de voz. Devido a algumas limitações ligadas ao analisador de áudio (requisito neste tipo de aplicações), existiu a necessidade de procurar um sistema distinto para gravação das amostras de teste. Embora o sistema escolhido não seja padronizado para este tipo de ensaios, após vários testes e consequente optimização dos parâmetros do sistema, os resultados finais consideram-se credíveis e satisfatórios. Os testes efectuados incluem um conjunto de codecs de elevado e baixo bit rate, onde a comparação e análise dos resultados levam a concluir que codecs de voz 3G têm melhor desempenho, sob aproximadamente as mesmas condições, comparativamente com os 2G. Reforçando a ideia generalizada que 3G é, sem dúvida, a melhor escolha se o utilizador procura uma solução superior a nível de qualidade de voz. No que diz respeito aos parâmetros de transmissão escolhidos para a experiência, RxQual (Qualidade do sinal Recebido pela estacão móvel) e Ec/N0 (razão entre Energia por chip e a Densidade Espectral de Potência), estes foram sujeitos a testes de correlação com a qualidade de voz. Os resultados de RxQual foram sujeitos a comparação com estudos prévios de outros investigadores, confirmando este parâmetro como um indicador de qualidade de voz bastante fiável. Quanto a Ec/N0, não é possível declará-lo como um indicador de qualidade de voz, no entanto, este demonstra limites claros para os quais os valores de Mean Opinion Score (MOS) decrescem significativamente. Os parâmetros de transmissão estudados demonstram não só que podem ser utilizados com objectivos de gestão de rede mas como também podem fornecer, ao engenheiro (ou técnico), informação relativa ao impacto que poderá existir na qualidade de voz. Com a finalização deste trabalho é possível constatar que novos estudos devem ser efectuados. Considerando que a tecnologia de quarta-geração (4G) começa agora a dar os seus primeiros passos no mercado das redes móveis, como a primeira com arquitectura de rede totalmente orientada para IP, parece de grande importância que esta tecnologia seja sujeita a avaliação. Comparando-a com 3G, não só para banda-estreita (300 a 3400 Hz) como também para cenários de banda-larga (50 a 7000Hz), aplicando o mais recente método normalizado de avaliação de qualidade de voz, o POLQA. Por fim, também se verifica como pertinente uma continuação do estudo relativo a Ec/N0 a fim de validar as ilações retiradas neste trabalho
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