1,198,924 research outputs found

    Testing surface area with arbitrary accuracy

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    Recently, Kothari et al.\ gave an algorithm for testing the surface area of an arbitrary set A⊂[0,1]nA \subset [0, 1]^n. Specifically, they gave a randomized algorithm such that if AA's surface area is less than SS then the algorithm will accept with high probability, and if the algorithm accepts with high probability then there is some perturbation of AA with surface area at most κnS\kappa_n S. Here, κn\kappa_n is a dimension-dependent constant which is strictly larger than 1 if n≥2n \ge 2, and grows to 4/π4/\pi as n→∞n \to \infty. We give an improved analysis of Kothari et al.'s algorithm. In doing so, we replace the constant κn\kappa_n with 1+η1 + \eta for η>0\eta > 0 arbitrary. We also extend the algorithm to more general measures on Riemannian manifolds.Comment: 5 page

    Methods for The Testing of Nanopowder

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    Methods for the testing of nanopowders produced by wires electric explosion were considered. The following characteristics were proposed for the testing of nanopowders : main substance content, characteristic sizes of particles, specific surface area etc..Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Testing Surface Area

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    Influence of space allowance on the welfare of weaned buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) calves

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    Twenty weaned female buffalo calves were used to evaluate the effect of space allowance in relation to their body surface area on a range of behavioural and physiological parameters. Body surface area in m2 was calculated as 0.12 body weight0.60. Ten calves received 50% of body surface as space allocation (Group 50), 10 others received 90% of body surface area (Group 90). Animals in Group 50 lay with a lower number of outstretched legs than calves in Group 90. Buffaloes from Group 50 were observed standing more frequently than animals from Group 90 ( P < 0.001). The proportions of idling ( P < 0.01) and lying idle observations ( P < 0.001) were higher for Group 90 than for Group 50. Group 90 performed a higher number of non-agonistic interactions than Group 50 ( P < 0.01), whereas the opposite was observed for the number of agonistic interactions ( P < 0.01). When exposed to open field testing, Group 50 animals displayed an increased duration of movement, number of galloping events and more vocalisation. Neither immune responses to phytohemagglutinin and ovalbumin nor the cortisol response to exogenous ACTH were affected by treatment. It was concluded that 50% of body surface area may be an inadequate space allowance for weaned calves

    Oxygen electrodes for rechargeable alkaline fuel cells

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    Electrocatalysts and supports for the positive electrode of moderate temperature single unit rechargeable alkaline fuel cells were investigated and developed. The electrocatalysts are defined as the material with a higher activity for the oxygen electrode reaction than the support. Advanced development will require that the materials be prepared in high surface area forms, and may also entail integration of various candidate materials. Eight candidate support materials and seven electrocatalysts were investigated. Of the 8 support, 3 materials meet the preliminary requirements in terms of electrical conductivity and stability. Emphasis is now on preparing in high surface area form and testing under more severe corrosion stress conditions. Of the 7 electrocatalysts prepared and evaluated, at least 5 materials remain as potential candidates. The major emphasis remains on preparation, physical characterization and electrochemical performance testing

    Delayed fracture of silicon: Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost silicon solar array project

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    Bar specimens were cut from ingots of single crystal silicon, and acid etched prior to testing. Artificial surface flaws were introduced in specimens by indentation with a Knoop hardness tester. The specimens were loaded in four-point bending to 95 percent of the nominal fracture stress, while keeping the surface area, containing the flaw, wet with test liquids. No evidence of delayed fracture, and, therefore stress corrosion, of single crystal silicon was observed for liquid environments including water, acetone, and aqueous solutions of NaCl, NH4OH, and HNO3, when tested with a flaw parallel to a (110) surface. The fracture toughness was calculated

    Frequency response of electrochemical cells

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    Impedance concepts can be applied to the analysis of battery electrodes, yielding information about the structure of the electrode and the processes occurring in the electrode. Structural parameters such as the specific area (surface area per gram of electrode) can be estimated. Electrode variables such as surface overpotential, ohmic losses, and diffusion limitations may be studied. Nickel and cadmium electrodes were studied by measuring the ac impedance as a function of frequency, and the specific areas that were determined were well within the range of specific areas determined from BET measurements. Impedance spectra were measured for the nickel and cadmium electrodes, and for a 20 A-hr NiCd battery as functions of the state of charge. More work is needed to determine the feasibility of using frequency response as a nondestructive testing technique for batteries

    Analisis Perbandingan Metode Pengujian Kekasaran Permukaan Pada Material Polimer Dan Komposit - Review

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    The development of composite materials can be combined with the test material to obtain a composite material properties such as strength, hardness, wear, and surface roughness. The surface roughness of polymeric materials and composites can be tested in many ways, ranging from tactile method (profile measurement), focus variation (area measurement), fringe projection (area measurement), confocal laser scanning microscope (area measurement), and several other methods. Varied roughness testing on the surface will be compared to obtain the most suitable testing method to obtain the roughness of hybrid composite and composite ceramic specimens. The method used in this study is literature review. For hybrid composite material will be less suitable when using tactile method because of hybrid composite having a lower surface hardness. Additionally hybrid composite has a porosity value greater than the ceramic composite. This causes hybrid composite is more rugged than ceramic composite. Therefore with greater porosity will be suitable when using the roughness measurement with a microscope device such as fringe projection (area measurement), and confocal laser scanning microscope (area measurement)

    Surface glazing of concrete using a 2.5 kW high power diode laser and the effects of large beam geometry

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    Interaction of a 2.5 kW high power diode laser (HPDL) beam with the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) surface of concrete has been investigated, resulting in the generation of a tough, inexpensive amorphous glaze. Life assessment testing revealed that the OPC glaze had an increase in wear life of 1.3 to 14.8 times over an untreated OPC surface, depending upon the corrosive environment. Also, variations in the width of the HPDL beam were seen to have a considerable affect on the melt depth. Furthermore, the maximum coverage rate that it may be possible to achieve using the HPDL was calculated as being 1.94 m2/h. It is a distinct possibility that the economic and material benefits to be gained from the deployment of such an effective and efficient large area coating on OPC could be significant
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