5 research outputs found

    Automated Web Application Testing Using Improvement Selenium

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    The basis of this project is to develop an automated web application testing tool using the enhancement of Selenium which is an open source testing tool. The tool should able to handle automated tests with a group of testers. The current testing tools are proprietary tool and not all test engineers expert or have a deep knowledge in programming which is required to create automated test case. The main problem in testing is time consuming where some of testers are still using manual testing. The scope of study is to develop a tool for software tester who focuses on functional testing and the tool can execute test cases on different platforms which are Windows, Linux and Mac. Each platform has different browsers which are Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. A qualitative research is done in this project by interviewing several software test engineers who are familiar with automated testing and a framework has been designed in order to fulfill the requirements and to cater the problems that are currently facing. This framework is developed and coded by using Eclipse IDE, Apache ANT and TestNG. As a result, this testing tool is using the combination of Selenium Grid and TestNG in order to create a template for software tester to use it easily. This framework is compatible to all browsers and platforms that are commonly used by Internet users

    Automated Web Application Testing Using Improvement Selenium

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    The basis of this project is to develop an automated web application testing tool using the enhancement of Selenium which is an open source testing tool. The tool should able to handle automated tests with a group of testers. The current testing tools are proprietary tool and not all test engineers expert or have a deep knowledge in programming which is required to create automated test case. The main problem in testing is time consuming where some of testers are still using manual testing. The scope of study is to develop a tool for software tester who focuses on functional testing and the tool can execute test cases on different platforms which are Windows, Linux and Mac. Each platform has different browsers which are Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. A qualitative research is done in this project by interviewing several software test engineers who are familiar with automated testing and a framework has been designed in order to fulfill the requirements and to cater the problems that are currently facing. This framework is developed and coded by using Eclipse IDE, Apache ANT and TestNG. As a result, this testing tool is using the combination of Selenium Grid and TestNG in order to create a template for software tester to use it easily. This framework is compatible to all browsers and platforms that are commonly used by Internet users

    Performance Instrumentation of Production Planning System

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    Työpöytäsovellusten suorituskyvyn mittaaminen lopullisessa käyttöympäristössä antaa kehittäjälle tietoa ohjelmiston laadusta ja käytettävyydestä varsinaisissa käyttötilanteissa. Suorituskyvyn mittaaminen kehitysympäristön ulkopuolella vaatii kuitenkin runsaasti kehittäjien resursseja, koska tiedonkeruutoimintojen lisääminen vaatii usein merkittäviä muutoksia valmiiseen koodipohjaan. Tässä työssä kehitetään toimivampi ratkaisu suorituskyvyn mittaamiseen käyttöympäristössä. SW-Development on ohjelmistoyritys, joka kehittää pääasiallisesti tuotannonsuunnittelujärjestelmiä valmistavan teollisuuden tarpeisiin. Yrityksen tuotannonsuunnittelujärjestelmä, SWD Planning Effieciency System (SWD PES), tarjoaa asiakkaille tuotannonsuunnitteluun ja optimointiin kehitettyjä työkaluja. Järjestelmä käyttää paljon tietokantadataa ja suorittaa raskaitakin laskentaoperaatioita. Järjestelmää kehitetään edelleen, ja siksi suorituskyvyn mittaaminen myös kehitysympäristön ulkopuolella on tärkeä osa jatkuvaa kehitystä. Tässä työssä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin komponentti suorituskykyinstrumentointia varten. Komponentin avulla kehittäjät voivat seurata tuotannonsuunnittelujärjestelmän toimintaa asiakkaan tuotantoympäristössä. Suunnitteluvaiheessa valittiin tietojen keräämiseen käytettävä metriikkakirjasto. Komponentti kerää suorituskykytietoja käyttäjän instanssista ja lähettää metriikkadataa valittuun Microsoftin Application Insights -palveluun. Palvelussa kerättyjä tietoja voidaan ryhmitellä ja visualisoida. Analysoidun datan avulla järjestelmätoimittaja voi tarkastella järjestelmän suoriutumista etänä ja tehdä tarvittavia toimenpiteitä, mikäli ongelmakohtia tai pullonkauloja ilmenee. Ohjelmakoodiin tehtävien muutosten minimoimiseksi monitorointiominaisuudet toteutettiin aspektiohjelmointia käyttäen

    On the quality of Web Services.

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    Web Services (WSs) are gaining increasing attention as programming components and so is their quality. WSs offer many benefits, like assured interoperability, and reusability. Conversely, they introduce a number of challenges as far as their quality is concerned, seen from the perspectives of two different stakeholders: (1) the developer/provider of WSs and (2) the consumer of WSs. Developers are usually concerned about the correctness of the WS's functionality which can be assessed by functional testing. Consumers of WSs are usually careful about the reliability of WSs they are depending on (in addition to other qualities). They need to know whether the WSs are available (i.e., up and running), accessible (i.e., they actually accept requests) while available and whether they successfully deliver responses for the incoming requests. Availability, Accessibility, and Successability of WSs are directly related to WS reliability. Assessing these three factors via testing is usually only feasible at late stages of the development life-cycle. If they can be predicted early during the development, they can provide valuable information that may positively influence the engineering of WSs with regards to their quality. In this thesis we focus on assessing the quality of WSs via testing and via prediction. Testing of WSs is addressed by an extensive systematic literature review that focuses on a special type of WSs, the semantic WSs. The main objective of the review is to capture the current state of the art of functional testing of semantic WSs and to identify possible approaches for deriving functional test cases from their requirement specifications. The review follows a predefined procedure that involves automatically searching 5 well-known digital libraries. After applying the selection criteria to the search results, a total of 34 studies were identified as relevant. Required information was extracted from the studies, synthesized and summarized. The results of the systematic literature review showed that it is possible to derive test cases from requirement specifications of semantic WSs based on the different testing approaches identified in the primary studies. In more than half of the identified approaches, test cases are derived from transformed specification models. Petri Nets (and its derivatives) is the mostly used transformation. To derive test cases, different techniques are applied to the specification models. Model checking is largely used for this purpose. Prediction of Availability, Accessibility, and Successability is addressed by a correlational study in which we focused on identifying possible relations between the quality attributes Availability, Accessibility, and Successability and other internal quality measures (e.g., cyclomatic complexity) that may allow building statistically significant predictive models for the three attributes. A total of 34 students interacted freely with 20 pre-selected WSs while internal and external quality measures are collected using a data collection framework designed and implemented specially for this purpose. The collected data are then analyzed using different statistical approaches. The correlational study conducted confirmed that it is possible to build statistically significant predictive models for Accessibility and Successability. A very large number of significant models was built using two different approaches, namely the binary logistic regression and the ordinal logistic regression. Many significant predictive models were selected out of the identified models based on special criteria that take into consideration the predictive power and the stability of the models. The selected models are validated using the bootstrap validation technique. The result of validation showed that only two models out of the selected models are well calibrated and expected to maintain their predictive power when applied to a future dataset. These two models are for predicting Accessibility based on the number of weighted methods (WM) and the number of lines of code (LOC) respectively. The approach and the findings presented in this work for building accurate predictive models for the WSs qualities Availability, Accessibility, and Successability may offer researchers and practitioners an opportunity to examine and build similar predictive models for other WSs qualities, thus allowing for early prediction of the targeted qualities and hence early adjustments during the development to satisfy any requirements imposed on the WSs with regards to the predicted qualities. Early prediction of WSs qualities may help leverage trust on the WSs and reduces development costs, hence increases their adoption